(!)Semi-hiatus. |
Thursday, March 29, 2007
6:40 AM
yo people. today quite sad and suck,cos go school. then its the last english speech and drama lesson.mr jow.. we misssssssssssssss uuuuuuuuu. hahs. we wrote a card for him then in class do then ask all the his class people to sign rite. then when steven turn he go sign. i ask him"eh. can write note or message not" then he say"write what. okay. thank you. i'll.." havent say finish i say "write love you" he go say" dun wan.. thn he go write miss you." ahhas. then the girls also write. i wrote. thanks,<33>loves to 1diligence o7'.6/7 o6'. church ppl. family. friends. table tennis team. mr jow and miss lee, ONEDILLIGENCE O7' will missssssss you and looooveeeeee you forever!!!!!!!!!!!!
Wednesday, March 28, 2007
5:35 AM
yo peeps. im seriously mad todayyyyy. HAHAS.dunnoe why??! hahas. is like,. i wake up. then yay!1 ahah/ go school lorh. then its p.e first/ then is play table tennis. arghh. keep asking me to play. i told u all liao.i suck.mm hmm. then is english. i hand to teacher the homework. then actually first 10 mins voting fot the class designing p.e shirts. choosing what colour. then me and misha is want orange lah.ppl, see this,,ORANGE IS MORE STRIKING THAN LIGHT BLUEyah lah! yes okokay.. then not comfirm. then end of english lesson go vote again. more choices. then stiill, havent. so recess lerr.. ate dunnoe what thing. ahhas. then yah larh. then. life science. quite fun larhh. ahahss.. then when we came back from life science. i got back to my tabe then see why i got an excuse slip. then got a note. said that me and peggy go be table management. YAY! ahahs. then today is junior colleges play. okoaky lorr. then charisma. teacher never come. then now, woting for the t shirt luhh. then is lke me and misha votes for ORANGE!! ahahs. hen everytime orange. but still, no orange.. sads.. then got the final result ler.. why cant 1 dilligence be more bonded. not girls problem, guys, its your problem then halfway. me,kahbing,learning go sing"what ive been lokking for" with the snapping part. ahah.. arghh. yeah. then i halfway go lerr. go the table management. ahhs. then we become mad.. i serious become more humorous in sec school. keep making peggy laugh. hahs. then we make the umpires mad.. hahahs. is like. cause they finish refree-ing the match. they pass the results up. then i will like say"HIIII!!!" peggy will say"BYEEEE". ahahs. thn the umpires. blur blur one. then i say. u supposed to say hi lei. cos i siad hi. and u supposed to say bye. cos she say bye. a ahhhaha. s=damn funny. al umpires al give the bllur look. then i say lerr. then either say "hi/yo." cool man. ahahahha.. then got 2 umpires keep making us laugh. then we keep playing the "qing ni gen wo zhe yang zuo" that game. ahahs.. then fun. then go home walking out got 2 umpires/ he siad byebye. then me and peggy say bye lah. then he say "im not saying to you leii." then we like give der bu shuang and ke lian der lians. ahah.. then he said "okokay lah. buhbye lah." ahah. fun. then when near the bubble tea shop the bustop. got another umpire. he listening mp3. i go like wave at him say hi,bye. ahah. he like blur blur. then come out of bubble tea shop also saw him. then haha. this time he clever luuhh/ saw me go take out the earphones. hahass.. then i say "bye" he say ":bye"then go the bus rite. got me,sis,yuanhui,regina and marrianne take. the stupid bus driver dun let my bubble tea come in. arghh. then yah then when yuanhui and regina go, they climb down the stairs, then hear yuanhui scream and the "fall down sound" hahas. the tkgs ppl sitting beside us thought she fall dowen then one still ask"will she be okay?"hahas. then she message me say is her phone drop. ahah. from the stairs to the door. ahas pain man. yah. abt like that. so called mad day. ahahs.. kies..BUHBYE PEOPLE. AHHA. DUNTE MISS ME. AHHAS. LOVESS..
yo peeps. im seriously mad todayyyyy. HAHAS.dunnoe why??! hahas. is like,. i wake up. then yay!1 ahah/ go school lorh. then its p.e first/ then is play table tennis. arghh. keep asking me to play. i told u all liao.i suck.mm hmm. then is english. i hand to teacher the homework. then actually first 10 mins voting fot the class designing p.e shirts. choosing what colour. then me and misha is want orange lah.ppl, see this,,ORANGE IS MORE STRIKING THAN LIGHT BLUEyah lah! yes okokay.. then not comfirm. then end of english lesson go vote again. more choices. then stiill, havent. so recess lerr.. ate dunnoe what thing. ahhas. then yah larh. then. life science. quite fun larhh. ahahss.. then when we came back from life science. i got back to my tabe then see why i got an excuse slip. then got a note. said that me and peggy go be table management. YAY! ahahs. then today is junior colleges play. okoaky lorr. then charisma. teacher never come. then now, woting for the t shirt luhh. then is lke me and misha votes for ORANGE!! ahahs. hen everytime orange. but still, no orange.. sads.. then got the final result ler.. why cant 1 dilligence be more bonded. not girls problem, guys, its your problem then halfway. me,kahbing,learning go sing"what ive been lokking for" with the snapping part. ahah.. arghh. yeah. then i halfway go lerr. go the table management. ahhs. then we become mad.. i serious become more humorous in sec school. keep making peggy laugh. hahs. then we make the umpires mad.. hahahs. is like. cause they finish refree-ing the match. they pass the results up. then i will like say"HIIII!!!" peggy will say"BYEEEE". ahahs. thn the umpires. blur blur one. then i say. u supposed to say hi lei. cos i siad hi. and u supposed to say bye. cos she say bye. a ahhhaha. s=damn funny. al umpires al give the bllur look. then i say lerr. then either say "hi/yo." cool man. ahahahha.. then got 2 umpires keep making us laugh. then we keep playing the "qing ni gen wo zhe yang zuo" that game. ahahs.. then fun. then go home walking out got 2 umpires/ he siad byebye. then me and peggy say bye lah. then he say "im not saying to you leii." then we like give der bu shuang and ke lian der lians. ahah.. then he said "okokay lah. buhbye lah." ahah. fun. then when near the bubble tea shop the bustop. got another umpire. he listening mp3. i go like wave at him say hi,bye. ahah. he like blur blur. then come out of bubble tea shop also saw him. then haha. this time he clever luuhh/ saw me go take out the earphones. hahass.. then i say "bye" he say ":bye"then go the bus rite. got me,sis,yuanhui,regina and marrianne take. the stupid bus driver dun let my bubble tea come in. arghh. then yah then when yuanhui and regina go, they climb down the stairs, then hear yuanhui scream and the "fall down sound" hahas. the tkgs ppl sitting beside us thought she fall dowen then one still ask"will she be okay?"hahas. then she message me say is her phone drop. ahah. from the stairs to the door. ahas pain man. yah. abt like that. so called mad day. ahahs.. kies..BUHBYE PEOPLE. AHHA. DUNTE MISS ME. AHHAS. LOVESS..
Monday, March 26, 2007
6:23 AM
hello. haha. kies. shall pst bout ytd.. haha. hmm. morning go church. my father nt arnd. so reach church earlier lah. definitely. ahahss. then. yah. then cos dunno what teachers trng thingg. then jason's class whic his we. go to preacherr ling li's class. yeah. okokay.ythen alottt of ppl can. aha. then aft that go service,choir all thosse yea, then yah. then we actl aft choir wna go out and see mr beans holiday. then what?? SOLD OUT & FULL HOUSE. arhghh. then we went to take neoprints luh.[me,grace,sis,ty].. haha, spent long time decorating it and once agagin we were mad.. ahha.. then at night go eat dinner with me family, grace family and wan ting;s family.. haha. okokay. i hav no appetite.. then go home larh. then at nigght rite. damn funny can. cos i was doing my hw using the com. then suddenly got one john come out. i was damn shocked can.. ahah. his parents came to dddrink coffee. then wan ting nvr come.. then haha.. john help me with my home work and thanks arhh. [eight time liao]. haha.. then today.. hmm. got comps.. we lost :(.. nvm they did well aniway.. then congrats to b div. and boys. they got to top 8 lorr. yeah. then we walk out then at near bombay cafe yuanhui ask if wna go out to see mr beans holiday. c gers onli. ahh. to make them HAPPY AND MAD AND HIGH. HAHA. mad liaoo.. hahaha. kkies. then now lahh. then.. BUHBYE.. :D
Monday, March 12, 2007
7:50 AM
yo peoplehaha..okokay. hmm.. today. woke up @ 9 plus? then grace ssay she come first then go vivo together, oh yeah. today gg out with grace,wan ting& john.. go watch music and lyrics. they say they [wanting&john] go buy tickets first. then okokay lor. see the show is 1420h. yepp. then me and grace when walking to mrt, we keep recaping MS SWAN, HAHA! funny man. ahah. then keep seeing dancing queeen ok okay. i tell u everything. everything/ he... look a like a man. WAAHAHAA. so dumb.okokay. we reached vivo yeah?? then we[me&grace] go candy empire. then yeah. see, see, see. then we ask where them[wan ting&john]. then she say they come find us. haha. then john huh. keep hit hit hit hit. hha. then yah. go where? they told us they played xbox for 1 hr while waiting for us. wahaha. then, go alot of shops first. then go the cinema thingy.. then @ the buy popcorn place. then grace say she wan nacho set. i say i onli wan drink. then at first i say i wan sprite. then i say no. i wan ice lemon tea. then grace ask u wan half sprite half ice lemon tea. then hahahaha. HAHA! so lame. kkies. then go in rite. then is wanting,john,ME(:,grace. then its like wan ting keep passing popcorn to us.. haha. then the movie havent start grace like finish her nachos. haha. cos we came in early. then. start, then laugh. wa! then the 2 ppl beside me keep llaughing can.. den some parts i dun get it so nvr laugh lor. ahha.. then one part ah. the sophie fisher & the alex fletcher kissing and gna do that thing.[haha]. john go cover my eyes. haha. then i say wa. i sec 1 liao hor. not p6. HAHA. kkies. then what ah..the movie is damn nice. and funny. ahha.they dance veri funny& the cora is damn yuck lah.. siao siao one. ajahaha. then aft movie go where. forget! how.. ohyeah/ aiyah. go somewhere some shops & then candy empire. then oh yah. the adidas shop damn BIG can. ahha.. then bought wonka nerds rope thingy. m&ms crispy and one tube thing. then they say what. toothpaste arh,. then bought john siad he wna try then let him try lah.. then he said is damn sour. then me & grace try. ITS NOT SOUR!1, i asked wan ting if she wans. she say she dun wan. okokay.then. took mrt? back home? yeah. haha.. yupp.. hmm. tmr got tuition., dunno got hw. must wake up early do. wahaahah. then go online just now. wanting sat she hungry. she always hungry leii. ahhaha. grace nvr. haha. john also online. then yah. like that then classmates also online. then yah. talk talk talk talk & TALK. yah. ahha./okokay. yeah. tt's today.. buhbye.. Sunday, March 11, 2007
1:12 AM
holiday homework:1 more week.. |
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