(!)Semi-hiatus. |
Sunday, December 30, 2007
8:15 PM
hello. ;Dyoure damn irritating, everyday ask me same question! yesterday after church, went to TM with shufen, sis, tingying. went to shufen's hse first, take smth. and see fibi. her eyes were damn big, yala. then i touhed her, she didnt bite, BWAAHHA. lol. quite cute lurhs. (she's a dog) lol. then went to TM cos wanted to pierce my ear, but dunte have so nvr, actl got one but is $23. SIAO. damn ex. then i didnt want to go 77th street and the xcraft thingy, cos we think it wasnt safe. heh. then next time thn pierce lorr. -.- Thursday, December 27, 2007
7:42 AM
HAHAHAH.this video rocks. laughed till mad, especially the, 'BL-OOOD' thingy. FUNNNNNNNNNNY. hello. 24dec, went to tm with shenting in the morning, saw helen! & had caroling in the night. nicenice! veh fun. LOL. &jiajie,malan,yuanhui,tingying,shenting stayed my house, &samuel,solomon,jonathan,terrence too. but the boys stayed at my borther's room/3rd level lurhs. and all the girls stayed in my room, why? cause my sister's room's aircon broke down. LOL. damn dodo. played alot of things? at night. till abt 3plus 4? err, i couldnt sleep. then i went to toilet pee&take tissue. cos im sick. :/ then when i came back, suddenly yh talked. shocked lurh. didnt know she was awake. then she didnt sleep also cos she couldnt. then like after 15mins? i went to sis room, sleep there, cos i coundt sleep on the matress. LOL. then accidentally stepped on shenting's leg and she mumbleddd alot, according to yuanhui. LOL. &woke up ard 9plus, slept ard 5plus? LOL. damn sian, cant sleep. then i forgot what happened. :/ CHRISTMAS! :DDD but it was like a usual day lehh. like not christmas, 23rd dec then like christmas, cos celebration mah, LOL. lalala. opened allll the prezzies. THANKIE-YOU, the pple who gave me the prezzies. had alot of em'. no space to keep alr lehhs. then i stuffed alllll into my wadrobe. then auntie ninfa complain no space to put my clothes. LOL. damn lame. havent finish doing homework. darn sian. D: OHYAHA! and thankyou felly for sending me the card, damn cute ehs. anyway, I ; ; ; ; ; ; HAVE ; ; ; ; ; ; ; A ; ; ; ; ; ; BEAR ; ; ; ; ; ;NAMED ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; HARVESTER. ; aint it nice. learning gave it to me, the 'ty' brand, then got write name there mahh. and its born on the 22nov 2007. so its like 1month&5days old now. :D HAHAHHA. :D Sunday, December 23, 2007
5:01 PM
:Dhello :D at wanting's house now. :D LOL. tingying playing the camp songs. :D LOL. sister's listening&humming with it :D LOL. im blogging, :D LOL. johns sleeping, like a pig. :D LOL. anyway, gonna meet jaslyn, I MEAN, she's coming to her house to fetch me :DDD BAHAHAH :D &later, CAROLING!!! &, its CHRISTMAS EVE today :DD pple, stay up till at least 12.03 today :DDD lol. well, tmr's CHRISTMAS christmas, dont be late. :D alvin&the chipmunks. :D Labels: HEYLO. heyhey. :Dchurch's nice today. with 2oo++ ppl. :D celebration was nice, and the baptism. WOW :D and lunch! sat with wanting's family except some, their cousins, jiajie, sis, tingying, melissa. tell you, melissa super chio today, everybody says that. :D and sekping sat at next table. dunte noe why today he kept talking with me! he p5 only sia, talked abt angel&master and the gift exchange, then he asked me why everytime i take his name. lol damn cute and innocent larhhs. p5, hmm, he next year p6! wish that his psle is good enough to get into chungcheng. LOL. :D &kept walknig ard the whole thingy. damn retarded. LOL. :D had loads of presents. thankie-you to all the people who gave me. :D CHRISTMAS, 2more days :D tmr, CHRISTMAS EVE&CAROLING :D Labels: havent done homework. Saturday, December 22, 2007
6:10 AM
hey-lo ;Dim okay now. lols. anw, havent been blogging, so. HERE I AM. :D anw, yah, friday's trng was funfunfun. played with peggy&meipeng cos brenda wasnt here. then jiajie&hannh say wanna play with me and peggy. scary sia. then we complain they very pro. lol. then peggy&i chose either jiajie or hannah. then i got hannah. lols. and we lose 0-3 LOL. jiajie too pro. hannah's pro too. is i lousy. HAHAHAH :D but fun lorrs. and today. practised jason's wedding song. NICENICE :D and SF, and gift exchange. gave sekping my prezzie to him, cos i got him. and xinyee got mmine. LOL. anyway, 3 MORE DAYS TO CHRISTMAS. :DDD &YUANHUI&JIAJIE''S COMING CHURCH TMR :DD goodgood. yuanhui, FINALLY ARHHS. :D christmas colours :D CHRISTMAS :D Labels: christmasssssss Monday, December 17, 2007
1:34 AM
im really really sick right now.like fever, sore throat, headache, stomache pain, like gonna faint, everytime when i walk. seriously. didnt went for trng today. never go last wed&fri cos got camp. and thanks the ppl who took care of me during camp and jimmy fetching me home. *shit, stomach pain now.* err, yah. 3times nvr go trng. scared coach&teacher scold. sian. dunte know wed can go not!!! :P im sooooo dead. :/ Labels: help me. Sunday, December 09, 2007
6:36 AM
hullo^^taiwan trip. :D it was great i tellsssss ya' :DDDD like every night go night market, except the last night cos we have to pack our stuff&do reflections. but the boys were damn enthusiasticcccc lahh, last night they go shopping with teachers. as in, ARGHH. yah. then only the boys went then girls stayed in hotel. WOW. i want all the grp photos lehhhhhs. all in yanlaoshi's cam. SIAN. i think it will be DAMN NICEEEE. like one bigbigbig family::::::::::DDDD theme park was great. the viking ship so damn rockkkkkkkkkkkkkkkk^^ its like going up 80degrees lahhh. almost 90. then at the highest point u open eyes is damn niceeeeee. shiokkk cans. beter than singapore'ssss. got wet, REALLY WET at the rapid ride thingy. and when met them ALL, they were like staring at me, cos i was really, REALLY wet. :D all the night markets were great, especially the shilin night market&xi men dingg. WOW. hhaha, cos at shihlin played this 'shooting balls att the balloon' game. DAMN COOL. like real gun can. oh, &yuanhui got shot. lol. as in, the ball went back at hit her hand, and it was rly red. but haozhe was dumb lah. shoot himself. -.- damn pain arhhs. bought quite alot? of things. :DD the last night was great becos most? of us went to ariel&malan's cum jiajie&fongzhi's room. wrote reflecctions, laughed, watch tv together, :DD it was rly rly fun. at the airplane, sat with sirui! AGAIN^^ when leaving to taiwan frm singapore also sat with her. taiwan to singapore also. damn nice. and when arrived at singapore and i saw yuanhui sitting with chester&cheekong. i laughed like mad lahh then i told sirui. then we laughed like mad. DAMN COOL LAHHH. HAH. I SO MISS THE WHOLE TEAM NOW, and yes, whole team including the boys team. D: is like the trip was rly damn nice&fun. and rly like a bigbig family walking together, having fun&laughing together. :DD (according to yuanhui.) BAAHAH. ![]() this picture damn blurrrrr lahh, i want other group pictureeessss RAHHH. Friday, December 07, 2007
7:26 AM
hello(:its at first sight? BACK FRM TAIWAN. :D bought alotalotalot of things(: churchcamp coming up. :DDD Labels: wow. |
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