(!)Semi-hiatus. |
Friday, April 27, 2007
8:09 PM
HAPPY BIRTHDAY MISS MOK! i love you!! yay. best e lit. teacher. yay. ahha! hmm. ytd dinner was like damn funnny. cos before that i was seeing travel and living that channel. they was like showing disney world lah. i california. i was craving to go there! then i was thinking i wanna tell my mother. hahha! ITS DAMN NICE OKAY! haiz. dinner that time my bro ask aunty ninfa. why my other go behind. aunty nifa say cos behind got toilet then she go luhh. my bro say, huh? behind got toilet meh. ahha my sis say"wl, u live here for two yrs liao. dunnoe behind go ttoilet?" then i was like laughing cos just now aunty ninfa say" toi-li-et." then i told my bro"eh kor. she just now said toi-li-et leii!" then i started laughing. my bro then said"not funny" whateve man. haha. when my parents came home, they go eat lah. duh,. i go ask my mother" mummy i wanna go california, got the disney world lah. if really go. i wanna ride all lah. except 1 of them. dunte noe how to explain." she said" huh. maybe bah. end of year can maybe go further places like europe, london," then say the places. when my bro heard europe, he said" huh. u all got so much money meh. ahha. then he say,:"eh! go old trafford lah!!" then i said"manchester united rite" O.o. ahha! then i was like, eh? btw. europe also got disneylland. aahha. but california better lah! sooooooooooo much better!! :D ahhh. at prayer mtg. i told grace, she was like saying, okay, i wanna save money liao, go with u all, yay. aagahah. uh huh. dunt enoe what to say liao.. hhaha! mugging hard for mye. hehe. :D byebyee.
hello!! :D ahhaha. mad today. hmm. today go school. then "hi" to pple lah. duh. hm. then rush to do lit homework cos dunnoe miss mok when collect. then FLAG RAISING. YAY!!gave miss mok present. tmr her birthday!! yay. then aft we give then she say,"come hugs for everyone" WOAH! SHE GO HUG ME FIRST. YAY! I LOVE YOU AHHAHA!haha. yay. haha. aft flag raising math lesson. mr teo was sick. take care and get well soon ^^ hmm. it was acc after that. SIAN MAN. ahaha. then history lecture. 2 HOURS. okay lah. got back history test. passed by 1 mark -.- hehe. then what mr anthony. he suck lah. so mean. MR BECURY IS SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO MUCH BETTER. he says he like 1DL. yay. HAHAH. hmm. then chinese speech and drama. like playing time lah. play games all the way. FUN. then got one game it was the got one person cannot see who the leader guess whos the leader everybody else follow the leader. uh huh. then got once huh. teacehr asked felicia to be the leader. then jiangjun was the 'catch the leader' that person.when started rite. we all were doing/ then he go guess me. ahha! wrong lah. then all "leck qiiiiiiiiiii," ahha. then he guess felicia then correct. cos the person catch the leader that one was supposed to sit to that leaders space. he go sit rite. then everybody"(scream)woah the greatgrandma and great grandfather sitting together: i was like: shut up lah crap leii" damn pisssssseeeeeedddddd. then the teacher ask dunnoe what. but its nonsense lah. then i say" lao shi. jia de lah. bu yao xiang xin ta men" ahha. okokay. next game is dunnoe how to explain. just spot the changes lah. teacher will change them. then when the girls turn to spot and boys turn to freeze and tdo the actions. i was the first one to guess a mistake lah. YAY. ahah. i guess was that jiangjun's and nigel's specs exchange. then correct lah. YAY. ahhaa. then teacher say:(in chinese) "woah. so clever ah. change specs also can see" hhaha. duh. me what. ahha. okokay. yah. then after cl speech and drama can go home ler. then stevern told me and xin yi:"you noe teacher actually wanted jiangjun to point middle finger" then we laughed lah. AHHAHA. hmm. about like that lorr. took bus and train home with learning, jocelyn, veda. then when i reached home i saw a message. from jocelyn she said"omg...patrick(alvin) is a 100% pervert... how can he still take da same train as me aft such a long time? but he did! proves that he's a pervert" exactly what she said. haha. good for you lah jocelyn!! MRS WONGGGG. hahaha! okokay. stop crapping. buhbyee :D
Thursday, April 19, 2007
3:07 AM
yo!! hahaa. haii. todday science test. hmm. yupp/. then okay arh. scared fail. wait. recess? nothing to say. yah. nothing to say larh. just that science test veri scary larh. then hnn, aftscience test, veda,learning, jocelyn, me, walk out together. hmm. were talking. yupp. then learning kept cursing stone[jiangjun] to fall down. cos they keep saying pebble love stone stone love pebble. then she go make a sound thingy rite pebble hate stone stone hate pebble. veri funny. oh yah. thank you. helping me find themes..then. go to the shop.. buy things to eat cos nvr eat lunch then they bought bubble tea. then saw the boys[alvin,brandon,jiakang,rhine,jiangjun,junwei,shaohong] i thin kgot like that. then they were like oh shit. but itslike classmates only mah. then.. aiyah. dunte care them. rumours you noe?? hahs. then veda and jocelyn laugh till. dunno why?? then jocelyn laugh till she must squat on the floor. hahas.then when bus come we took cos they sttiill in the shop buying stuff. then veda and jocelyn still laughing. then i tell learning. i laughing at them. not with them. cos they laugh veri funny one leh. hha. then we top first cos learning still need to take. then we got off. then at near the recycling bin there. jocelyn wna drink finish. but cannot cos sahe kept laughing. see larh. laugh so long till 135 come then the boys come. hurhurr. then they sad. then faster drink and throw. then walked till the mrt. as usual the train to boonlay came first. so veda dunte wna go first. ten not long. the boys all came. hhahs. then madness liao lorr. then when out train come. we said bye. then walk too not crowded the place. then veda suddenly say"red alert red alert" then me and jocelyn huh? then we turn to the boys and saw them coming then jocelyn was like"omg" i was like"wtf???" gahs, then veri funny. then we said buhbyee to veda. then she said to us.then the boys came to the place we stand lorr.then we damn shocked.then they kept talking.then i suddenly got a message from veda"red alert red alert" then jocelyn also have. hah. funny. then yah. then shao hong got down in bedok larh. then they siad byebye then i said bye rite then they turn to me i say: what??! is polite okay. u noe whats manners?" then i looked at jocelyn and laughed. hahs.then i got down i said bye to jocelyn cos she going down at tamp same as patrick starfish, alvin. [HAHA!]. then yah. then i said bye to the boys arh. they nvr reply. stupiiiiiiiid them. hahs. haiiz. then yah. watch tv then got online. then started added every DL person to a conversatio. then one by one go. then everytime left me, xinyi.,. and thianhong. we are still talking 3 of us now larh. hahs. wl. and chungcheng's wushu really damn good. thianhong's msn personal message:YEAH! CCHMS XD WON THE CHAMPION FOR ALL C,B BOYS.C,B GIRLS. :D.. XD," damn cool can. chung cheng rockss!!! :D hahs. then yupp.nth to say lerr. today no piano. hahs. byebyeeeeeeeeeeeeee. :D
Wednesday, April 18, 2007
6:54 AM
![]() Sunday, April 15, 2007
7:19 AM
helllooooo. changed blogskin,. kinda lame.. hurhur. according to yuanhui. hahs. okokay. hmm..13 april: is like damn fun!! SPORTS DAY funn. hahs. then gave cubyrop to whole class. so kind,, hurhur. exchanged alot of snacks. ya. fun. cheered ALOT. aiyah. then sec 3 and 4 spoil the chungcheng wave. wahlau. ahhahs.is like sec 1 and 2 stand then they nvr BISH THEM LARHH. hahs. then u noe wwhy they put sec 1 and 2 at each side of the corner. cos we cheered alot louder and more. sec 1 got aloooooot of entu leii hahs. recorded the rock you cheer, hhas. ngee ann won the interschol cheering competition though. the the staff competition. last. aiyo. they cant run larh. fall down somemore.wah. the 20x100m run damn cool.dunman was leading then chungcheng 2nd. then when chung cheng catched up. everybody screamm. then finally. when won also scream like mad larh. hahs. aiyah. enuf of sports day. hurhurr. watched mr beans holuiday with yuanhui,rachel yap,tricia. hahs. made fun of tricia's name in swensens [me&yuanhui,] hahs. so fun. then in cinema. like only me and yuanhui lugh can. they both sit there sian sian. like gna sleep. hahs. abit boring but some parts funny what. hgahgahhas. okoay. 14 april:grace stayed our hse. then fun larh. then hmm. bought the cake for shen ting. then today student fellowship play water bomb/captian ball thingy. they called it walleyball hurhur. hahs. then veri fun. extreme fun. i wna get wet more. even though im damn wet. hurhur. then the last one everybody anyhow throw is dammnnn fun. wl. chingen, zhong zhong and john throw at me damn pain larh. then grace keep hitting a bomb at me nvr splash. hurhurr. ohyeah. took piccs to. hahs. FUN hahs. hmm. yep. like that larhh. hahs. 15 april: go church. is fun. yeah. hurhurr. then yepp. then when choir damn scary.. aiyah dunnoe lah. not exactly scary. well, i dunno! hahs. den played badminton. wah. fun. like played for 1 and a half hrs. hurhurr. so fuuunnn. hurhurr. okokay. byebyee. <3333333333> Friday, April 13, 2007
12:16 AM
Ok Ur Fav ... Fei Lun Hai ... i m so nice to search for u hor -John Thursday, April 12, 2007
11:53 PM
Ok people ... Ms julygirl -leckqii is now watching Mr bean's holiday which makes me jealous abt so i m helping her post for the day.. ok this is the greastest post ... coz i posted it ... anyway she had sports day this morning and need to wake up early hor nvm me 2 sch damn far n start sch nxt week =.= ... ok lets get back to serious work ... erm wat m i suppose to say ? anyway i help her post because i m bored haha asked her for PW then she give haha this mei so guai .. haha .. still waiting for her reply wat to post so in the mean time i shall juz type wat comes to my mind haha .. opps * ok not her secrets or she will kill me n you will she her next on News ... haha .. ok crap .. n seriously i donnoe wat to post .. haha .. o ya people MS LECK QI did badly for her exams ... oooo... n wats next mother nv scold lei ... wa so good rite .. haha ... anyway she replied me ... she says " don't write crap can and i now watching movie .. " so i shall not disturb her n continue blogging .. haha .. she good lo can go watch movie .. i don wan watch mr bean i wan to watch Stomp The Yard.. that show rocks luh juz like i do .. haha .. ok i shall stop blogging le ... anyway , people i m John ... if u donnoe juz ask leck qii who is the cutest n she will say JOHN .. n she better say its me ... if she say is she is simply juz lie-ing .. haha byez * hugs n kisses *
Wednesday, April 11, 2007
12:37 AM
okay. my results suck. damn freak larh. then in class i was like controlling not to cry. but sorry larh. i cried.. ahh. so shit. is like got 2 D7. then science is like 49.6. effff man. arghh. okay. took a class photo anyway.yay. then shirlyn was like. dun cry larh. u cry i feel like crying also larh. the nmisha and kahbing gave the tissues. and felicia keep saying chill. ahsh/. thankss. hahs. i onli got one A2/ arghh.. tmr got history test. must mug hardd. :D whos. gonna make the class blog anywayy. ahhs. oh yah. YUZHI/ I MISS U. U HAPPY NOW?? HAHS.. hahs. she asked me to do it.. ahhs. actl is she miss me larh., miss my poking. ahsh! okokayy. buhbyee.. <33 onediligence.
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