(!)Semi-hiatus. |
Friday, June 29, 2007
7:34 AM
HELLO,once again, schoool is fun, and today, MORE LAUGHTER!well, yeah,reached school;flag raising; is the same larr, nothing funny happened, lol! yahyah, today ncc day say rhine in he's uniform, miss annisa say he look more man in the unifrom, whahahah! funny sia! err, it was maths, noothing happened larhh, lol! did the worksheet! learning;felicia;me discussed the questions together, cos some they noe, some we do noe, then like 1 or 2 of us now AIYAH, whatever lah! hahahah! completed the worksheet anyway, oh yeah, got 'b' grade for the maths file, i think he never give 'a' der lorr. wahahah, yay, got b. wahhha, alvin asked me lah, i thought he got high grade mah thats why he ask, then he got 'd' i was like. okay. try harder next time lorr. whahaha, kahbing shld get 'a' can, so neat, maths rep somemore, whahha. and had conversational malay, i totally forgot what teacher zakiah thought us for term 1 lar! serious. whaahha! and watched a video abt a girl, balhbalhbalh., lol. it was recess! shared my cupcake with valerie;xinyi;jocelyn;me. hehh! veda&venessa brought food frm canteen back, whahaha. the cupcake was SUPER CHOCOLATE-TY! heheheh, eh, forgot what happened lehh. sianss. hahah, ohyeah, cos we have the donation envelope thingy and two round stickers, then is like for c-d rom der, and AS USUAL the boys were thinking dirty, AGAIN! heh! actl, is like not that funny lah. but okay lah., wahahah! and so felicia&me asked nigel"what u all laughing at?" nigel:"this thing lah!"[points at the 2 round stickers] felicia:"then?" nigel:"doesnt this looks like the *ahem!*?!!" me:"err,NO. so round one mehh, so perfect worr"[HEHEH!] nigel:"aiyah, i demonstrate for you lah!" [and nigel puts the two stickers on steven's chest and we laugheddddd till mad alr!] LOL. and was english, talked abt 'dracula' whahhah, read the story havent read finish actl, heheh, roughly get it lah, whahhaha, yahh, and did the worksheet! and miss annisa displayed all the group work thingy on the what gallery. whahaa. and she asked us to next time to see, heh. i saw alr sia! guai lehh me, whahhah! and had homework ): cos got A LONG WEEKEND, and me and felicia kept talking bout the class tee leehhh. wanna get it fast! and we asked nigel&steven they prefer the jersey type or the whole class name thingy, in the end, everybody laughed till... lol! CALLIGRAPHY!best period of the day siaaaaaaa! he introuduced himself and told us the exam thingy all thosee, i wanna get a1 ahh. cos is like the easiest subject u can get for it! heh! and he said all the brushes lorr. got the yang mao;lang der mao. blahblahblah! and the best-iest part is he took out one bigbigbigbigbig brush, and he passed it arnd the class to let everyboday touch it, feel it, AND, again, the boys are sick again! lol! the brush very long marr. then the brush to write thingy, they think as the boys *ahem!* and yahh, the passed it arnd, cos is like jiangjun start first! so when the brush reached his place, everybody laugh alr! then he kept touching all those, and passed passed passed, pass till alvin there, alvin go stroke it then everybody laugh again! and the teacher suddenly said"bu yao ba ta de mao chu lai ah!" and everybody laughed!" our class is super sick lerr lahh" and the everybody right, IT SEEMS THAT ONLY ALL BOYS AND FELICIA AND ME laughing abt it can, heh! maybe jocelyn&valerie have lorr, or ootherss. sick! then when passing to me alr, i taking alr! but slowly! cos i still laughing!laugh till i stomach damn pain and crying alr lah! and alvin said"aye,leckqi, just take larr, wont kill u der lah!" then some ppl laugh! lol! funffun! and left like 15 mins more, the teacher didnt care and we started doing our own stuff lorr, and they CONTINUED PLAYING WITH THEIR STICKERS! hahah! lols. and they stick on each others back mahh. and once, they keep sticking on jiakang's back! and once!! i think jianxing go stick on my shoulder okay! and shaohong said"eh leckqi,u turn, i think u will scream ahh" and i turned, and felicia helped me take it out. arghh.w ahahha!and laughed laughed laughed, then steven keep asking us,"why do we keep laughing?!" i said:"aiyah, must laugh de mahh, if not not fun alr! it will make u happy!" [steven gives the blur face!] and then learning's bottle frop, brandon;nigel;steven all dunte wanna pick up, but in the end, steven picked it up and wanna throw at learning, and nigel ask him to throw at felicia! THEN, I STARTED LAUGHING! cos i did a lame thing, the teacher passed by to collect our worksheets, then i helped felicia pass, then i hold very tight so the teacher could not take it, so he really take and tied to take, then it like slipped pass he hands that kind., then i laughed alr! FUNNY SIA. ahahaha! then all the pple arnd me looked at me! ahahha! and it wasGEOGRAPHY! i love geog! esp, MISS LAI. she rock siaa! she teached us how to find direction or smth, did the worksheet, she called rachel to ans the first ques, and she askedrach to call another person. so rach called chrys! and chrys called felicia! and i thought felly gona call shirlyn! then she call me! i shock dao sia! then after i ans, steven turned behind and askk me to call a boy, then he say'but dunte call me arr" then i actl wanna call steen, but i called learning! she also shocked! and go on lorr.wahahaha! and miss lai asked us to do her homework. so we did! and END OF SCHOOL alr! ate lunh with {shirlyn'kahbing'venessa'me} we all ate JAPANESE food. nicenice, ehhehehehe! and went back to classs! all the bolwers there larr. and some ppl from 2loyalty, had fun poking and laughing there with them, then shirlyn everytime "lulu[starts to poke] haiyoyo! ahhahas, and i told yuanhui who is kahing alr, when kahbing told me she added yuanhui on friendster. ehehehe! asked peggy to come my class to go to trng together! trng lerr, playeed played played. yeahh. keep laughing cos me and peggy keep talking abt sick things today! ohno~~ ahah! i scared peggy lah! at the grass there, then she sream damn high pitch sia! oh no! i gtg! the laptop low batt! arghh! buhbyee~~ enjoy mannn keep laughing!! Thursday, June 28, 2007
5:48 AM
HEY~~school was FUN again.wahahhahaha! funfunfun! reached school arnd 7+, went to class[duh~ hehhe] put down my bag, went to xinyi there, and tried to rmb the yingyongwen mo xie thingy,w ahha. went for flag raising, on the way there, got announcement made that we need to bring our thermometers with us for thermoeeter check, then me&xinyi rannnnnn back to class and brought our thermometers, hehe, and we still reached there first lahh, our class, that is. after flag raising was science! science was okay, mr chia, sweats alot. whahah. he's okay lahh. and thought us abt,, hmmmm, measuring, I FORGOT! and played a game, he call the number then the number must go out to write the ans, then he at my desk there, go say i be number one, then i at that time alr saying softly"i dunte wanna be no, 1 i duntte wanna be no.1" felicia heard, whahh. then he say"1" i give that kind of face lar. wahhhha.but he nvr call no.1 throughtout the game!heng sia. then steven turned behind to us and asked"did he just give eveyone of us a number?" then me and felicia said" YAH!" and he asked" what no. am i?" felica answered"uhmm,8." and i said"yah, what she said" and then laughed. wahh. blur sia. aft that was p.e! on the way there, walking, i keep telling xinyi i didnt want to tuck in my shirt! then i saw yuanhui and her friend gg to the toilet, then i think she called me but i dao-ed her. and she said "wl, you dao-ed me!" i heard that then i turned" u got call me mehh" hhahah! and went for p.e practised the 2nd half of the 2.4! i came in 5th again, wahahah. and AGAIN, tabby was first, rachel was 2nd, chrystal was 3rd, thianhong was 4th, and me! thianhong is super fast lahh, start 2 mins after us and then came back so fast. wahhha! ran with jocelyn and xinyi! chiong-ed the last part then they behind, heh.sorry ah.wa ahahha! and recesss, changed to our uniforms, after came back, venessa,valerie,veda came back and brought pink dolphins, and rhine asked" anybody going to canteen help me buy drinks lehh" i asked xinyi wanna buy not cos i rly felt like drinking pink dolphin! and she said she wants to, then we go, and i asked rhine if he wants, then he say okay lorr.. then i took my wallet, then steven turned and siad"help me buy pen![cos he's being using my pen for the last 2 perionds lerr" then i say okay lorr, then he gave me $5 to buy, i asked him waht kind, he say anything, i say"i buy the most expensive one arr" then he say"okay lorr." and me and xinyi went to buy, xinyi went to buy at the bookstore and i went to buy the drinks, then i was carrying 3 bottles of pink dolphins luhh, and went the long way to class. wahhah. and steven asked when i came back" my pen lehh" i said"xinyi still in bookstore,queue-ing" and he asked again"my $5 lehh" i say"bookstore lahh!" and he siad" aiyah. i go find her lah" lol! and yah,, they came back alr, xinyi paid me for the drink ^^ and steven suddenly give my and xinyi $2 each, we were like"HUH?" he say"aiyah, i lazy take out my wallet put inside lah" and i was like"huh, u mad isit, take out ur wallet will die mehh" then e was like"aiyah. just keep lah! lazy lah" thn me and xinyi looked at each other, eng speech and drama time, went to our groups, i keep saying "angel" cos kahbing's the characcter's name is "angel"then i keep saying! ahhaa. then once, alvin go say"kahbing i dont think u pretty leh" then i say" eh, wl! brandon thinks she's pretty can alr okay!"heheh! thenkahbing and brandon looked at me, then i was like"uh ohhh~" cos in the script they suppoesed to be a couple! heh! and they suddenly say venessa must wear what, and they asked can wear jeams one anot, a that time, the teacher walked to our grp, and i asked"can teachers wear jeans" she thinked and said no, i asked again"can teahers wear mini skirts?' she asked"how mini is yur mini" i was like"hehe!" ahahha! cos alvin lah. keep mini here and there and was d&t! teacher was mr peck! he's nice!! whahhah, and me and kahbin like keep talking lah. NOT KEEP LARR. got listen though. then when need to seperate class into 2 that time, i walked paass jiangjun&steven, then jiangjun sudddenly say to steven"woah im gonna miss u sia" then steven nvr say anything, like gay sia, their hands still like there together! ahhaha! then i lokked at them" i said, omg, gay sia!" he say"what?! i say im gonna miss him only mahh." ahhahah. everytmime like that one can. hahahh! mr peck went arnd to ell us bout the machines, okay larr/ but i nvr listen prperly though! ehhe! and was chinese! me and felicia keep trying to rmb he mo xie, then steven keep turning behind like wanna interrupt us sia! ahaahaha! and the mo xie was okay lorr. i thought im gonna mess up.waahahhaa!!! went home with jocelyn! walked and went to 7-11 to buy stuff to eat cos we were starving! i bought the pizza bar, and she bought dunno what thing sia, and she said one is for her mum, then i say woah so guai worr. hehe. and when she ccaled her mum, she realised that her mother was eating at sakae sushi! i was like "awww. so sad arr!" hahahhha! then yahhh. reachedddddddd home!!!!!!! CONCLUSION! SCHOOL IS FUN OKAYYY! FUNFUNFUNFUNFUNFUNFUNFUNFUN~~~ Monday, June 25, 2007
4:58 AM
HELLO;HELLO;HELLO.today school is FUN! hmmm, in the morning, the announecment time was LONGGGGGGGGG okay, and miss annisa went down the line to check the fingernails. eh, sorry lah! holidays mahh.then nvr cut, heh. and she ask me to trim my nails. ahhhaha! and it was math lesson, though angles, heh. i hate angles. hmph. and it was CLASSS PHOTO TAKINGGGGG! super cool. hahaha,it was funn. yah. wahahhaha! and english. very boring. -.- and recesssssssss. and it was science lesson. mr chia came lorr. new derr. he's okay lorr. and he asked us to introduce ourselves, so he say must say smth like Respectful Ryan, cos he's name was ryan and must say smth that starts with a letter r, then mine "l" i go say "lazy" heh! i kno got some stupid ones, hahah. oh, shirlyn said "silly" ahha, steven siad"stupid!" wahahhah. i asked misha to say mighty lah! lOL. ahhahh! then junwei that time he waid "jeolous" then i told them, "hahaha, junwei jealous becos alvin got jocelyn! then he never," wahhahaha! and mr chia said he liked alvin's one, i dunte noe why, alvin said "awesome alvin" LOL. it was charisma, wahhh. got the "CRuSH programme thingy" it was nice lorr, teach how to be careful when using internet all those. heh. and she said must go their web and dunno sign in or what. and i put my user name as "julygirl_gatsby" and xinyi go put "larry_gatsby" cos the boys were singging the gatsby song, and i turned to xinyi and said, why dint we put gatsby behid! ahhaha! and thanks learning! for sending me the gatsby song!! hahahah! and it was chinese, didnt really listen to to chen loa shi talking lehh. heh, and it was lunch, ate japanese food, nicenice!! arnd 2 plus, yuanhui&jilyn finding for shirlyn and alvin, i think for bowling thingy bahh. then yuanhui at the door there, she go :P me, hheheh. and then i saw her stoningg, wahahahah! then i thinking she thinking abt what, and i just told her whahahaha! on msn, like 30 mins ago, heh. and she and jilyn left, and passed by again. and she closed my class the window, so piakia okay she! aahaha! and it was interaction period! change our places, wahh. actl steven was beside me, then jiakang infront, and then they changed, so siann. the irritatingg personnnnnnnnnnnnnn bedise me. damn shittt! whahaha. nvm lahh. still got people to talk to. ALOT.W AHAHAH! and it was assembly, i slept, wahahh! its normal laahhh. sleep sleep and MORE SLEEP! whahahah! yahhh, first day of school. WAHAHHA. byebye~ Sunday, June 24, 2007
7:08 AM
SCHOOL STARTS TMR!sianssss. time passess soooooooooooo QUICK when you're having fun. haizzz. noowww. EVERBODY all mugg hard alr larh., for tern3&eoy. siannnnn Monday, June 18, 2007
12:43 AM
heyyyy~~~ heh heh. today got trng, it was okay larhh. erms, jasper nvr come so thats why we trained with turtle. lols. he was quite funny lah. lols lehh. then i kept laughing/ wahhaha1 then i think tranined till 11 plus like that. then peggy's turn/ and no fair lorr! she only like trained on epacket. then like no more. FREAK! waahaha, went to parkway, buy some stuff, and went home. and now. grace is coming. for i dunno why. whahaha. lols. tmr, going wildwild wet with the 4 CUZZIES. lol! its gonna be fun. i HAVENT finish holiday homework lehh. its alot okay/ damn shitt. super sians. dunte feel like doing lehh.but i mean. in school now, then studies is impt too. so must., MUG HARD! FOR TERM 3! YAY! heh heh~~ Sunday, June 17, 2007
6:10 AM
happy father's day. lol. my father not in singapore! LOLSokay. errrm. today went to church, and yep, sunday schoolk and worship. sheesh, i didnt get to see the kids sing cos playing piano for the children worship, wahhaha, and once, dunno why call me play dunno what song, then she called me "luqi jiejie" cos to the kids right, i shocked dao, cos is everytime i call pple korkor&jiejie[right johnkorkor. DUMB. LOLS. force one lor dat one] err, yeah. ahah, then grace started calling me that. i duntte like. i rather me to call pple korkor&jiejie. LOLS. listened to grace story. i still rmb the names. mingzhu&xiulan! yes. i got listen! lols. waahhah. nicenice.. lols. and stayed after worship for practice anniversary the thinggg. lols.okay. songs are niceee. music is love! lols. okay. yeahh. but gt one song, dunno how to sing lehh, must ask grace to teach. lols. okayy. yeahh and after that, jaslyn;huiwen;me, went to bugis buy presents,,, lols. i paid like all first. shenting owes me $12 plus. WAHAHAH.. cool sehhh. aiyo, then cannot eat at airpost :[ wahahah, yeahhh. and went to shenting house to do that bigbig card. so super nice, lolllll. :DDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD ohyeah. HAPPY BIRTHDAY KAIWEN!! heh! Saturday, June 16, 2007
6:44 AM
posttttttt.okay. errmmms.. start with june 14. okay. lols. happy bithday lorr. johnkorkorrrrr. HAPPY? wahhaha. dunte noe why but he likes ppl ccalling him that.WAHAHAH. madddddd. okayy.that day arr. like nth happen lorrrs. june 15: staying grace's house. yay. okay. morning got trng, so yeah. went for it. behind behind part kind of slack yeah. actl wanted to go parkway. and piano teacher called changes the piano time earlier. so never go.ARGHHH,:/ wahhah.after piano, went to pack and go grace's housee. and went to church. when we entered, there are like balloons hanging on the ceiling? wahhh. funn. but its not for us. just shock dao larrrr. and yeah. talk talk talk and LAUGHED. LOTTTTTTTTS! whahah. grace;john;wanting told abt their penang trip, and i wanna go next yr larrh. like so fun.W AHAHHA. cofffeeee time againnnn. shared tissue prata with grace&wan ting. and went grace hosue. cos i stay her house. wahhaha. okay. yeah. watched tv till 12am heh. june 16/ TODAY: heh. happy birthday jiejie.*3 mins ltr*happy birthday kor.. ahhah. cos my bro come out 3mins later than my sis. LOLS. twins. dunte get shocked wahahaha. dunte like hannah and cassandra. HEH. okayy, woke up at nine plus. grace's family EVERYBODY WAKED UP LER.wahhhhhhh! went to do cheesecake with grace for laters bbq, and practiced piano for tmr's pianist thingg. grace jiang gu shi woorrr. listennn.w wahahah. she teached me some ways to play it. cool man. must have that feeling yeah. wahhaha. err. yeahh. and watched tv, ate lunch, bath. go churchhhh!! went there practiced for some stuff. and BBQ TIMEEEEEEEEE! yupp., okay. i dunno why that john go rub his hand on my face, then he say got the oillllll.EWWW. ahahha. okay, the best part. the cake parrttt. lols. haha, wanting eat lerr. i go take the cream. go make my sis,bro,john. i think i make john first cos he nearest. then yupp, he kena-ed. and then my sis. also kena-ed. then i keep calling my bro he nvr listen. but in the end got jiao dao. and he kena-ed too, wahhha. its fun. then keep making my sis[other pple make her more like wanting.wahhh. that one can die.]and i made john also. this time purposely go say johnkorkor. hahah! then kena-ed. wahhaah. and yeahhh. huiwen's aunty[maid] VERY VERY VERY FUNNY LAH! make me laugh till.. ahhaha. and in the end. HELEN VERY FUNNY. GO TALK TAMIL. ahhaha. talk till we[grace;my sis;tingying;me] LAUGH TILL MADD. very very very funny. rly funny! ahhaha! fetched shufen&her mum home. and went home and now. WAHHAH. okaokay! buhbyeeeeee~~ Tuesday, June 12, 2007
5:38 AM
okay. uhm, AHLIAN huiwen asked me to do this. not sure if this is the right instructions thoughh. &&here it goes! GAME OF THE DAY(: Each player of the game starts off by giving 6werid things about themselves.People who get tagged need to write in a blog of their own 6weird things as well as state the rules clearly. In the end,you need to choose 6people to be tagged and list their names. #1 loves going to SF,chungcheng,konghwa. [lol!] #2 loves cchmstt :DDD &&& esp. the ppl in it((: #3 friends;family;cousins;one diligence `07, 6/7 `06 #4 loves CALIFORNIA DISNEY WORLD[ althoough havent been there yet :/ ] #5 loves people who loves me. #6 loves making ppl laugh or laughing with them,&loves ppl who are funny :) [LOL, ALL THESE THINGS I LISTED, AINT WIERD! funny ehh~] 6 people chosen[not exaclty. HEH] &GRACE;WANTING;JOHN &YUANHUI;RACHELs;JYENING;HANNAH &PEGGY;KIMBERLY;ESTHER &LEARNING;TIEU XINYI;THE THREE SISTERS &JOCELYN;ALVIN[nvm, their together! LOL. kidding arhh] &JASLYN;HUIWEN;SISWHOLE ONE DILIGENCE!! ???????????????????????????????????????????????????? heh heh ARGHH. heck care tt stuuuuuuupid thing. i wrote more than six lehh! wahahha. I DUN CARE. i <33 them too much lerr. LOLS! err, u all wanna do then do lahh. i mean. that huiwen ask me do. just do larhh. since nth to do! <33 ps:bon voyage dodogonggong!! :DDDDDDDDDDDDDDD Sunday, June 10, 2007
5:19 AM
hello, changeed blogskin. hmmm, dunnoe why the links cannot press lehh, well, i dunte noe lehh. siansss. hurhurrr. today, went to church. fun, as usual :DDD wahahahah, persuaded yuanhui to come to church!!! she saod see first worr. heheh. really its fun lah[if you're reading this post] :DDD u wont be anti lorr. lol!! errrr, what i wanna say arr.ohyay! thiss thurs got class outing. but most of them doesnt seem to noe there is gonna be one.cool. HAHAHA. monday,got trng,go learning's house to hist project, err, tuesday. i got piano and tuition. dunno gonna go the sentosa thingy lehh., wednesday, trng, fri, WOO. im staying grace's house., JUST REMEMBERED lol! hahaha, sat, got BBQ!! YAY. its gonna be fun, esp with church ppl cos they are SUPER ULTRA fun. HAHHA. cchmstt ppl also fun, 1dl&6/7 also fun. ohyeeah, egan, so whens that 6/7 2006 outing??! aaahahaa,. oh yeah. HAPPY BIRTHDAY VALERIE[VAMPIRE/BA-LA-LEE]!!! :DDDDDDDDDDD Friday, June 08, 2007
7:14 AM
yo people. back frm malaysia church camp retreat ytd,shall post bout it. BUT ILL POST THE PICS NEXT TIME KK? yeahhhh. ahhah.TUESDAY 5/6/07:::: first day in malaysia. woke up, pack the final thingyy. hah, huiwen&jaslyn came ur hse first cos, my parents fetch them to there too lorr. yupp, my father was super slow.normal lah he, but we got there still in time cos it was soooo near, ahahhah. listen to songs in car. took pics. hmmm, when we reached there gonna park, my father was like uhmm. cos he parked beside uncle thuang siah's car, so he said"knock him ah"[in chi, like, the car lah, but he was kidding though] THEN, "BOOM" the sound. WE WERE VERY SHOCKED AND ALL THOSE. my mother ask us to get down the car cos got the smoke come out, bnvr hit uncle thuang siah's car luhh. but dunno the pipe broke or smth. then send for repair. took pic of it. LOLS. then i kno i go very far cos i was scared, told my mother we go first. TOOK loads of picssssssss yuppp. WAHAHHA. i wass very veryveryveryveryvery happy when reach there cos i like the hotel, but the best camp was at the malacca there, very very fun!!!!! AHHHH. aft that ate lunch. eat lorr. yeahhhh. then it was sermpon and room distribution time , room with that AH BOON DEBORAH AH LIAN BIMBO HUIWEN. lols/ room no. was 1106 lols. okay. after unpacked, when to simteng's room. and went to the supermarket buy fooooddddd,drinks,tidbits,etc. after bought, went back to room and THEY ALL CAME TO OUR ROOM ISIT? to play 7 level pig, and guess who's the pig, BIMBO DEBORAH.whahahh.. it was dinner, and ate lorr. lols. hmmm, then sermon, i think i slept. HEH HEH. and night prayer, it doesnt last long.oh yeah, gone back to room and bath all those. my and bimbo deborah has the same tpe of slippers, so we exchanged, means. i wear one mine and one hers, mine's pink her's blue. LOLS. after bathing, went to wanting's room, ate cup noodles. and watched tv, and melissa had to sleep. and gone back to room to SLEEP. lols. wednesday 6/7/07:::: second day lerr.woke up,i went to toilet first. then deborah.went to jaslyn's room first., and gone that expo place to eat breakfast. we guessed which lift came first. and always i guess right. AHHASH. theme 2,, me&huiwen like almost slept the whole sermon, SORRY LEHH, CANNOT TAKE IT!!lols.errm. tea break, and theme 3, the pastor actl quite funny lehhh.okay. and lunchhhhhhhhhhhhhhh.. not that nice luuhh food there, and aft that was FREE AND EASY TIME. 4 hours. LOL. went to the mini zoo thingy,, again. shufen said she had nightmares bout that snake cos i scare her too much! went to the shopping mall again. bought loads of things, hmmm A PATRICK KEYCHAIN, A DISNEY CUTIES PILLOW, A WINNIE THE POOG BADGE, 2 WINNIE THE POOH SHIRTS. hehe,the pooh shirt bought the same as shufen. and pillow same as jaslyn. lols.went back to room put our things and stuff., prepared for the dinner and next sermon, hmmmm, dinner was fun. aft eating, playedzhong ji mi ma lols. hmmm, fun. i kena twice. but it was so nice lah the fod they maked. HAHAH. its like honeydew milk tea. lols. sermon again. and then 10th anniversary thingy. the cake was fabulous. it was 18kg and had the pic of zion presbyterian chuch there. aint it cool? ahha. went back to room and bath.. and everybody came to my room to eat, play.played seven level pig and murderur,and they got back to their room, cos it was one plus., they left, and me&bimbo huiwen go see tv till 2 plus and then slept. thursday 7/7/07 okay. errmm, woke upp, i woke up first. bimbo huiwen still slping lols.changes and went to jaslyn's room, ate breakfast. last dasy must eat more, hmmm., went back room packed our bags. enjoyed the bed, cos it was so nice, andd theme 4. and then pack up time, but we pack up, last check and then enjoyed the bed. LOLS. hmmm, and gone down the lift. WOOO! YEAH, I TOOK VIDEOS, THE DAY 2 NIGHT,. very nice, nxt time show ya all. had the last sermon, and lunch, ate ALOT. and played zhong ji mi ma agian, this time diff drink. lols, i think i got once, ahahhs.hmmm, then to car and go home)))): sad,,,,,,, so fast lorr. so fun lahhh. well, yupp, like that, ill post the pics nxt time todday trng, and then lunch with team,,,m cool, went to seoul garden, ate for like 2hrs plus,, FUN. and took neoprints...... NICE. ahhahas,. (((((((((((: okokay, byebye people, LOVE YOU PEOPLE. Monday, June 04, 2007
9:27 AM
HEYHEY YOU YOU((: yeah pple, ahah. going to malaysia tmrw, not excited lehh. i mean its like. SO LITTLE PEOPLE GOING=NOT THAT FUN MAHH. heeh. hmmm, yupp will be posting bout malaysia 3 days ltr. lol. hmm, can see zion pple from the arise camp. woo, that camp was super ultra fun((: hhaha, okay. lots of LOVE, MISS ME!!!! &&I WILL MISS YOU TOOOOOO! :D AHHAH. LOVE YOU PEOPLE OUT THERE, continue tagging my blog horrr. <333333333333333333333333333
Saturday, June 02, 2007
11:56 PM
heyy XD gotta post bout friday! heheh.FRIDAY: heheh, got training and the talk again, peggy and i was bored, so we started "designing" tigger woods, as the front page got pic of tiger wood playing golf, all the disgusting was from peggy, i tell u, she very dirty minded lorr! hehe, ate cup noddles for lunch,then got training, before trng starts, peggy,sirui,rachel tan, rachel yap,yuanhui&me played concentration hehehe, yuanhui kena the most., i kena once., did a stupid punishment,. hahah! after that, we went to see the volleyball pple play, ahah! i was standing beside peggy, she didnt noe that yuanhui was behind her! and, she swing her bottle and hit YUANHUI, ahahha! then, yuanhui still wait a while, then say ouch all those!! ahah. blur lehh. then very loud sound lah. and we all laugh. ehhee very funnnyyyyyyyyy. HAHAHHAHAHA. saturday: hmmm, wahhh. actually can go sentosa with tt ppl but i didnt want to as 12 june also have another one, and ACTUALLY I CAN GO THE CIRCUS WITH KIMBERLY AND PEGGY lorr, then my mother dunte allow. wahlauuuuuuu. hmmm. went to sf, it was fun. preacher lai preach till very funny and nice, friday's and saturdat's one very nice lah the sermon, kept laughing as it was funnny! hehehe. went to wai gong's hse as usual. do the usual things lorr. hhhahha. sunday[today]: haha, went to church, all those. fun though. hmmmm, shufen,shenting,huiwen&me dont feel excited for the family camp. haizz, very little pple go lorr. not that fun. hmmmm. i rather go wildwildwet&escape&fun places to play lorrrrrrrr. hehehe, okay, ate at airport with my family,john's family,[wanting not there ):] and grace, her parents nvr come also): the kids[me,grrace,john] HAHA., kids. ate japanese food. while the old ppl[parentssss] ate dunno what lahhh. ahaha! hmmm. then came home and now AHAHAHAH! :DDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDd okayyyy, hmmmm, dunte noe what to say lerr, so , BUHBYEE~ :D |
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