(!)Semi-hiatus. |
Thursday, September 27, 2007
5:35 AM
and it was recess. classroom very empty. (: and it was. ENGLISH SPEECH AND DRAMA.miss huang came in. very fun. played the umbrella game but i nvr play. tried to copy her voice. used phone during class. cos christel wanted to send smth. STUPID STEVEN. keep saying:"eh leckqi what u doing?! whats inside the bag huh." cos he was eating sweet then i said "eh. why can smell sweet smell huh."and steven said:"eh?why i can smell handphone smell arhhs?" SO STUPID OKAY. then keep saying very loud. and almost got confiscated. zheyuan sang the after school!
and yahhhhh.now, HIATUS!!! XD Labels: BENJAMIN HUM Friday, September 21, 2007
11:48 PM
YO.nvr use com for, 4 DAYS LEHH. 4 days lehh!! ahhha. okay, yesterday school was damn fun. although i forgot what happened -.- aiyahh. the centre people spilt alr, i mean NOW THE CENTRE PEOPLE SIT IN EXAM THE ARRANGEMENT SO HORR. CANNOT LAUGH. THAT MUCH ALR. lol, anyway. jocelyn&me stayed for the latern festival celebration in school. HAHHA,.first year here, so we didnt know how it goes? as in.. arghh. dunno how to say. cos learning photographer, angelicia also. so we go with them. haha, yuanhui told us what to do. WAHHAHA. just enter the grand audi. then shawn cam.e learning was MADDDD. then xiao liyuan also stayed mahh. so she damn HIGH. both her favssssss. she asked me and jojo to take video & pictures when shawn was singing. anyway. after that at concourse. shawn was there too. learning didnt dare to ask shawn to take picture with her, so i have to help her ask. BRAVE RIGHT ME. lol hmmm. yah then took pic. SHAWN IS DAMN SHORT(: haha. then yah. DAMN ASS LEH. THEY NEVER ASK ST HILDA'S COME! ST HILDA'S GOT BENJAMIN HUM OKAY. IF HE'S HERE. I GONNA CRY ALR. BENJAMIN HUM LEHHHHH. :D Labels: benjamin hummmm XD u the best lurh. Saturday, September 15, 2007
7:33 AM
YO.havent been blogging. cos gonna have EOY soon. so, im officially on hiatus. HOPEFULLY. HAHAHAHAHA! XD byebye. but continue TAGGING kayy. XD Wednesday, September 12, 2007
8:27 AM
8:09 AM
OKAY,I TRIED. THE PICTURE CAN OPEN AND CLEARER. SO CLICK ON THE PIC, IF U WANNA SEE IT CLEARER LAH. AND READ. WOOOO~ RMB, SOME OF IT ARE CRAP XD HEHEHEE. byebyeee~ yo! school was fun. today, the class. was. SUPER BONDEDDDDDDD went schoool,went bookshop with xinyi, wanted to buy apron,dunte have,when we came out. it was RAINING. heavily. means no FRC! yay. wahahh. and it was history. mr bercury nvr come, so mr chia took over. did 2 pages of hist. -.- mr chia wanted to discuss the anwer when he doesnt even noe. then he suddenly called ppl one by one to go out. started with jianxing.[no.34] then he came back, he asked steven. then steven say. mr chia asked him till alvin.[no.31] when mrchia was talking to alvin. he turned to us and said. "what if horr, mr chia suddenly after alvin then ask chrystal [no.1] go huh" me and felly "oh shit." me:"ohyah huh. maybe sia!" then we very scared lol. when mr chia came in, HE RLY CALLED CHRYSTAL. DAMN SHOCKING. lol. he was so correct. then we laughed. then after a few more ppl. as mr chia was still asking steven. mr chia said" u stand up"*pointed to stteven* then everybody laugh laugh laugh. HAHAH. he wanted to sabo felly actl, but failed. LOL. and it was d&t. it was fun lorr. mr peck gave me and jocelyn 3 mins to run to class and take that compass. ASS MAN. ahhahaha! cut the thingy. so funny. my circle like not circle. stupid zheyuan&nigel kept disturbing me. DODOS. we had to work OT. lol clean up the place. took up 15 mins of recess lah! and it was recess. nothing happened. i think. LOl. and it was MATHS! WOOOO~ funfun! mr teo super cute. he talked abt CPF. so its like O.A. S.A. M.A THE THINGY. then jianxing stood up and said" "mr teo, the 'A' horr. if take out, become 'O.S.A.M.A'lehh!" mr teo. :"EH, YAH HORRR!" then everybody laughed. super funny. so i jotted it down, and here: ![]() see it? can enlarge if u open it. right? LOL. &then becomes: ![]() took away the 'A' heheh. can see not?! HAHAHAH. lol and i started writing notes to talk abt, and here are the "tags" according to shaohong. LOL. super fun. ![]() ![]() can click to enlarge it? i dunno lah. AHAHAH. very fun XD and it was english. did 3 things. LOL. worrksheets. misss annisa came to class. and annouced that we came in 3rd for most condusive class award. ): we deproved. from 1sst 1st 1st 2nd then 3rd. right? SIANNNN. then she very happy cos we won RP. XD then she so high. LOL. cos RP came in fourth and DL <3>whole some of DL ppl EMPTY sushi thingy!: ![]() i take from ontop. -.- so very hard to count. AHHAHA. and it was time compre. jiakang finish in 1hours time -.- sure fail -.- then alot of pple finish alr. so the last person to finsih was SHOAHONG/LEARNING LAOGONG. so, we waited for him to go 7-11 eat! veda,jocelyn,LEARNING, me, zheyuan and junwei. ALL WAITING. wl. oh yah, and alvin, but he also was waiting for his special someone. LOL. so waited VERY LONG. finally finish, then go together. lol. ate lorr. damn full. me,jocelyn,alvin,shoahong took mrt together very cool cos, we gonna stop at, shaohong----bedok mrt station, ME---- tanah merah mrt station, jocelyn---- simei mrt station, alvin----tampines mrt station. ALL LINK DERRR! ahhaha then yah. talked abit there cos we were playing tennis game -.- HAHHA. i won jocelyn! WOO. ahahah. when shoahong go, we were like bye learning laogong, but after that say shaohong, then once, jocelyn say "bye learning laogong" he replied! then we laughed,then he turn his head to us then like very stupid that he reacted. -.- HAHAHHAHAHA. then yah. when i went down, alvin and jocelyn say to me some crap also. but WTHECK.bleahhhh. WAHAHHAH. and, BUHBYEEEEEEE. XD funfunfun.
BYEBYE. SEE U TMRRRRRRR. XD wait wait, ohyah, still got this pic: shaohong still doing the paper learning infornt of him, what is LEARNING trying to show SHAOHONG? hmmmmm. ahhaha. see jojo, u teach me oNE. ahhaha. okay, BYEBYEEEE. XD Labels: GOD IS LOVE Monday, September 10, 2007
7:42 AM
hello. havent been postingggg.BACK TO SCHOOLLL :DDD v. happy. :D heh. cos very sian at home mahh. went to school.saw felly holding the geog w.s then i findfindfind. thought i lost. aft a longlong time then find dao. nigel asked me i got do the worksheet not.then i said i dunno where. he go congratulate me.WL. felly! ur hubby damn bad. then when i found it. i was copying, then he join in he copy damn short only. WL. still say i slow when i copied the whole chunk. DODO. flag raising. then blahblah. and it was, CHINESE. chen laoshi today the mood horr, SUPER GOOD SIA. she like high high one. keep joking with us. lOL. got the test paper back. not good. AHAHAHAH. and it was geography. go through the worksheet. HAHAH. as usual played the name-calling-to-answer-that-particular-question THINGY.haha. miss lai asked rhine to start. So. ALL THE CENTER PEOPLE GOT CALLED. <3 IT WAS... RHINE TO SHAOHONG TO BRANDON TO [NEVER BRING] ALVIN TO[NOT CENTRE BUT FUNNY LAHH] FELICIA TO LECKQI TO NIGEL TO LEARNING TO STEVEN TO JIANXING! WOOOOOO~~ called nigel becos he nvr answer that question go saboooooo him. and receesss.went to library return books. guai ehh. and went to bookshop with xinyi. and it was CR.CHINESE READING/. SUCKS LEHH. so siannnnnn~~ and malay! asked teacher laods of questions. for fun. ahahaha. crapped and luaghed alot with centreeeee ppl. LOL. and it was acc. had to revise for the exam shit everybody was sooo tired lah. sleeping~~ i think, i dozed of. a little tiny bit only! HAHA. and it was lunch. lent my phone the whole luch hour to jianxing. he is sooooooooo obsessed with the snowboarding gamee. haiyoyo. ate with larning,veda,venessa,felly,misha,chrystal. kahbing was no where to be found. HAHA. dunno where she lehh. yah. then learning has to go bookshop. she asked me to runnnn to the bookshop, runnnnn back and runnnnn to the staff room to find chenlaoshi. so fun! running very fun lehhh. WHAHAHA. yahh. chenlaoshi was super nice lorr. gave so many things. hahha. helped me photocopy something.hahah.after the 4th try. WWAAHAHAH. thanks to learning, shes a genius mann! and yay! jocelyn and learning asking whether they can go tuition with me me me! YAY.then it wld be super fun.and tuition teacher wld say we damn sick. except learning., wl, later me and jocelyn make that sound. WHAHAHAHA. then learning will blur diao? i dunno. KIASU QUEEN DODO SHOAHONG HOR LEARNING. lol. and it was interation period. miss annisa showeed us some crap. the yur bday month. then like whats ur character or smth.hahahha. thianhong tends to be sexy. LOL.[march] and jianxing ahh, wl. hottest and sexiest of all [october] woots. means xinyi also. xinyi, u are LOVED.A HAHAAHAHA! july is.. eh? forgot. i know. felly crapped abt the lovable part. esp. julyboy hor. STUPID NIGEL LAOPO! hahahaha. and assembbly. very sian. ahahah. and walked out. laughing. blabhblah. and finish! LOL. XD Wednesday, September 05, 2007
9:29 AM
heyhey.HELLO. havent been posting. so yah/ ytd night went to thethethe,, BBQ. yah. very fun. ate then played monopoly with jimmy,and my sis. grace never play cos she damn tired. can sseeee. she SUPER TIRED worr. played monopoly, WON JIMMY AND MY SIS LEH. UNBELIEVABLE{however u spell it} SIA! cos they're pro in monopoly. my sister first time quite bankrupt. then they keep coming into my house. MUAHAHAH. and i won won won. DAMN HAPPY. XD BAHAHAHAAHAHHAHAAHAHAHHAHAHAH :D today got trng, waved to felly,kahbing,veda,venessa cos they havin' volleyball. then went lorr. played with peggy. as usual. thn, walked out with hannah,cassandra,peggy after trng. super funny. talked bout BLUE'S CLUES. :D laughed like hell. blahblahblahblahblahblahblahh. tmr going shopping. YAY. ^^ Sunday, September 02, 2007
8:05 AM
HEH.heyloooooooooooooooo. its the... HOLIDAYSSSSSS. XD lol, aiyo, alot of tuition lorrr. and homework&homework&homework D: saturday, had tuition, blahblahblah. went to meet tingying at TM. then go church together. saw shufen at the mrt platform, so went together with her. I KNOW. WE LAUGHED LIKE HELL. for some jokes. ?? i think/ AHAHAH. student feellowship! LEARNT BOUT.. SHHBOO. {sorraye arh. currently forgot one of the S. so nvr post it up here.} jason speaked, abt wen rou. becos shufen say they wanted him to speak cos he's very gentleman very wen rou. HAHAH. he claims he's not. :D and went to simei. not many ppl. haha. my brother come lehhh! hahaha. finally again. everytime nvr go with us. PANG SEH. the adults watched one episode of mr. bean. tey laugh till mad lah! me,my sis,my bro &tingying, ALL LAUGHING AT THEM. not with them :D they first time see arrrhhh. :D and sunday. huiwen didnt get to sit with her best friend. AWWWW. NEH-MIND. theres always a next time. :D NEH MIND. rmb the joke i told u all. ahhhh. :D tmr no school. :D can wake up late. but im meeting peggy at 12. do that shit thing. ARGH. :D |
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