(!)Semi-hiatus. |
Thursday, January 31, 2008
5:15 AM
HELLO!i forgot what happened in school lehhs. OHYAH, wed, D&T, me&kahbing had a greattttttttttt time, laughing at llearning! :D cos she said, AIYAH, im not supposed to say lah, she dunte want us to say? HAHAH, it was super real funny. me&kahbing was like siaosiao lehhh. laughed tilll mad, snaptwist when laughing! HAHHAHAHA. :D omggggg, nice HIGH buddy to be with. :D today, i rly forgot what ahppened? lessons were nce lahh. :D laughed at learing but that thingy agn. snaptwisted steven ALOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOT of times, but is he hit me lehh?! today very blur, is i shld be the one snaptwisting him, every singel time. mr teo is super cute! miss adri wore her socks with her shoes/pumps? damn funny. brandon was super cute cos he bought the lemonnnn ice blended, and it was super sour, seriously, i tried it. :/ it sucksssssssssss. &he had a hardddd time finshishing it. project work was okay. have to do alot of thingss sleh :/ took photo with 1+2+3+4! :D alvin is a dodo okay! alvin, you'r enot cute, the only 2cute pple in class is only 'jianxing&brandon" lah!, even jocelyn say that okay! learning kept dao-ing me today! yuanhui is serosuly crapping alot in msnnnnn. D: they're still in the rubik cube thingy, eh, this post is messssssy. :D tmr, hopefully, wld be fun lah! slack day? ohyah, JIANXING, seriosuly, tag more, read your tags can laugh till waht one lorrrr. :D Tuesday, January 29, 2008
5:17 AM
ohyah,HAPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPY BIRTHDAY, FELICIA <33 jiauyou in everything, dunte get upset over your vball thing(: JIAYOU for next timeeeeeeeee :D lovesssssssssssssssssssssssss. ohyah, jiayou for pple who STILL have comps. badminton & (i dunno still got what) &pple after CNY got comps der, wushu,(according to nigel? i dunno lah) TableTennis. :/ HELLO (: i forget what happened at school today!!!!! D: err, reached school like dman early. :/ HAHAHA. give jocelyn&jiangjun the cards i've written last night. lol their reaction was funny can :/ after steven came, the rubkx craze thingy came to soooooooo many pple alr, esp, LEARNING&SHAOHONG! then after steven made the checker-ed thingy, i go solve it? then i showed kahbing, then i helped her make back the checker-ed one, then she say she hates me cos i know how to make till checkered. LOL LAHHHHHHHH. then xinyi also, then walk to flagraising, they dao-ed me! cos i know how to do the thingy?! LOLLLLLLLLLLLL. then i complained to learning they all D: then walked then flagraising, mr soon said sec2s spot check. but like nvr rly check lehh. :D P.E, omg, its super funnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn. netballll! :Dplayed against blue/ i think , again. :/ wanted to be WD, then i told shaohong mah, then he said i must be GK, dunte let learning be GK, cos she abit afraid of balllllllllllls. D: so i be Gk lorr, it was okay actl. :D ohyah, then learning WD mah, then when mr sequiera blow the whistle she stand there, then they started passing ball here&there alr, then i called out to her. me:"learning!" learning:"huh? what what?" me:"move lah!" learning:"huh,can move alr meh?" me:"YAH! u dodo lah!!!!!!!!" LOL! and it was a rly funfunfun game :D change positons to WD! :D benjamin was WA, so he damn tall, but he dunte wanna block cos jocelyn said he dunte wanna block girls? HUH? i dunno lah,. then went back to GK. lol. P.E netball, is niceeeeeeeeeeeeeee lah. next week got 3 10mins game :DDD jiayou yelllllllow :D Chemistry! mr lam!!!!!! he so rock lahhhhhhhhhhhhh/ :D it was funny lah, shirlyn called him stupid, so he aimed shirlyn lorr. D: so mean lah! then questions everytime call shirlyn, then will always say bout pple who call pple stupidall those aiming lor. Ryan of (New)York, Gave Birth In Vain --- Red,Orange,Yellow,Green,Blue,Indigo,Violet. pH meter thingy? i dunno. it was rly funny, then i alughed till mad, his lesson lah. :D RECESS! chionged hist then ate with xinyi, jap. then unagi korkor,Junwei, Alvin korkor, Rhine korkor ate iwth us! they ate dammnnnn fast lah. then say i eat very slow, is not they fast -.- :D saw joseph, and he dao-ed me! History,it was okay :D drama~~ it was real hilarious. all the freeze frame and all. D: kinda dont like mr bercury abit lehh. D: but he was okay lorr. :/ crappppped alot with j4(j to the power of 4, jojojiejie,jocelyn), larryjiejie,xinyi! prawny korkor,zheyuan&pussycatbra korkor,BRAndon, :D our group mah, LIVE SEAFOOD. -.- freeze frame was very funny cas brandon had to act like a rat, zheyuan, like centipede! AHAHAH, zheyuan was lying on the floor lah. HAHAHAH. super funny/ :DDD Chinese, had this yingyongwen test. :/ wasnt like a test, we were talking, copying teacher's one, she le tmah. so it was very relaxed. then chen ls read out alvin's one, me&learning laugh like madddddddddd sia! seriously like mad. cos it was very funny. HAHAHA. then llike only 2of us laughing. so it was quite loud? :DDDDDDDDDDDDD LITERATURE! today funfunfun sia! had to make smth? a 5min chat show,. but today plan only. then went to group, 6 of us girls, standard, learning,veda,jocelyn,valeire,xzinyi&me. laughing like madddddddddddddddddd okay! esp. when valerie do her twitching.AAHAHHA. she tlaked&twitch toggether. HAHAH. then jocelyn&xinyi&me laughed like siao. then xinyi stopped laughing, me&jojo contd. :D DAMN FUNNY/. you shld see. :D superrrrrrrrrrrr funny/ i laughed till mad lah. then miss cheong saw then wmile at us. then valerie took the class clock and put at her watch there, then her watch was damn big, then we said the clock's twitching also I LAUGHED TILL MAD CAN. seriously. alvin&steven started to poooooookkkkkke me, wllll. lol. when im laughing somemore lehh.s o is like siao liao. ;D HAHAHAHA, valerie is super funny. lesson end alr, then she say some things mah, then i was standing at my place there, then i 'lent' steven my seat. then he started poking me agn, then i stand at jocelyn there, alvin poked me -.- nvm, then mss cheong:'had fun right, esp some grps, laughed and laughed" (smth like that) then me&jocelyn laughhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhed like mad. cos we keep remembering vallerie twitching! we turned back to her then she stwitched at us, laughed even lounder. then miss cheong said:"there goes the hyenasssss" AHAHHAHAHA, super funny can! tehen luaghlaughlaugh till. woah, dman funny. :D i type this hting also laughing lorr. :D walked with prawny korkor&jocelyn jiejie at the corridor. then saw joseph! lol! damn cute,.then he was with yingjie! then i talked to them! jiayou-ed joseph, cos got badminton match tmr! then steven came in -.- joseph's and yingjie's seniorrr LOL then talked with them also lah! HAHAHAH, super funny. then the whole chunk of pple go 7-11 AGNNNNNNNNN! brandon super uber cute. jianxing also! HAHAHAHAH, laughed like madddddddddddd again there. on the bus, jocelyn suddenly asked me to stare at brandon, she also lah. then we stare alr, then he keep saying 'what' brandon:"didnt your mama told you not to stare at pple?" (in a funny way lah) wl, then i laughhhed like mad lahh. super funny leh. then when we wlaking at the overhead bridge, he ran up first, then i called:" me:"BRANDON!" brandon:"what?" me:"pangseh lah! so fast!" --cos me,jojo,alvin still slowly walking up-- then he continues to walk faster. me:"brandon!" brandon:"waht?!" me:"didnt your mama told you not to pangseh pple and walk so fast?!" then all 4of us laughedddddd! ahahha. then another time is that i said pangseh agn he siad:"my mama only told me to pangseh leckqi." i was like WTHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH. :DDDDD hopefully tmr's gonna be funnnnnnnnnnnnnn./ with trng? maybe not? Monday, January 28, 2008
4:03 AM
HELLO :DDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDchionged homework in the morning lehhs. then went to falgrasing with xinyi, but halfway saw drizzling, so we stay at the bigstaircase there, wait till the class come, then go back. lol. xinyi&me ran to class, cos we wanna on the lights, then see who on first lah, obviously it was me Hhahahha! :/ went back and it was 7:30, so crapped alot. then kahbing said announcements mah, me to xinyi:"eh, kahbing, nice talking today!" xinyi:"yah, hahahah!" steven:"huh? kahbing? when she talk?" me:"huh? announcements lah!" steven:"huh? really? it was her?" me:"noooooo1 it was mr soon" steven laughed till mad -.- all the sacarstic thingy he will laugh till mad one lehh. :/ siao alr. -.- snaptwisted learning! a fast one, i forgot what we said. OHYAH! JOCELYN NVR COME. i was like "wthhh" because, i share the locker with her, she has the only key so, cannot take my books for the whole day today, had to borrow, BORROW, BORROW. HAHAHAHAH! :P ACC. it was okay actl, had to try and memorise some thingys. then he called on eguy one girl to try and memorise, he called EH SHIT, I FORGOT WHO HE CALLED. then i noe the guys he called Jiangjun first, he was like "eh, why everytime call me one" ,in chi. and then called learning, veda, valerie?, jiakang, rhine,jianxing! and me -.- when he called me that time, ALL IN CHINESE, wang ls:"how many u wanna read" me:"one" wang ls:"okay, read the second one." me:"HUH?! (it was damn loud lah) wang ls:"okayokay, your 'huh' very loud, let u read the first one lah" HAH, cos i didnt memorise the second one, so i read the first one :D ARTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTT D: dunte like art this year. D: walking to art room. i kept asking kahbing to show me her selfffff pic, then she asked for mne too lah, but we both like say very ugly cos we dont zilian, not like learning! everyday zilian? haha. then i saw felly's one, her one got with learning, then i crushed my photo and throw away, go find got with pple one :D sitting with seraph,christel&tabitha is fun lah! :D is was rly crappy&funny :D ohyah, had test. kindof? then we were discussing can -.- tabitha's picture is niceeeeeeeeeeeeee! :D RECESS, chionged to learn chinese! so kahbing&xinyi were at the front door sitting down, then i joined them, ohyah, kahbing was, HIGHIGHHIGH. :D fun man, when she's high! laughing like maddddddddddddd person. :D then steven asked me help him cut NIE, (newspaper,) then i realised ltr got geog, then no book, LOCKER MAH. then i made a deal, i halped him cut the thing then he lend me his book, cos he got comp later mah, then okay lorr. then after i cut some he said, nvm, he cut lah, cos i was struggling with my chi alr! D: xinyi&kahbingggg helped me, so the fornt door pple sitting down got, kahbing,xinyi,me, then alot of boys, cos they wanted to solve steven's rubik cube. dodo. then so steven, beside, cutting NIE, rhine,alvin,zheyuan,brandon,nigel,junwei all at the front door also, so its like, alot of pple lehh :D damn cool. then we were saying what if chen ls come, then we all zao cos we scared she step us. -.- ohyah, MR TEO DAO-ED US! shirlyn,rachy,val&me said hi, then he nvr reply! D: CHINESE, TESTTESTTESTTESTTESTTESTTESTTESTTESTTEST/ D: it was okay, but scaryy lahhhhh. havent read th ebook, tmr got the 'test' also. -.- damn sian, dunte even understand the format. test, i peeked at learning. D: heh, didnt know how to write one word! D: then she looked at me, then i smiled. :D HAHAHAH. steven kept looking at alvin's paper lah! then kept turing behind, cos his paper was, abit blank? LOLLLL. chen ls, checked our papers, then she borrrowed learning correction tape for me, cos mine finish. D: damn dodo lah. MATHS! sain, maths. OHYAH, vballers go le, for their match. and for ttmr, JIAYOUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU(: Felicia,Kahbing,Venessa,Shaohong, JIAYOOUUUUU OKAY! :DDDDDD ohyah, then maths. D: detest maths now, its very complicated, for a maths retard like me lah -.- D: sad. 11:45, steven had to go for comps, but mrteo kept talking, ahhaaha. then before he go tell him. he turned to me and showed me the class diary: steven:"eh! my name leh!" me:"rly? WOWWWWWWWW!" steven:"rly rly! look! my name!" me:"woww! and we both laughed like mad, like wth, it was retarded you know! then leraning beside us look at us like see 2retards laughing? like? dunno? LOL. and he went! JIAYOUUUUUUUUUU FOR YOUR COMPSSS TOOOOOO :DD and it was okay for the rest of the period. OHYAH, xinyi&valerie laughed like siao, cos mr teo nvr wear belt -.- LOLLLLLLLLLL. learning doesn't get it lurhs -.- :DDDD chrystal went for netball comps :D JIAYOUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU too chrys :DDDDDDD 7 pple not in class alr. D: and it wassss, GEOG. it was quite nice leh today, lesson :D watched 2vidoes. one is hurricane mitch, WL, stupid. it was tragic lah, damn sad, D: somany peepos died D: sad, another is abt rainfall? isit? hahaha! MATHS! 30mins, did group work, told alvin to join us if not 2of us do, so yah, joined lah, i spent the time talking D: heh, and they do do do, learning kept discussing wih alvin lah, THEN DAO ME LIKE SO MANY TIMES. xinyi&val&me laughed like maddddddddddddddddddddddddddd :D LUNCHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH! weeeeeeeeeee, queued with learning, xinyi! shirlyn snake/bear, rachy kukudile cut our queue, AGAIN. haha, shirlyn had duty lah, so okay lorr. :D i so kind sia :D omg, me and xinyi laughed like mad. bcos i said peepos, and got saliva come out. AHHAHAHAHAHA, laughed like siao caan, kukudile,bear&learning, stared at us like ?, and we contd laughing, LIKE MAD ARSESSSS . ate with DL :D. som elah. quite cool. 5 ate jap, 5 ate western. AAHHAHAHA. bear ate damn fast, :D wowwwwwwwwwwww. and xinyi damn power lorr. siad she has short npcc drill, xinyi:"eh,, accompany me lehh! go my npcc there." me:"okayy." walked halfway there~~~~~~~~~~ me:"HUH? u mean u go alr, then me how? eh! pangseh lahhhhhhhhhhh!" xinyi:"laughed." me:"eh, pangseh lorr, ask me accompany you here then pangseh me! pangsehhhhh!" -walked back to canteen,- -called misha follow us- me:"eh misha, she damn power lorr, ask me accompany her then wanna pangseh me sia" misha:"wah! xinyi u damn bad sia!" AHAHAHAHA! :P followed valerie with her duty: old block, lvl 1. wlakde here and there, alot of times, she scolding pple not to eat/drink in class. LY got aloooot of pple doing taht can -.- talked to BENJAMIN LAHHHH! he was damn cute. OHYAH! joseph badminton school team sia! went for comps today lehhhh. waohwoahwoah. :D interaciton period.......... had to discuss smth, alvin said sick things, obviously! shirlyn started crapping abt smth lorr, not funny lorrrrr! started calling everybody jie&kor! :DDDDDDDDDDD funffunf, so some nice jie&kor names are: } prawny korkor,zheyuan }pussycat korkor, brandon }larry jie, xinyi. FUNNY LEHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH. ohyah, i wanna call felicia "kuku jie" tmr! :DDDDD then they kept complaing cos alot of pple younger then me then i called them jie. lol, cos i like calling pple korkor&jiejie mahhhhhhhhh! :D xi guan le. :DDDDDDDDDDD assembly was funnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn! clapped along with the peepos. :D they rocccckkk lah. walked back with the whole load of DL <3. damn nice. crapped alotttttttt with peeps. :D DILIGENCE! <333 ohayh, once agn,, jiayou for pple who haave competitionnnnnnns :D Saturday, January 26, 2008
7:12 AM
HELLO(:just came back frm felly's partyyyyy! :D it was supernice:D after church, fetched learning&steven frm PP, grace&i walked to find them :O grace:"eh, later ask learning introduce herself ah" me:"huh,okay. why?" grace:"just ask her say 'hi,im learning', i wanna say, hi, i am, xue(2) xi(2)" me:"hahhahah! okay!" -walked to there- grace:"hello!" learning&steven:"err, hi?" me:"lol, eh learning, introduce yourself la!" learning introduces herself? i think. grace:"hello, wo shi xue(2) xi(2) all of us laughed -.- it was rly funny talking to grace lah. steven&learning were talin gobut rubik cube frm when they sat in the car to reachin felly's hse. -.- FELLY'S HOUSE, DAMMMMNNN BIGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGG. im jealous! ahhaha.seriously dammit big. her volleyball friends were there, weining, huimin,jafie. crystal&jocelyn were there, then 3of us, misha, val, jj&shaohong. lol. walked ard the house, walked outside first, snaptwisted alooooot of times. :D once, learnig called shaohong, learning:"eh, shaohong, where are you?" then shaohong answered me&steven:"learning misses you!" then we snaptwistttt each other, then laughlaugh. super funny! ate with lovely pple(: laughed and crpaped, ALOT. misha was rly crapping alot. till laugh till, LOL. :D chrystal, felly have a guitar necklace, which looks like: i wore mine too, but diff. frm them, but guitar also, then i told chrystal, :" 1,2,3,4 havent take neoprint together yet D: " chrys:"yahlorr."\ me:"eh, we shld buy a guitar neckalce for learning also, then 1,2,3,4 got guitar necklaces!" chrys:"ohyah! cool leh:" lol, took pics with jocelyn,val. loads. then a few mins later some of us were sitting at the living room playing twister and just sitting down there, then some outside playing v.ball. once ShaoHong beat the ball damn hard then go to her neighbour's hse. LOL. and the neighour's dog licked it. EWWW. and they came in alr. so we sat on the sofda and talked. Jiang jun startedspinning the cushion, and he said spinning cushions easier&fun-er to spinning books -.- WOW, then he was damn pro lah! then shoahong spinned and we tried spinning it, can lehhs. snaptwisted alooot agn-.- felly tooked out pokercards, then actl me and shoahong wanted to play stress with uno cards, but they dunte hav, so nvm. then shaohong played with jocelyn, jocelyn playe with learning, then the otheres crapped alot, seeing them play. me&steven was playing the arcade game thingy, you not got the table, then the 'circle thingy' then use a thingy to hit here hit there, then score if go inside your opponent's hole thingy. yah, played using the pokercard the box. ahhahaha. damn retard -.- it was fun lah. then i played stress with steven -.- its like neverending lah! ohyah, the first 'stress' we both said 'SNAPTWIST' together, then laughed together-.- HAHAHA, damn funny, snaptwist become stress, influenced alr -.- then the second 'stress' also. 'snaptwist!' HAHAHAHA, we were laughing like mad alr. -.- the third time, i stressed him, with the word ;stress!' and he said he almost said snaptwist. then the last stress said together, then he go gvie me the cards. wl. then i asked jojo continue the game. haha. then learning, jj, shaohong went up or smth. then few mins later we were still at the living room, playing&talking, rubik-cubing, then we heard "BANG" SHAOHONG BANGED THE SLIDING 'TRANSPARENT' DOOR! he said he was htinking whether is can cross or not, still kick the door after that,. IT WAS RLY VERY FUNNY. then got the mark on the door. HAHAH. steven kept laughing lah, damn bad. -.- we were tehre kept asking :"are you okay" profusely. -.- lalalalala, damn funny. :D eh, i forget what happened, i thnk alot nvr write ehs. D: then go cut cake or smth, ? then felicia passed the spray-can-ribbon-thingy to 3pple, ME! chrystal&steven, dunte noe why? then they kept qiang-ing. lol excahnged with steven cos i said. "eh. orange lehhs." then paused there for awhile, then he put out his hand, then i put the PINK can there, then passed me the ornagge, he likes pink, right? LOL. and after cutting the cake, RANNNNNNNNN to catch felly and SPRAYYYYYYED at her :D he ssister&brother were like siaosiao that time. hhahah. damn funny./ sat ard the living room table agn, played the game, it wsa veryvery fun lah, laugheter and all the blurness on pple's faces. -.- it was hilariousssssss. :DDD ;D her party is nice okay. went home 10:08, haaa, mother fetch. steven;'s father came same time O.o then left at same time, asked mummy to fetch jocelyn home! :D fellyfellyfelly, nicenicniecnie PARTYYYYY. :D loveeeee u sia. rhine's brother is super cute! he rmb's me! cos i went his house before. supersupersuper cute lah! but don is cuter, but kleef, (however u spell his name) also damn CUTEEEEE. mr chia kept sms-ing felly lehhh, say she veh bad, nvr jio him to come. thats what he siad. pics! me, jojo&val but cannot lehs, everytime i take the pic cnt see me lehh! D:
due to steven's blurness, we had to take this pic ourselves. :D PEEPOS. at her hse, her granny damn cute. :D learning's agony.LOL, she dodo lah, becos of SHAOHONG. ahhaha.siaosiao one she. can you see the mark Shaohong made-.- the blurblur part, ohyah, steven and the felly's father inn backgrd, he was rly guai, keeping the cards then all of us pang-seh-ed, felly's father was reading newpaper! and he was funny lah! RIBBBBBBON thingy ard her, kuku lah. GROUP PHOTO^^ frm left to right :"rhine,me,steven,chrystal" 'below' row, learning,kleff,valerie,jocelyn,felicia!" kahbing&venessa&misha not there 2DL <33 not forgetting, HAPPY BIRTHDAY JIANGJUN (: Friday, January 25, 2008
5:18 AM
hello(:school's veryvery nice today. except the shirlyn part with *, im i jealous or what, OHNO. physics first, well it was, just listening to teacher talking, copy answers, learnt something new. ohyah, teahce called out 4 pple to 'experiment' smth, and they had to, VIBRATE (: learning,jocelyn, discussed abt how to go to felly's party, then i asking mummy to fetch laoniang, learning! zheyuan called me penis agn -.- stupid prawnpenis man lah! dodo steven showed me his "dodo and the smiley" thing on the hand, cos he ytd tell me he nvr wash off the dodo&smiley face :D and alvin's smileey still can see abit lah. mine, cannot :/ and itt was calligraphy, luanchun changed place agn and obvioulsy nigel came and sit beside me, seriously bully sia! didnt felt like writing, then i only wrote one ugly one. :/ ohyah, and the 4x4 thingy, alvin,leraring,steven,veda all tio the hard one, then i think im the first one to get the easier words. then they asked why, then i said. :"aiyah, cos teacher see people adorable mahh!" :D washed brush with jocelyn, then walked out of toilet with xinyi, and alvin came out of boys toilet, and started poking me with the brush till classroom, was still poking, then once he poke damnit pian lurhs, D: rly rly pain. nigel kept irritating me lurhs.-.- RECESS. D&T chioning till 10, then go eat with xinyi, passed by LY, Joseph! &YingJie lurhs. :D ohyah, then i kept irritating kahbing with yingjie's "nice flag raising today" ahahha, and she said she gna have nightmares. :O Biology, alot of SNAPTWISTS in this lessonnnn. :D teacher was starting up the com all those, cos projector like siaosiao, for 15-20mins? then the first snaptwist was, i asked nigel what his pencil case brand is, then is 'bodyglove' mah, then i purposely said bodyglove with em, and SNAPTWIST! with laughterrrrr. another one, nigel asked smth arhhs, then me&steven siad "got meh?" then i snaptwistttt! :D with laughter, and another was with nigel. siad "twice" together, snaptwist! &laughter! :D i think still got one more, forget alr.:D it was really funny can, and alvin,steven,nigel kept explaining and telling me new things abt sex. D: not the process or parts lah! relax! cos textbook have mah, then i kept asking what was that all those. -.- then they keep saying. englit, it was okay. actl verysian. :D then write notes to xinyi, beside me. she started with, xinyi:"bloody sian :( " me:"yah, i know, but no blood." xinyi:"haha, LOL, stupid la" me:"huh? im not 'la', 'la' is benjamin! (benjamin 'la' from 1LY, nickname lah.) xinyi:"haha, stupid leck." then blahblahbalh. :D it was a veryveyr long. teacher sucks can, that teacher. stupid lit teacher. :p english, had to do CA COMPONENT. :/ it was okay lah, just scared i wrote rubbish. nigel kept using my correction tape lah! use till like going no more alr. :/ then nigel and steven pulled nigel's correcton tape, then very noisy. and it was very long. dunno why. then i told steven the correction tape thingy was my jellyfish friend, then he say"oh rly? your friend? then keep it." then put it inside my pencilcase. -.- school endddddddddd. steven put learning&his bottle beside my bottle.t me:"huh?" steven:"take picture lah! nike bottles?!" me"OHYAH HORR." learning:"ohyah!!!!" then steven ran to shaohong and grabbed his bottle. then i tooked the picccccc. i'll uplaod the pic next time. with all the things we have in common! crumpler+nike bottles+northstar shoes+sonyerricson+friction pen (going to be, when learning buys the pen for steven & me first.) BUDDDDDDDDDIES. at lunch with xinyi&valeire! jordan-billy-???? forget alr. D: sorry abt forgetting your imaginary boyfriend, valerie. :D ahhaa, then walked back with them and xinyi left with her NPCC pple alr D: ten val&i helped launchun and kukudile rachy to make the 2Dl thing. val was usign a veryvery funy tone talking to pple -.- then went to library, found peggy&huiling, then went canteen, huiling left with her wushu pple. then we went fer trng :D trng was okay. played with the seniors. D: again. it was damn scary lurhs, lost 2-3 when playing with jyening&hannah. AHHA. sorry lurhs peggy! D: my fault. then yuanhui&rachel, lost like 0-3, LOL, they damn pro can. very rubbish lah me, when playing iwht them :/ walked to busstop with piggy, tlkaed bout loads of thingggs. :D piggypeggypepsipepgi. :D AHHAHAHA. loooooool. TMR! fellyfellyfellyfellyfellyfellyfelly's BDAY celebration! :DDD JiangJun's birthdayy! :D wait, but there's trng in the morning. Thursday, January 24, 2008
6:04 AM
HELLO.school's veryveryvery fun today. had english, lesson was very funny. have to write CA COMPONENT tmr lehhhhhs. second one. and maths, it was okay lurhs. maths sucks lurhhs, so difficult to understand cans! and recess! chionged to library with xinyi to photocopy. asked that aunty alot of question abt the photocopier thingy. HAHAH. xinyi used like alot of money there. but if $0.04, then 10sheets not $0.40 meh? then why they deduct $1? HAAH. took tingxie words from BN person, dunno who is he but his sititng beside gerome, cos gerome playing psp then i asked him lorrs, i know his name, frazer. LOL. then he like damn comical lah, keep asking me. "eh? this one have not ah?" when im th eone asking got what words. then i mouthed to xinyi "wah, he damn slow lehh" cos he was rly very slow -.- chinese, it was okay lorrs. i peeeked one word though :/ sorrrrrayyyyyyye. then steven kept turning benhind then keep saying he dunte know alot. LOL. learning kept takin gmy correction tape. HAAH. charisma! funfun. attentive listening, Mrteo is damn cute kay. 4of us agn, grp, then discussed what conditions there are to listen atentively blahblha. alvin asked me to draw the smiley face on the hand agn, so i drew, then steven put his hand on my table, then i go draw, and add a 'dodo' there agn, then i wrote 'patrick' on alvin;s hand. LOL. luanchun was quieeeeeeeeeet. the discussion like only me, alin&steven talking &crapping. steven kept solning the rubik cube thingy, like alot of times, then cos i kept asking what mr teo said, then steven say:"see lah, never listen attentively right!" me:"eh, at least i not like some people, keep solving rubik cube when teacher's talking" steven;"yah horr, who ah." then kept asking me to help him mix the rubik cube thingy. then i said:"wait lah, i dunte mix the rubik cube thingy when teacher's talking." alvin just sat there and gave the diao face when the 2of us were crapping -.- learning&valerie cant believe that steven kept solving the rubik cube thing. OHYAH, AND JOCELYN REACHED SCHOOL 9:50 TODAY. :O history, it was okay. ahha, continued crapping though, went into our groups, jocelyn&xinyi helped me think of what to say when playing the game. AHAH, thanks, cos my mind was like in a blank, then i dunte get it. HAHA. prawnman was PRAWNNING, and Brandon, kept reading the textbook. HAHA. Pw. it was okay. jocelyn, power lorr. keep making eyecontact hor. :D she was good lurhs, and the powerpoint was nice lurh. discussed till 2:30, we so diligent can, teacher go alr, we still discussing. :D walked with learning,jocelyn. FUN, kept tlaking, laughing. asked jocelyn if she wanna shop on sunday, then she say can. and she said she wants ot buy a crumpler! she said she dunte wanna be included in the crumpler buddies thing, becos got 2boys,2girls, then give all the LAME REASONS. -.- tsk! HAHA. :D yay, so me&jojo goin out on either this sunday/ next sunday! :D did homework&reflection stuff. it was rly fun cos talked to 5pple. msn lurhs, #01 YuanHui- wl, keep saying me blur can, when she's the blur one. she said she dunte like to come 2DL lehhs, D: cos pple look at her give the ' O.O ' face, cos saw a human bunny. ahahah. then i said a blur one, she's rly blur okay! then i typed wrongly cos i wanted to type smth to kahbing, then i accidentally typed to hers, then she keep saying i blur, when she's the one who's superduper, BLUR. dodogonggongkukusotongbunnyBLUR. #02 KahBing- explained to me D&T and eng, THANKS :D damn nice. and started talking bout yingjie, how annoying he is. HAHA. becos last time he msged me, then damn annoying, then i agve him kahbing';s no. then recently kahbing told me she gave him xinyi's no. HHAAHAH, xinyi, you;re dead, and the next morning, xinyi told me yingjie sent 52msgs yesterday. DAMN FUNNY. misha&me last tim eannoyed by him alr, now, KAHBING&XINYI'S TURN(: #03 Alvin-woahwoah, keep telling me stupid things lurhs, always have this word 'hot' in his conversatons, comfirm+guarentee :D always talks abt 2girls in class, shall not say the names if not he kill me :/ always asks me abt them. :D haahah, and one of them annoyed by himalr. #04 Steven-woah, kept asking me to say what i wanted to say cos i have a habit of typing "eh, nothing" then he will say "pls" ,"tell me" all those, is like almost half of the conver. is that can! and he slapped me with a smelly tuna fish, animation lurhs, TWICE. hahaha. it was funny lurhs, talking to him, explained to me work for D&T as well., thanksss. :D #05 Misha-veh comical alrights, cos got this virus or smth, what picture thingy, then she kept asin gme, "what if the pic is me" and asked me to check with everyone. i told her its a virus or smth like that and she began "really", "thanks ah!" me, damn funny. :D ohno, tmr got trng. D: GOODLUCK&JIAYOU! Volleyball; Kahbing,Felicia,Venessa, Jafie, Genevie,Weining (those i know lrhs. -.-) Netball: Chrystal! (coach for DL netball team :D ) jiayouuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuus okays :DDD loves. Wednesday, January 23, 2008
5:39 AM
school's okay today,everything was nice in the morning till when we came back to flagraising, luanchun changed seats with dunno who, then beside me nobody, then thianhong wna sit with jianxing,then nigel saw my beside,no one sit then he come, i was like grumbling alr. -.- then i complained -.- then learning,jocelyn, veda, steven,alvin turned ard then see me, then their face like all the same:" is she gonna cry again." haha. it was damn funny today, all the laughtttter. xinyi&i went bookshop. :D lol, fascinating? no. in class laughed alot. bio, it was super funny, cos nigel got the kneadable eraser thingy so he was playing, nigel-steven: *rolling the eraser* eh i make ball for you." steven:"huh why, i dont have leh." nigel:" yahlah, thats why i making for you." steven:"huh, so small ah?" me&nigel:"then how big do you want?" THEN I SNAPTWIST-ED NIGEL! then steven look at me give that kind of face, then i was laughinnnnnnnnnnnnnng like mad alr, seriously, very mad. :D siao lah, seriously damn funny for me. then alvin keep asking me what happen, then he go tell jocelyn. jocelyn:"oh die, her ears red she laughed till siao liao." me:"*looked at her* ---LAUGHHHHHHHHHHHHHHED.--- HAAHAH, suepr hilarious. D&T chionging during recess with jocelyn, then mrs tan asked us things. and told us things, i thnk she rocks lah. i love her lah! :D HAH. and it was? maths, sian. quiz, comfirm fail. then i think i said another phrase same as nigel agn, then i snaptwist-ed him agn, and steven looked at me agn, i laughed agn, alvin asked me what happened agn, jocelyn siad the same thing. HAHAHAHAH, so funny ah, dejavu. it was rly funny. nigel:"i tihnk i shld keep my mouth shut alr." after school,took 4CRUMPLER BUDDDIES bags. steven was grumbling. me:"eh, put down your bag leh." steven:"huh? why?" me:"wl, take the bags lah! i thought i told u liao." steven:"huh, but i not staying back." me:"i know, very fast one lah." steven:"okay. faster." me:"aiyah, nvm lah, you go lorr, they very slow one.(cos learning&shaohong still packing bag) steven:"aiyah, nvm lah, i wait lorr." me:"nono, you go lah, byebye!: steven:"huh, nvm!" me:"no, they very slow one, byebye!" learning:"yoyo pple, take the photo" steven&i gave the diao face to each other then learning. then i ran to shaohong place, took his bag. then put properly. learning:"nice job man" me:"LAUGHING." then faster took the pics. :D more&more ppl getting crumplers in class ler, but i like the 4 of us.just us 4. then ate with shirlyn,learning. crapped.:D &went for trng?! trng was okay i guess. :/ haha. walked hoe with piggy!! was telling her the last episode of golden path, the whole thingy. haha, she asked alot of things lurhs. funny, :D oh, she still scared of the dead bird. -.- when its not there anymore. tmr PW, wl, pw sucks lurhs. -.- shitass thing. :( Monday, January 21, 2008
6:03 AM
HULLO :Dschool was okay lorrs. LifeScience, talked alot. :D ALOT. :/ today's experiments verysian lehhs. P.e was fun, NETBALL, ofcourse fun lurhs. :D netball is veryveryvery nice. team was: learning,misha,shirlyn,ziyin,me,shaohong,nigel,rhine. :D it was okays. :DD actl fun lah,. :D and other subjects nothing rly to talk leh. chi? maths.? acc... LOL. it was okay lorr. OHOH, acc, ALOT of pple like gna sleep, well some slept lahh. I NEVER, i didnt felt tired. then luanchun very funny. she wake up that time then like almost finishing, then she ask me:"huh? so fast ffinish ah" i was laughing like MAD. :D ohyah, steven said i siao cos i not feeling tired. :O alvin slept so funny. xinyi&rhine slept lah. so funny see them sleep, cos they deskmates, then so funny. :/ hahaha. alot of pple slept lurhs -.- then interaction period. hahah, quite fun lahh. was rly high. :D discussed abt the bazzar at the lake thingy. agn the 4pple, luanchun,me, alvin,steven. LOL, they crappped soooooooooooooo much lah. then i started using my purple marker to draw a smiley on steven's hand., then i drew it on alvin's, drew it on luanchun's. and myself. LOL. they asked me too. :/ oh, and an additional 'dodo' on steven's. then i didnt understand alot of things cos i kept saying i dunte get it, then steven laugh till mad lorr. alvin came up with sickkkkkk ideas. :/ luanchun like quiet lehh, but awhile later not rly alr lahh. on the paper i wrote:" kissing booths, hugs. (suggested by alvin, steven, lc.)" hahhaha. :D rly they suggest. ohyah. and hugs good lehs. got tis free hugs day thingy mah. then we were talking abt it. HAHH, it was reall fun. :D walking to the grandaudi for assembly is fun :D assembly was :/ learning left a space for me inbetween her and venessa! :D then i sat there, damn sian nigel sat behind me D: comfirm bully on emah. although he verh funny, but he 'bully' very what one can. then after sing school song, my bag was 'gone'. obviously, nigel's plan, :p then i sat there ignore everybody that talked to me. then i cried. :/ really cried lah. :/ then they were like comforting, wl. :p damn sad, then they returned my bag back, thanks arh venessa,misha,felly,learning. :) walked back with laods of peepos, they purposely tell jokes, coldjokes to me to make me smile lurhs., -.- and alvin told me that actl nigel put my bag on misha's chair then alvin put under's misha's chair or smth. then i said nvm like gna cry agn -.- then he said sorry all those. arghh. was rly quiet. until 7-11, it was quite funny cos the usual people agn, and bigger, then they were joking like siao. JJ was doing the nonstop blowing thingy. and took video, and i was laughing like mad seeing him do that .-.- moodswing! HAHAH., no lah. then i was high agn. :D Thursday, January 17, 2008
1:45 AM
HELLO(:didnt blog yesterday, cos i was too busy? HAHA. homework lurhs. but yesterday was really fun lah. WEDNESDAY. i'll just talk abt D&T okays. HAHAH. D&T was fun, combined class cos havve to research on pics. i still have no idea what to do lehss. sat beside chrystal and nigel, tought the girls wld sit next to me cos D&T always lik ehtat, but nigel kope their sits. BULLY ME LURHS. then zheyuan sat beside steven who sat beside nigel. LOL. damn bully lah them., nigel&my com cannot switch on in the first place, but i keep trying then can. nigel slower then me. HAH. ahd to find pics, nigel turned off my safesearch lah! shitty. then if i have a big reaction to smth, nigel&steven will 'what,what,what' jocelyn will run from her place go my place, jianxing also -.- HAHAH, find finish some pics then wanted to send to my email. then nigel kept pressing F11. then keep disturbing me. keep asking hwere i took my pics frm. ARGHH. FELLY, SEE YOUR HUSBAND! ahah. went to my email acc. nigel was using steven's com to send junk mail, ALOT. but i only recieved one. HAHA. i tried sending to nigel. send alr wanted to send to steven. then nigel! kept making me. keep closing the damn page. >< damn ass lah. alothough he kept bullying but very funny lah. but i didnt send my research okay! i have to find all over agn! D: nigel tan, u sucker! :) THURSDAY, today. flagrasing, sec twosspot check agn. mr chia check us, on fingernails only. then mr teo request whether ourclass can go back first. then we're the first class to go back lurhs. :D Maths, mr teo was pissed becos of CR, their attitude and all. nvm, he still got DL! and Hm, haha. :D kinda get it lah. :/ Chinese. had tingxie. itr was okay didnt know 5/. D: had the group thingy agn. :D i think steven was kindof pissed cos 3of us like nvr agree with him whe he right, really. D: then alvin being called agn! to ans that ques. PHEW. Recess copied goeg. i was the only girl left in class! WTH. with zheyuan,thianhong. jiakang, benjamin, junwei. WL. learning, vveda, jocelyn. xinyi pangseh can. go bookshop without me. D: HAH. then they crapped and laughed alot lah. Geog. WOAH. today lesson veh fun. had to go ard the school record temperature/ heng, XINYI group leader. :D actl they appointed me to be. then i like siansian. then xinyi said she be lorr. then really heng lah. they will suffer if i was the grp leader. cos mrs ho explain how to use the instrument to them is really very confusing. after explaing, xinyi came back to us. i asked her me:"eh, isit very complicated" xinyi:" errrrrrrr, yah. haha." me:"hhaha, heng sia. if i be you all die alr." :D went ard the school! :D nigel's grp sat a tth humanities room first.we came in second., then felly's, then i said "congrats felly,chrystal, blahblahblha. you've came in third" then blahblahblah, like amazing race :D Physics. it as okay. asked questions and miss indra (?) called us by the first alphabet of your name. she started with 'e' then blahblahblah. once she called 's' but alot of pple in clas got 's' then she say 'sh', got shirlyn&shaohong. then shaohong go ans lorr. then she called 'h' thenno one mah. then she called 'L'. wl, then the whole calss keep callling learning&me! then i shouted:"LUANCHUN." steven:"woah, that was loud" luanchun:"no no, i dunte want." in the end, we 3 had to ans the same question. :/ Englsih. it was okay lah miss adri was quite pissed in the beginning. but after thsa it was okay lurhs. Pw. it wa okay. abit confusing. :D school ended, walked with alot of pple :D went to 7-11. then i had to go home for piano, oh fuck my piano teacher, today... :D TOMRROW GOT MUSIC :D highighhigh :D and selfstudy! and calligraphy! lit&eng lurhs. (: and training. :O ohno, i dunte like the coach lehhs. :D chocolate e clair! :D HELLO(: Tuesday, January 15, 2008
4:52 AM
HELLO!flagraising, announcements were funny, esp. the eds one. heh. PE, woah. funfun man. netball! very fun/ but not match of course. played so called monkey? and touchdown. whooo~ touchdown was fun baby. :DDD mr sequeira was okay lorrs/ :D CHEM! wooo, mr lam was very funny. when all of us came in, he said we very smelly. LOL. then ask who got deodorant. Rachel said she had. so she sprayed. i got the blue one, cos she had the purple one. CROCODILE! :D and his lessons were funny lah. VERY~ :D his veryveryvery nice, and he talked abt a game. then he asked mr ang play also mah, then the story was super funny :D tmr got D&T! :DDD, hopefully tmr's gna be fun man. Recess! iw as doing homework. then yuanhui&her friend came to collect the money, she asked val if im in. then valerie called my name but i nvr answer so she thought i not in lorr! HAHAHAHA, damn blur. then when i stand up then stare at yuanhui, she was stil sms-ing, then she looked up saw me, then i look at her, then she looked back at ther phone, i was thining "wth lah?!" then she loooked up again, then "oh" LOL. that was damn blur,. seriously. HAHAH. then contd chiong hw. D: History, relief teacher. luanchun exchanged place with sadist, xinyi! omg,miss her. HAHAH.:D then crapped alot, then alvin&steven turned back at crapped&laughed also. then teacher knock my table ask me take out smth to do. D: but we still continued crapping lurs.. laughed alot, siao alr lurhs. OHYAH, then i told learning, "besides the crumpler-nike buddies, still got onething in common, our phones all sony erricson one." steven&learning:"OHYAH HORR! cooooooool man." learning:"eh find, still got what things in common." *3of us thinked alot of things but nvr* learning:"OHHHHHHH! I KNOW.shoe? all north star one isit?" steven:"eh, no, leckqi not" me:"wait, i got one at home, but one size bigger, cannot wear." 3ofus:"WOAH DAMN COOL SIA." and we told shaohong. HAHA. 4things in common, crumpler! waterbottles! phones! shoes! :DDD yay. chinese. it was okay lahs. need to do smth, she asked for. so one grp 4pple, alvin,steven,launchun,me, cos we were the first four, so everybody just turn their chairs back mah, then form a grp alr lorr. then she called, heng nvr call me sia, called alvin.AHAHA. ENGLISH LIT. miss cheong. she discussed with us abt the worksheet. this lesson was quite funny though. kahbing was the first to be called, she say her name veh funny leh :/ ahhaha. then we were saying like this year nobody called my name wrongly. :DD then steven was hoping that she wld call my name! last question, me and felly got called! felly answered first, then she called me, steven was like laughing alr. i looked at felly, cos i copied her answer, so i took luanchun's anwers. AHHA. then after i ans, miss cheong ask me:"u have a sister in this school right?" me:"yah" miss cheong:"graduated alr right?this year? last year? recently?" me:"err, yah!" miss cheong:"leck hui or smth right?" me:"yah!" HAHAH. School End, jocelyn went to toilet, learning went bookshop. boys all go alr. then left the 4girls, ziyin,zann,launchun,kaiwen.steven, and me, and jocelyn's bag. then a few mins later they go alr. then left steven and me -.- steven:"u waiting for who." me:"jocelyn lah, she go toilet mah." *sian face* he packs his stuff, then sit there awhile. i was thinking, jocelyn go toilet damn long arhhhhhhhs, he sure go one lahh. then he wallkwalkwalk, steven:"byebye" me:"eh, pangseh lahhh." steven:"huh, okay lorr, i stay lah!" me:"haha, nvm lah, byebye" steven:"okay, byebye" and like onemin later, jocelyn came/. HAHAHAH. and went to library find yuanhui. she 'forgot she had class' LOL. she very funny&blur lah. LOL. and went to 7-11! jj,rhine,jianxing was there at first. then me and jocelyn joined in, then 10mins later, zheyuan,shaohong,brandon,alvin joined, then learing came last. HAHAH. then rhine&jj paiseh lah, went off first. but that ttime nehmind, cso got alot of pple. HAHAH. then jianxing,brandon,zheyuan hide my bottle. again and agagin and again. once jianxing didnt want to return me, i said i cry ah. ahhaha, then he return. -.- AHAHAHHA. he grew taller sia! :D brandon damn look like puss in boot lahs. HAHAH. mrt, went with shoahong, jocelyn,alvin,brandon. after shaohong go down. me:"EH?! cool lehh, shaohong go down at bedok, i go down at tanahmerah, jocelyn go down at simei, alvin go down at tampines, brandon go down at pasirris." alvin:" wl, u lag ah, now then know." brandon:"aha, yahlor, slow" jocelyn smiles. me:"u know meh?! (to brandon)" brandon:"yah, obviously lah." me stares at him. me:"really?" brandon:"err, i got to admit lah,. i dunno." me:"HAHAHAHA." lol! so puss in boot lah he. :D went home and yah. :D hope tmr's lessons are fun thursday's gonna suck i tells ya. :D Monday, January 14, 2008
4:40 AM
HELLO(:obviously gonna blog abt school agn. LOL. Reached school. XinYi was like reach school 7:15 today. so late lahh. then i was tlaking to veda from when i reached school till bell ring, cos learning, valerie&jocelyn went to 1hm, borrowed acc book from weining, BN., hhaha, dunno where my acc book went to sia. :( and steven saw when i took it from her i think. then i turn back going to veda there mah, then he stick out his tongue, then smile. then give the sian face :he nvr bring also lorr/ D: ACC, WangFeng! like ard 7pple nvr bring book and 3lost em? HAHA. LOL. he talked abt china lah the whole lesson. the first part eveyone like going to sleep that kind, but the 2nd part, cos very disgusting mah, then eevybody awake lorr. LOL. Biology! did experiments, it was fun lah. :DD with all the laughing&crapping&ewwing, jocelyn,xinyi, zheyuan&steven poked me on the cheek after bio, still can rmb lor! :S Recess, chiong some homework then ard 10:05 went to eat sushi with xinyi. went to the stall and queued behind shoahong&steven. then 4of us sat together at the table but nvr rly talk much. only talked abt which sushi nicer&which is not LOL. Chinese, it was okay actl. i act guai lah. LOL. Maths, it was okay. just abit too noisy? EH! I forget what happened alr lahs! Geog, it was okay too. LOL. OH.me and xinyi crapped alot. once is. when we doing the workbook, then the fan keep 'blowing' xinyi's wb pages to her face. then i kept laughing. xinyi:"haha, u sadist lah!" me:"orh, ahhaha" 2mins later, me:"eh, whats sadist?!" xinyi:"HAHAHH, someone who laughs at a person's misery." (i think) me:"oh, ahhahahahah." then i keep purpossely make the paper at her. then i dunno once, she said she sadist or smth? then i say. "eh, u sadist? laughing at your own misery?, POWER!" Maths, again. yah, still noisy. me&xinyi were still crapping abt the sadist thingy. so funny/. LUNCH BREAK. i think queued 25mins for the food. sian. ate jap anyway! ate till 2.30. then went back to class. i was DAMN HIGH^^ OHYAH. MISHA HAD A NEW IMAGINARY FRIEND, JOHNNY. :DDDDD i laughed till mad during the lunch break. poking pple. blahblahblah. :D Interaction, damn sian lah. change place, alot of girls were hoping to sit with a boy, including me. no big. its alot, even the guys were wishing damn hard to sit with a girl. then used poker cards? Wang Feng's plan lah. got to sit with Luanchun., my sadist, xinyi, not sitting with me anymore. DD: then i was damn sad, D: then they said i was like damn emo?! LOL. then steven&alvin (i tihnk)purposely turn behind and talk. cheering me up or smth. -.- then steven&shirlyn kept asking why i so sad, u okay not all those. D: and once, felicia asked me whether i was okay, after she asked, she, xinyi, jocelyn,val,veda,learning,avlin,steven all looked at me. almost cried lah. LOL. they askaskask, will automatic feel like crying one. D: alvin infront of me, steven beside him, learning beside me, jocelyn beside her, got this pple, can crap alot with them,. okay alr lor. xinyi far from me D: not that far though. FELLY&NIGEL SIT TOGETHER, fated kayys :D Assembly~ when we were walking to grandaudi, i was talking and poking steven mah, then learning tlaking to shaohong. shaohong,steven,learning&me, (crumpler buddies!) didnt notice we were walking beside each other, then steven suddenly pointed out. we were like "ohyah horr! dadmn cool man" then i asked xinyi to take pic of our backs, woth crumplers, walking. but failed. D: LOL. and learning said, besides our crumplers, we still got another thing in common, we all used nike bottles. HAHAHA. :D so its like crumpler-nike buddies. :D HAHAHAHAHA. ohyah, nigel nvr come, if not he wld sit behind felly! AAHAH. sat with fellly and learning during assembly. and u know what? misha actually left a space beside her, and its for JOHNNY,her imaginary friend. :O HAHAH. steven was behind me. and vedaq was beside him! then steven kept kicking my chair, poking me lah,during assembly. damn immature D: HAHAHA. and when he claps, he will clap then make my hair. -.- nigel msged me to ask who he sitting with. then i said felly.felly was like ?!?! HAHAH. :DDD veda,learning,me,felly,chrys,steven kept crapping, alot. and rhine! trick me lah he. D: HAHA. the whole assembly i think bn.cr.dl that block very noisy. then after assembly, mr peck let us off last. before he let us off, he siad "im not punishing you, you know, it jsut happpens you sit here, then i need to let them go first if not traffic jam" then the whole block was like "chey~~" cos we thought he gna scoled us cos we were veryvery noisy. HAHAH. Walkinggggg. wlaked with alooooooooot of pple and crapped. then went to 7-11, they were eating blahblahblah. and rhine ate cupnoodles, and drank the soup with a straw. AHAHHAHA. funny. vehscared tmr~~ D: Sunday, January 13, 2008
6:59 AM
talking to cuzzies online is fun lah.AHHA, today. i mean just. tlaked to jimmy&grace. LOL. they're in the same house and using diff. com. FUNNY ehs. jimmy verh dodo lehh. his nick write :" Jimmz~my little cousin is getting vain' WL, then i ask him why. very LOL. then i change my nick from supercalifragilisticexpialidocious, to '(: LULU} my older cousin is going to be a MONSTER. :O ' jaslyn's word. :D then he say he'll sure mess up my hair in church next time. :O and grace! ahaha. cos my nick then was supercalifragilisticexpialidocious, then she ask i watching marry poppins arhhs, or smth like that. then talked somemore. so funny. :DDDDD and she said abt learning's bigbigbig patrick balloon . AHAHAHAHA. LEARNING'S BDAY CELBRATION, although her bday's on 4jan, but, yah. AND TODAY'S JOCELYN'S BDAY! HAPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPY BIRTHDAY!!! :DDD had soooooo much fun in the thingy. nigel&i reached first, then rhine, then like 40mins, dunno alvin/jocelyn came, then veda came last. played the game of life, and me&jocelyn lost. D: HAHA. the ard 6plus till 7plus, played. PILLOW+BOLSTER+SOFT TOYS+PATRICK fightsssssssssss. :DD it was so fun, me,jocelyn, learning, alvin on one side of the bed, with our fortress, while rhine,nigel,veda,planning on the other side, no forttress. LOL. then played till mad? and lughed till siao lah. it was damn fun :DDD Thursday, January 10, 2008
4:51 AM
HELLO(:heh, class was damnit fun, nice today :DDD Flagraising, AFTER flag raising was fun! :DDDDD me&xinyi went to class pegion hole take smth, and walked damn fast to catch up with the class. :D and i found em, and went to play the tap-shoulder-poke-cheeks game. :D made steven and zheyuan. they never turn at all can. cos the girl were infront, so i ran infront and made learning. :D then i made chrystal, chrystal siad"nonono, im not gonna turnnnn!" and i made alvin, ahhaha, he damn easy make sia, and zheyuan kept crapping with me agn! abt penis! :/ he started it, not me. then while we were crapping, steven made me lah! but i was clever not to turn :D dissapointed lah him! and he tried agn, i didnt turn. then he said:"ahhh dunte care lah, just poke." then he poked 2sides. :O made aloooot of pple, esp. learning! easy target. :DDDD English, MissAdri! she came in, talked abt bookreviews and all, and said we had to do another assignment next lesson or nextnext lesson, SIAN, and today wasnt that funny, her lesson, everybody wasw siansian cos the first period of the day always like that. =.= Maths, MrTeo, quite pissed cos the whole class was damnit noisy. other groups presented, then dunno, and our group presented again, to earn more marks? LOL. Recess, coiped chinese then go with XinYi&KahBing! :D kahbing had councillor duty lahh, then she say she dunte wanna wear tie, HAHA. she was HIGH, allllllong, from our class too bookshop. passed 1LY, and we saw JOSEPH&YINGJIE! they were playing chess -.- and guess what type of socks joseph wore? PUMA, white colour socks. got the label puma there somemore lah, gold colour. BRAVE. :DD &went to the bookshop, kahbing said she need to wear tie when he steps into the canteen., so we need ta go bookshop, we went from class, to the service road then bookshop, but she will step onto the canteen mah. then she faster runnnnnnn to the bookshop, SIAOSIAO, but i like her high, its funny :DDD ion the bookshop, while xinyi was queueing up to pay, me and kahbing were at the books there, and were laughing like mad, kahbing is soooooooooo high! :DD and bell rang, so we ran all the way to classroom, and saw the boys runningggg to classrooooooom also :DD Chinese. Chen ls, 25mins without her yo! and crapped alot can! :D went to sit jocelyn's seat, jocelyn sat val's seat, crapped with her, veda, learning. and i crapped with nigel&steven lah. dodo nigel lah! keep saying im lao(3) monkey! from the golden path show. i was like wth. then keeeep crapping with him, steven just sat beside him and laughed all the way lah, if not his helping me repeat what nigel sai$d, LOL. nigel:"eh lao(3) monkey! u rape who at the age of 14 ahh?! jiakang ah!? 5k only right!" *nigel&steven laughing* me:"EH! dunte crap can! and please lah! im 13! not 14! my bday havent come yet lah u dodo!" *steven laughed* nigel:"eh, whatever lah lao(3) monkey! rape pple only" WTH? and alot more crapppping cans! then kept playing the poke cheeks game agn! pokeypokeypokey! WOOOOOOOO~ ahhaha. and chenlaoshi came, and did some thingys. :( no more fun/ AHHAHA. Charisma. MrTeo! didnt do charisma., he let us do our own stufff. :D completed the chi thingy. then crapped lah! obvious! yes, its like dejavu, nigel&steven crapped with me abt the laomonkey&all the golden path characters agn, kept poking them. then sat with jojo! and crapped yo. walked ard the class. blahblahblah. (the learning incident, i wont say. HAHAHA) told misha abt that, then SHE LAUGHED DAMN LOUD. that mrteo had to say, quiet down! AHAHHAHAHA.. and steven accidentally heard that 2words then he laughed and said he was shocked? LOL. actl wanted to tell him the whole story, learning didnt want me too :D &crapppped. crappers lahh our pple! :DDD History, SIAN. the relief teacher agn.it wasnt that fun :D blahblahblah. then, jianxing was very funny, making me and xinyi laugh. crapped alot with xinyi, uber funny! :DDD ProjectWork. everybody zao different sides cos differetn, but got same lah. same project course with misha, shirlyn, jojo, learning. shirlyn came with steven and asked us whether we know where steven's project place is. then he was damn sad cos he was the only one hwo took the science and he dont even know where isit, then gave the sad face. -.- and we all went to 2HM, were late. played 2games. it was quite nice. AHAHA. and okay lorr today's. :D SchoolEnded, went toilet with jocelyn, she went lah, i didnt, so i waited outside the tooilet, and saw steven with his badminton stuff. me:"EH DODO!" steven:"lol, eh, u know where am i supposed to go and meet chen ls?" me:"dunno lehh, i no need mah. *smiles*" steven:"*gives sian/sad face* huh, then how, i dunno where leh"*walks abit more* me:"orh, okay. byebye KAIJIE.! " steven:"*gives the wth face* fine lorr, byebye" damn funny lah! and jocelyn went out. then go find veda. ate abit with jojo&veda! and went back with jojo, jj, alvin, rhine. talked abit lahh. rhine took my phone to see pics ard kembangan station that time, and ard bedok, he passed back my phone, through alvin. then reaching my stop, tanahmerah, alvin kept my phone lah. at tanahmerah, i gave the going to cry look. he siad okaylah, give u back. then rhine said, eh dunte, let her miss her stop. then alvin stillg ave me back. and the door opened damn long alr mah. so i took my phone and said, aiya forget it lah, miss lah. DODO lahhhhhhhh! rhine and jiangjun smiled and laughed abit lah. smack them sia! HAHAH. jocelyn waited ard 30secs for the train with me, then i went home, thanks arhhs! :DDD and had piano, it was okay actually. LOL. and, i need to chiong lit homework now, NOW. :D. &golden path's on channel8 now :DDD byebye :DDD loves. Wednesday, January 09, 2008
4:02 AM
HELLO(:of course, SCHOOL again, today's great i tells you, cos dunte have chinese lesson,geog lesson, all the notncie lessons. :/ BUT TMR GOT CHI, DAMMMMMN SIAN SERIOUSLY! no flagraising, so talked aloooot in the morning,LOL. &ENGLISH,. Miss Adri is damnnn nice cans. :D her lesson was nice alrights, the nicest lurhs. :D she tlaked abt alooot of things, how clumsy she was all thhose, it was veryvery funny :D &BIOLOGY. mrs tan, she was nice alsooooo. :D tlaked also and all. it was very nice lah first 2periods :D &RECESS! misha asked me,xinyi,kahbing,felly,venes&chrys to go 1LY with her, cos yingjie asked her to go. HAHA. so we went, wanted to see the damn cute&small boy JOSEPH, but he wasnt there, waited like damn long then yingjie say is prank lah. -.- xinyi&me went back class, and like 3mins later, recieved a msg from yingjie, he said joseph was in class alr, so asked xinyi go with me tlalk to them lorr. yep, and we went to LY yo! joseph&yingjie are in the school badminton team lah, damn cool :D kahbing they all were there, and kahbing asked me:" ni(3) kan(4) gou(4) le(4) mei(2) you(3)>" hhahaah. cos joseph is veryvery cute cans, his face is unforgettable one can, everybody says that lah! &RD, miss adri! had to do a assignment. -.- HAHA, but still funnnyyyy. &maths! 1and a half hours of maths, but had to present the presentation so its okay lorr, i tihnk mr teo, ABIT pisse off, cos we were veryvery noisy. :( heh. &DandT AGAINAGAIN! :DD FUNFFUNFFUN AGAIN LORRSSS. girls sat the same row, boys HAHA. cos jiakang,enzo&benjamin anyhow sat. so jiakang&benjamin sat on zheyuan's&steven's seat. -.- so they were damn pissed off becos, they took the seat lah, and they wanna disturb us mah. -.- and steven was like complaining he wanna sit behind me cos its a must to dosturb me, they damn bully cans. AHHAHA, and zheyuan! he sat infront of me! doomsday for him :D HAHA, i kept making him lah! funfunfun. nigel sat beehind learning agn. and kept making us laugh. veryvery funny :D and the pics on the powerpoint were soooooooooo funny, (thinking sick lah) that everybody kept laughing, then teacher keep askin gwhat happen. &teacher asked everybody to go the desk behind show us some things. and then steven went back with nigel&zheyuan, then me and jocelyn were behind them. but nehmind, we tall, SO CAN SEE :D learning infront! :D steven was like siaosiao cos he started like scolding me or smth, say u very horny horr,e verything laugh, sit there laughlaaughlaugh, and he kept going on and going on. i was like WTH? what did i do lah, i wasnt the only one laughing can! ?!?! &then laughed cos the toys mrang showed us was veryfunny. :p and we started saying abt, HUANGJINLU, golden path. i kept saying steven was kaijie, AHAH. nigel keep saying me xiaogu/jinfeng/linfei. WTH? i forgeet waht i said to him leh, but he keep crapping abt jiakang lah! sooooooo funny lah. zheyuan&i kept saying sick things to each other. jocelyn&me keep making learning. AHAH. &we started playing the tap-pples-shoulder-then-poke-their-cheeks. :DDDDDD i started to make learning and she kena-ed. then jocelyn laugh like !?! HAHAHAHA. and jocelyn was trying to make me, i tried to make steven&zheyuan. but they never turn leh., then jocelyn helped me, still cannot, nigel? i dunno. kept running aay from the finger. HAHA. and everyone was llaughing abt the learning&xiaoliyuan thingy. LOL. and MR ANG let us offff. :D when walking out of the d&t thing, steven keep trying to poke me on the cheek thingy. then i was TOOOOOOOOOO clever lahh. everytime he did never kena, and he was sooooooo sad. :D kept tlaking with zheyuan sick things and kahbing said she didnt know i was so sick. AHHA. funny :D then i forgot waht ahppened lehhh. ate lunch with learning! she keep saying she very scared abt her bowling trails. i was like telling her not to worry continously and kept talking bout XLY to cheer her up? :DDD &trng! went with peggy. LOL. had alot of secones. and i saw, CAIUSSSSSSSSSSS! then i stood beside him and siad. "yoyoyo" then he said "eh? why u here? u tabletennis one?" i said "yah!" then still got 4more other LY peeps :D funffun :D and walked out with peggy, she screamed when she saw that dead bird. HHAHA, VERY FUNNY LAH. :D now, choing homework agn. sian :D Tuesday, January 08, 2008
4:05 AM
HELLO(:lol!schoool was fine agn. of course it is, cos 2diligence is tooooooooo fun :D had history first, relief teacher. mr bercury didnt come :( SAD. that teacher kinda sucks. HAHAH. xinyi&me copied shirlyn's answers cos it was her sister's workbook. WTH. ahhaaha :D and it was science! mrs law cam in and sad mr lam was waiting at the science lab for us. AHHA. and she talked abt mye all those. and all the sciences, and, i need to rly concentrate this year alr lahh! and went to science lab, mr lam was there! and taught us abit. and dd a few experiments, was sitting according to the index no. thing. sat with enzo, it kindof sucks cos i dute know him well :/ then nvr talk, DAMN SIANN. but chrystal&zheyuan was infront of me and jocelyn&steven was behind me, learning&nigel was beside me, felly&JIAKANG?! was infront of nigel&learning, SO, I CAN TALK TO THEM :D.a ahhaha. &mr lam called all 5'pairs' of us (mentioned above)&rhine&seraph to do the experimant together, station a. it was quite fun lah! cos i only copied answers and some of the others were doing and some were talking, so it was damn fun cos its very hilarious giving pple the wrong answers and they have to chang it to the right answers every time. :D and once, i was putting my paper on jocelyn's back to write, then steven wrote on my back, then rhine was on his back, dunte know why? it was damn funny lah, cos if one of us move, the others will complain. AND, NO ONE, COULD TRY AND WRITE ON LEARNING'S BACK, SHE'S VERYVERYVERY SENSETIVE. D: zheyuan said my pencil case was a long penis?! LOL. damn sick :/ cos he measured my pencil case and it was over 30cm. LOL then i told jocelyn, then i forgot what jocelyn said then 3of us laughed. LOL. &nigel,steven kept irritating me cans! asssssssss! &at stationB, jocelyn was trying to push me to someone, and it turns out that i hit the corner of the table, DAMN FRIGGIN PAIN. and another time, nigel was pushing me to someone too and i push till hit the chair, PAIN ALSO LAH. damn dodo lah they 2!!! and it was recess, nothing rly happened though. only left xinyi,jocelyn,valerie,steven,zheyuan and me in the class. then i took val's phone to play flying finger, xinyi was trying to hang val LOL. kidding, and jocelyn was writing something, steven&zheyuan were crapping obviously. and they kept poking me when i was playing lah! shittypoo alright. and it was chinese, DAMN SCARY. i hatttttttttttte chinese lessons now. :/ damn scared alr. :/ and it was GEOG, was rly attentive cos i scared mrs ho called me to answer question. AHAHHAHAHA. &the lesson was quite okay for me lor. :D and it was D&T, mr ang rocks lah! HAHHA. first lesson with hom, but ohwell. he didnt scold when we were tlaking, ALOT. jocelyn was sitting with kahbing, kahbing was sitting with me, me was sitting with learning. and guessed who sat behind us, yes. the dammit irritating people today lah, zheyuan,steven.nigel. and they were kicking our chairs and saying sick things lah. and steven was like keep shaking my chair, damn irrrrrrritating. and me&kahbing kept laughing cos the pics and all, IT WAS DAMN FUN. :D D&T is niceeee. :D and voting of chairman and all, learning&shaohong were vicechairman. and they were damn angry/sad? dunno. then steven went to 'comfort' shoahong first, and felly,chrys,me went totlalk to learning, lol crumpler buddies comforting crumpler buddies. AHHAHA. &FELLY&LEARNING WENT MY HOUSE. it was dammmmmmmmmmmmmmmn fun. homework&laughing&crapping&prank calls. LOL. funfunfun. :D VERY FUN. ahahhaha. my bro told me that a malay GAY approached him and asked for u know what. DAMN DISGUSTING, then i asked him what he replied, kor:" *points middle finger* me:" wahkao, cool sia! then?" kor:" i asked him fuck off lah! just dont care him lah. *smiles*" me:"power lah! then what he say" kor:" dunno, he embarresed lorr" DAMN FUNNY SIA. i like korkor on sunday&today, damn good. :D my mother? she's mad, effing irritating today. Monday, January 07, 2008
4:57 AM
HELLO(:school's okay todayy! reached school 6plus agn. -.- then passed learning her prezzie! and blahblahblah then flagraising. :D flagraising was scary? cos had spotcheck. and mrsoon said check on sec2s&4s, then sec2 he said check BN,DL,FG,HM i think. then damn scary, scared never 'pass' AHHA, then my heart was beating DAMNN FAST. &had life science! it was damn fun! check the dna. cheek cells? yupp. then teacher said need to drink an amt of water then gargle then use tounge and 'rub' the cheeks to make the cells/dna come out? AHHA. then i asked teacher:" if we laugh lehh" then everybody laughed lah! damn funny. and we all did, it was hilarious. i drink the water laughing alr. then i close my eyes and cover my ears. shirlyn was trying to make us laugh lah cos she no need to do, then i scared see her face laugh alr but i was alr laughing. then steven also,s ee his face can laugh alr. but i was still laughing the whole thing. DAMN FUNNY. &had maths, the class was trly noisy. LOL. but it was okay lahh. mr teo! &recess!!! ate chickenburger with xinyi! and when we walked back to class, guess who we saw? JOSEPH&YINGJIE! outside 1ly! joseph was rly cute lahh, his uniform was damn big for him then he smallsmall one. :D and 4of us talked like for 5mins outside. HAHAH. &it was chinese it was ?!!? now veh scared of chi alr cos got the come-out-and-say-that-thingy-for-5-to-7-mins. LOL.damn sian. :( &it was maths agn! mr teo's back yo! it was okay agn! duhhhhhh. damn nice. &it was geog, i was tlaking to xinyi before mrs/miss ho stepped into class, when she stepped, i stopped tlaking to xinyi and looked at her, stunned! DAMN WIERD. lol. then i was like :O and steven turned back and laughed lah, then i laughed along also. DAMN FUNNY. :D she was fierce, geog also very scared alr. HOW? TMR GOT GEOG AGN! D: &interation period, voted for chairman and all, got voted for 3thingys, but didnt do! WAHAHHAHA. :D everybody voted for the thingy, like can vote 10 pple altogether, DAMNNNNN FUNNY. :D &assembly, it was okay. i didnt sleeeeeeeeeep. :D &went home, rained. and counted the steps frm school to munchy donuts with learning, chrystal&jocelyn! maths project. and cr one of the grp also. LOl. :DDD Friday, January 04, 2008
5:04 AM
HELLO. :DDDDDDDDDim very happy today yo! last day of orientation with 1loyalty. &im beginning to like their class lahh. too late? maybe. :/ reached school att 6plus. lol. went in to the class with jianxing cos saw him on the way. chrystal&kahbing were inside,then few mins later jocelyn&rachel came. then passed up chinese cos nvr pass up yesterday. &blahbblahblah, and went to flagraising! xinyi&i helped put all our bags in 1LY! then fund out we were late? for flagraising. then runnnnnnn/ but the boys were behind, so i say no need to run lah, still got so many pple behind. then after i say that i felt 2pokes lah! &it was steven. i was like what??? then the whole class of boys rannnnnnn to our class. then we follow lorr, cos mr peck said we were late! :O &went to grand audi!!! with the sec1s of course! and our 1LY! miss lai&miss yeo talked, it was sadly, sian. got back our, PRIMARY school report book, &they all say my picture was veryveryvery dunte believe go see my report book lor. HAHAH &, and it was RECESS. &went back to 2DL classroom!everyone showed their primary school report book. went to peek at some without their consent. showed zheyuan mine and he laughed a the photo can! like a hyena, according to jocelyn! HAHAH. when nigel&steven see, they were not laughing can, dunno why zheyuan laugh till ?!?! aiyah, cos nigel&steven must think that, that photo was soooooooo adoraaaable. WAHHAA, and xinyi said we need to go back to LY. so, yah. :DD went back to grand audi agn, talk agn, about cca! &after the talk, IT WAS TELEMATCH. wheeeeee~~ and it was SOOOOOOOOOOOOO FUN. ~~ there were 3stops! #o1, GRAND AUDI, relay games, seperate the class into half, stand opposite each other, &was supposed to bounce the ball,, skipping of ropes, beanbags-on-the-head, rooling of hulahoops, passingfrom one line to another, whole class must have the hance to do every single one of em' misha,kahbing,xinyi&me, cheeredddd for them sooooooo much. that we were the only one cheeeeeeeeering! and said the north-south-east-west cheer for LY! :DD, & THEY WON! LY powerrrr lahhh! :DD #o2, school hall, (forget name of the game) played before, but it was quite messy, so nobody won. TOO MESSY. :D but can see LY was having sooooooo much fun can. ;D and joseph kept asking us our aggregate score, &he cant believe i got 225, keep asking am i saying the truth. DAMN FUNNY&CUTE LAH HE! &short&small. :DDD HEHE. but he's rly cute lahhh, righhhht kahbinggg! #o3, concourse, tallest tower? very not fun! :D but the process was fun lah, at first when we were going to the concourse, saw ruihang/ruiheng making the 'tap-on-the-other-side-of-their-shoulder' game, HAHAH. then i say"bully ahhh" then ben&the twiinns laughedddddddd. then i go tap joseph on the other side, then ruihang say i bully! i was like'eh, no fair, then why u bully him just now!' then i made ruiheng/ruihang, then i turned mah, &ben was like"leckqi!!!!!, so lame!" me:"huh?! what?!" *ben go make my hair* me:"omg,wl" LOL, then he smilesmilesmile. very dumb. :D &when the game, a guy frm our class bought a drink, then everybody(ly) was like wahhh, all those, then misha,kahbing,xinyi say cannon lah cos unfair. then xinyi go scold him. i stunned lah! then ben went to him and took the drink and put on the table. then when xinyi they all wasnt noticing, ben gave him the drink and ask him finish it quick, then ben saw me looking mah, then he wink at me, like dunte tell xinyi lurhs, then smile agn. -.- damn smiley lah he LOL. &it was lunch, damn crowded. &went for the cca recruitment thingy?! very sian,and3.30 met learnin$g&jocelyn. to go back audi. &they were bombing lahhh! FUN FUN! LY, JT&MD combine help each other, and kahbing was there! then she like never see us, 5mins later then see, LOL. it was soooooooooo fun. bombbombbomb. XD LY was sure having funfunfun. &ben was kidding that it was the last day to take care of LY, then he was like yesyesyes. funny larh. &went to concourse, had 'tea' and had chocolate e clair(hawever u spell it!) exchanged contacts! but i only had, joseph!caius!yingjie!benjamin (la!) ones! and ben but he 2ep, not counted. so yah, very little cannot find any girls in the concourse. i sooooooooooo miss 1LY alr. aww. nevermind, next time pass by their class, can go in and surrrrrprise them! misss alllllllllll of em' lahh! joseph the cutieee! caius the act-coooool dude, and he's my another crumpler buddy yo! all the talkative girlsss! and curios bejamin!!! ask soooooo manny things hor. &went back with learning&jocelyn, but saw brandon, jiangjun&alvin in 7-11, so waited for them too lorr. &sat mrt with them yo! &when reached to pasirris, jiangjun went into the lift with others while brandon walked damn infront to the stairs there alr. i was like"eh jj!" then give the what u doing sign. LOL. then he also gave that sign i think?! LOL. &then jocelyn&me went to whitesands mall to get LEARNING'S PRESENT! anw, today's LEARNING'S BIRTHDAY! HAPPY BIRTHDAY LEARNING! <33 xiiaos! xiiaoyuan, LAONIANG, shaohong de! happy birthday my love, u rockrockrock :D hope u like the prezzie! :D Labels: miss 1ly 2008 Thursday, January 03, 2008
6:40 AM
HELLO1ly was okay today lahh. cheering was okay. i think last time more high though. their batch like not high except for 1ep&dl. LOL. cheering, when having that 'mini competition' we helped 1ly, 1ly didnt even cheer lahh, the whole class, only me&kahbing7xinyi&misha cheered. ohayh, and shirlyn. damn funny only 5 of us cheering and everybody listening. LOL. nevermind, must be enthusiaticcc! LOL. &classroom decoration was quite okay actually. joseph damn cute lah. draw his hand till so small cos he's damn small! &wilbert(?) [start with w one lah] was damn nice. bought like alooot of black paper for the class.&he's the only guy in the class so generous and so helpfullll. not him only lah, but, he 2nd day come, then spend so much money on the black papers, and his suggestion also we nvr use, partially used lah. he nvr complain, he is sooooooooooooooooooooooooo goooooood! :DDD some of us sponsored for pins all those. ben&the twinnies asked the guys to help them with all the thingy and the guys helped, goodgood. &went home, and went for project work (sec2s. :DDD) thanks for the smses&talking my crumpler buddy!very fun sms/crumpler buddy! went to LT1, told us abt ??? hehe. ohyah, and this was dman cool. cos the row right, xinyi was sitting at the corner, then me, then shaohong, then steven, then balhblah. then steven pointed to me and shaohong our crumplers, cos me,shaoon&steven had crumplers, and it was very nice lah the colours togther, then i told learning she shld come sit xinyi place., then all the crumpoler budies sit same row. damn nice!! :D &she suggested to take pics next time. nicenice. :DDD Wednesday, January 02, 2008
5:43 AM
HELLO(:schoooooool reopennnnn. reached school at like 6plus can! darn early. cos my sister have to go nyjc. damn far. so yah. xinyi&jianxing reched there alr. so i made aloooot of noises lahh, like still got pple come at 6plus. then JJ&brandon came. blahblahblah. ohhhhhh, i miss the class! 2DL! :D flagraising then principal's address. sian. :( then over alr. went to 1LY's class. oriennnnntationnnnn time! LOL. then cos our grp got 4of us, (kahbing!xinyi!misha!me!) &another 3guys from 2empathy. so they walking her i go wave at them, then they blurblur one. HAHA. then they walked past. 1ly, then walk back -.- then kahbing say, we seriously need to make friends wth them lahh, cos we'll be like the same grp. lol. then i go say hello and wave to them. then they say back lol. then yah, they're Ben, Ruihang&Ruiheng. (the twins! the ava pple.LOL) they damn funny lurhh. well, 1loyalty was rly quiet.-.- in the beginning, then they ep boys wasnt here lah! damn dodo, then kahbing say stand up one by one say their names. but say halfway, go recess lorrs. then they all went alr, i asked kahbing, do they noe what time to come back. HAHAH. then she say, OH SHIT.. :D hahah, then we're like hoping they will come back in time. AND YES, they came back at 10:15 then went for the school heritage tour. LOL. &ep bys were here, HENGGGG lorr. :D and they helped us lurh, but they and the boys talks bout maple, alotttt. D: school heritage tour was boring lah. but its okay? (lol, what i tlaking) tlaked to some of the guys, veh funny, one damn noisy, ask aloooooot of things, then dunno how to reply him. ahha. then after heritage tour still go time mah, then went to concourse and play games yo! played whacko,dog&bone, &iforgot? i dunno lahh. whacko was, ..... they cant familiarize with each other even we gone through ALL their names twicve lah, so it wasnt fun. so played dog&bone. it was quite fun lah that one. very funny also^^ &brought them to grand audi agn for road safety talk. then, DISMISS. :D but there's still tmr&next day, but it will be more relaxed lorr. :D &tmr, we're gonna, CHEERRRRRR, :D went for training. played with peggy for like 40mins? then asked meipeng join us then played a comp, they want it. so we won, meipeng is not bad can. we're like phew. :D heh. and trained wth peggyyyy sooooo long. cos we felt like bad cos of smth. so we played? lol. then yuanhui suddenly come, then say she wna play with us, then regina came. i was like damn shoccked? thenthen, played lurh, regina&peggy, yaunhui&me. damn funny, i think federick fed yuanhui some thingy, to make her so DAMNN HIGHHHHHHHH. haha, kidding. but she was rly highhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh can! plyed with her that time laugh like ?!!?! then we won also, funny lehh. walked out with alot of pple. peggy saw a dead bird and screamm like siaoooooo. :D LOL. we must be high&siaosiao these few days! :D |
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