(!)Semi-hiatus. |
Friday, February 29, 2008
5:07 AM
HELLLLLLO!i've got aloooot of pictures to post today! ;D &i love today, ALOT. went to school,talked a while, got my first poke today, from steven, haiiii. &,chrystal said felly coming alr, so we went out and jie(1) her. ;D she's with the crutches man, and i was thinking alr, im gna pay with it :D Felicia's leg was wrapped? AHHAHA however u put that lah. its super pain can :/ &continued tlsaking lorr. NO FRC TODAY, so kept talking till MISS CHEONG CAME. Luanchun changed place, then Nigel came and sat beside me. so today sure talk more than the other days alr. he talkative thing. ENGLISH LITTTTTTTT. she went through the answers, it was quite sian. i tihnk i was talking all the way alr. NIGEL LAH, talktalktalk, kept pestering me, asking me who i like -.- &kept crapping okay! :O FELICIA, u see ur hubby?! CALLIGRAPHY! uhm, it was okay, i have to say, Nigel's drawing is verynice. &i have to say, th ecalligraphy pianting thing, im the worst among Alvin,Steven,Nigel and me lahhhhhh1 :/ then 4of us played chopstick, i was quite dumb lah, alot of pple play i cannot thing one. Steven kept telling me waht to do but i like nvr follow, then he was pissed cos actl both of us can kill nigel togeher but, i never make that move. LOL. went to wash the brush with shirlyn, and she was abit high, ahahha. mad. uhm, she blocked the councillor board frm me cos i was finding for her photos, she dunte wanna lend me seeeeee! RECESS, pokesssssssss again. ;D Ate with usual people yo, Xinyi was saving money, :/ &she's abit sick, &goodluck to your whatevr test thing friendddd! ;D ate the damn cold icecream, it was very cold today, dunte know why, then i cannot finish, cos mouth numb alrLOL. SELFSTUDY. lol. you'd think we study? some. alooot of pple using phone alr. Felicia:"those on duty today, please do duty now..." that was the first time. she said alot of times, then nobody listen D: Second time: Felicia:"those on duty today, please do dutyyyyyyy!" Steven:"ME LAH!" Jocelyn:"why everytime they only ask friday pple do! other day nvr one." Learning:"cos fri got self study mah!" Me&Learning( LAUGHING ALR, cos we wed&thurs duty, then like nvr do one:/ ) and they did duty, Valerie was hiding steven's things all ard the class, :/ and he had to find it. lol learning&i ransacked his bag? kindof. LOL. Learning:"JJ! u so guai ah, read chi!" Jiangjun:"*smiles* Me:"eh, he so guai lehhhhh!" Jocelyn:"eh, dunte say like that leh. liek he nvr guai before." Learning:"but he the only one read chi, very guai leh!" ENGLISH. had news in class thingY? Miss Adri kindof scolded shirlyn7valerie for sitting infront :/ Nigel kept pestering me alr! MUSIC. it was okay, just that, Jianxing, Nigel kept 'bullying' me! :/ Zheyuan&Steven kept agreeeing to themmmmm, to bully e or smth? lol damn sian, they wrote alot of things ion my paper lah, next time i'll go scan and blog it. SUPER FUNNY OKAY! Me:"eh! how to spell (percussion)?" [i still dunte noe how] -cos i wrote a 'p' there alr- -jianxing took my paper- he wrote, Pconcussion. I WAS LAUGHING TILL MAD ALR. Jianixng:"kong ka kiao." LOl. i showed steven asd he laughed till mad too okay. jianxing is super cute lah! LUNCHHHH. well, not rly, Kahbing,Xinyi,Learning& me, went together, dudt eat, just stand at the canteen, at the side, kahbing kept sayiing:"can we go alr." all those hahahha. then nigel&steven were behind. wlaking towards us, nigel was walking towards learning, wna bull yher or smth. steven was doing smth? forgot walking towards me, then i tihnk he knew i was there, but purposely. so when he was near, we "BANG" then knock each other LOL. super funy. then we laughed -.- wth lahhhh. ahhaahaa/. went to the boys table and talked withthem, nigel is a superduper pro cut queue-er. ;D ahahahahahah! LEARNING LAH, obsessed with boys alr, kahbing&i kept saying:"can we go now?!!" MOVIE EXPERIENCE THING. :/ while walking there, kahbing&xinyi were like asking us to lslow down. so someone said :"slower leh" then someone said:"okay!" then someone sugegested: 10 people walk pass, then we walk one small step. Kaiwen halway joined us ahhahaa/ it was super funny lah. cos alot of pple ask us whwt we doing ahahhahha :D MOVIE EXPERIENCE THING. hahahs, i didnt rly watch :/ i was smsing and calling pple. so everytime i 'hello?',s teven will turn behind. LOL. ALOT OF PEOPLE LEFT LAH, like halfway leave. then 1min later. blahblah. :/ DL, 7girls,2guys stayed the whole thing! damn guai. others zao alr. sat beside kahbing, we went high inthe beginning, she is super funny can! :DDD jocelyn&kahbing were scared at some moments! TRAINING, i like trng today lah! super funn palying with peggy alr. :D ate with peggy after trng,s aw wushu pple eating also! omg, on the same bus? took bus, HOME ;D PICTURES(: #1- valerie&learning, AWW, learning, why so sad? #2-jocelyn&me. with her dodo hair lahhh! #3&4,- learning&me. i ithnk i look, spastic? o.o DUTY-TIME. &valerie hiding steven's stuff, steven finding it,EVEN THE CHAIR&TABLE OKAY/ YOU'RE ON CANDID CAMERA! -shirlyn is one rubbing her eyes, one act one. HHAHAH/ :D -leanring is super sad :/ -Chrystal&Rachy kukudile is super cute huh. -alvin? ni comments -.- -Shaohong&steven? in the rubik cube craze lahhhhh~ FELICIA'S CRUTCHES&INJURED LEG D; MOVIE EXPERIENCE! ;D -nigel's bigbig head, photo taken by alvin.. -kahbing&jocelyn afraid. :/ kahbing love her file so much that she wanna share the pain with her file. wow. :D Thursday, February 28, 2008
4:10 AM
HELLO. :Di love schoooool today :D uhm, went to school&met up with shuying and all for PW, arghh, damn sian. i did the less things cos i was super tired lahhs. alot of people asked who shuying was, hahaha. :D went FRC, uhm, it was okay? yupppppppppppp. few pokes in the morning woke me up alr. D: MATH, got our quiz back, failed by 1mark lor. damn sian. congratz KAHBING&ALVIN, got full marks, when all of us thought it was gonna be valerie&benjamin getting the full marks yo. and he explained and the rest of 15mins gave us free time. so steven took out the ear piece, then alvin&i looked at each other, so we kept asking ard for earpiece, we asked venessa together, she was damn stressed to lend it to who, cos we keep giving reasons why she shld lend us, but i go lend frm shirlyn, then venessa go lend alvin lor, IM SO NICE^^ :D i like her earpiece, its grey! veryveryverynice. so we listened to our songs, okay, i didnt know alvin&steven were calling my name 5mins later, until i looked up and they were laughing alr, steven kept asking me to make the volume softer cos he thought i made the volume very loud -.- CHINESE, CHENLS IS SUPER NICE THIS WEEEEEEK. ;) we had fun&laugh loads today with her! super nice alr can! :D she said the word then we go repeat anything she said we also will repeat. SUPER FUNNY, learning laughed till mad alr. :DDD RECESS, got back our geog ws, i got 12/15 :D super happy, then i turned the page, then the last page, mrs ho wrote there:"USE DARK INK!" me:"wl, uwse dark ink, she cannot see ahhhhhhh!" steven:"*laughed, TILL MAD!" (i dunte understand, funny meh?!) steven:"hahahahahha,(i forgot what he said but got smth to do with the dark ink yah) then at the backdoor, he was going to eat with the guys alr, i was tlalking to kahbing. then alvin was beside him, alvin poked me, but alvin zao alr, then steven behid me, i knew it was alvin, but i poked steven, so we started poking each other, then he said:"eh, waitwait, i go eat now lah, buybye!" xinyi was giving out the thing and she said she need to do smth, so i went with valerie to the piano, she played some nicenice songs. :D then xinyi was behind us, me:"wllll, you lame lahhhh! i thought you got smth to do." xinyi:"uh, dunte have alr!" then we went to eat, after eat when to the bookshop&jocelyn,veda were there. so i bought cards&a pen, then after i pay, bell ring alr. xinyi havent pay yet, so i kept asing the aunty:"nevermind, keep the change,/auntie dunte care her!" ahhhahahaha, super ufnny. :D oh, and i didnt realise yuanhui was behind until her friend called her, at least better, yuanhui doesnt even know im there, till i was going alr! >< GEOGGGGGGG. it was okay. alvin switched place with luanchun cos he was ttalking to steven toooo much, lol. so he kept poking me alr. uhm, the video was sian lorr. :/ PHYSICS, it sucks, got the test paper back. ithink i got the lowest, pass by halfmark -.- Brandon was happy cos he finaaly beat me in a subject -.- damnnn sad. D: ENGLISHHHH. watched part 2 of 'the way home' it was super touching that i cried, seriously, i cried, first movie that i cried leyyyy D: when i cried, zheyuan,brandon,alvin,steven,learning,jocelyn kept looking at me, then i cried more. THAT PART WAS SUPER TOUCHING ALR! :'( they said Jiangjun cried, some say it was fake, some say it was real. :/ steven FAKE cry one. then teacher repeat that scene which i cried, the 2nd time i didnt cry, was ren-ing alr, zheyuan,brandon,steven,alvin,learning kpet looking at me again, jocelyn told me not to cry anymore, cos i made her cry. D: THE WAY HOME IS SERIOUSLY SUPER TOUCHING. :'( PROJECTWORK, presentation, it was super nice i guess. from sad mood to happy mood, so i became, HIGHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH :D WENT TO 7-11, learning,jocelyn,veda explained to me deathnote the whole thing, cos we all going out to watch 'L' then i nvr watch deathnot emahh :/ took pics of them, bt shan't post them up, JOCLEYN, HENG LAH YOUUUUU :D TOOK MRT WITH jocelyn, thianhong,brandon, it was super funny cos brandon kept making me laugh :D pussycatgoldfishbra KOR. :D OH, FELICIA, get well soon, im gonna play withthe crutches tmrrrrr^^ i love you! PICTURES, One--NewUrbanMale the 'sperm' diagram thingy, spot the difference?! one of them got face, one of them got no face, CREDITS:"ZHEYUANNNNNNNNNN" sickooo! Two--for FeliciaChuaYuTing! tingting! :D Three-- that scribbles is another interpretaiton for "SHAOHONG" on LEARNING'S hand :D HAPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPY BIRTHDAY VENESSSSSSSSSSSSA (: jiayou in everything me love! Wednesday, February 27, 2008
6:21 AM
OHYAH, Felicia, jiayou on your operation okays!:D we will help youuuuuuuu, as in if your xing(2) dong(4) bu(4)fang(1)bian(4), help u bull yback nigel/jiaxing, i doubt nigel will bully you lah. after all, he IS bull :D uhm, dunte be afraid or smth, cos we're all behind you! isit a minor one? yes right, I DUNNo :/ uhm., yeahhh. with loveeeee <33333 HELLLLLLLLLLLLLO. i love today, &the you. super sweet ehhhs. :D had frc D: before, in classss. i banged into alot of things, then shaohong&jiangjun looked at me like im mad or smth. LOL. studied maths first, so i tried to clarify the maths ques with xinyi but she nvr help, cos she also ddunno :D heh. asked Rhine also, but he also dunte know. then jocelyn halped. till bell ringed. :D FRC, was okay?! hahahs, almost late lahhs. Felicia, had her toe bandaged. uhm,it was super sad alr. D: bgirls,bboys,cboys, had prize presentation! jiayou for nationals okays! :D tsk, whymustubesoclosee? RD. it was okay lorr. had to learn his new thingy?jianxing kept pushing his chair back then go hit my chair!!!! D: cos h was sitting behind me. then the backface of the char faced each other -.- tsk. ART. D: art sucks lahhhs. i sat alone on the table lahhhh. cos tabitha, christel, serpah went back class take their books, but they cannot open class lock. so they were 23mins late! jianxing kept making the sad/gna cry face to me lahh. cos they like all pangseh-ed me. so i went to jocelyn's tbale sit befroe tabby,seraph,christel came. :D &art, really sucks. me&christel kept mixing the paint till maddddd. :D RECESSSS. very fun, passed steven his present, &he was asking how that thing works. so i teached him and turned the thing for him beside his ear, then after that he said. :"OHHHHHHHHHHH." wow~ lol. uhm, asked kahbing to teach me mathhhh, she became SUPER HIGH, and cant teach cos she was laughinggggg, so she lent me her file, i kept looking then still didnt understand, asked xinyi/jjo teach still abit blur, then steven teached, super comical, but still didnt get it, then kahbing teached, I GOT IT(: bwahahah. crappppped&laughred alot with kahbing,xinyi,jocelyn,steven lah during recess. super funnny. &it is love when she's not ard. CHARISMA. watched this video, super touching alrights! that guy in the vid., you rock okayyyys! you;re super positive here, you seriously rockkkk you know! jiayousss! steven kept playing withthe thing we gave him, damn funny. then, discussed maths agn. ohyah, MR TEO was super cute today. :DDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD thumbsuppppp~ ohyah, i passed my test -.- by adding threebonus marks! :D ENGLISH. watched another tounching movie, i almost cried lah that partttt! :D super nice. but we gna do a movie reiew lahhhhs! D: our seats, tables. were super packed, cos alooot of pple wanna sit there!? &it beocs of you, you girl magnet?! MATHS. did the quiz, i felt super dumb cos everytime last minute then know the answer, like tthe equation thingy, after the test, me, learning&steven kept:"shit, comfirm get zero alr. D:" then we high-fived each other. :D valerie&shirlyn cried cos they couldnt finish or smth?! cheerups okay. isit rly bcos of that, or you want HIM. i ahte you. D&T, walked with learning at first, thn zheyuan&nigel. nigel was super quiet, very solemn, emo?!!! hahs. i kept asking then he like no reply, smile only -.- zheyuan and me had some view on smth, and we said it at the same time, OF COURSE, SNAPTWIST LAHHH1 :D reached the classroom, and i realised i brought the WRONGGGGG, sketch book, i broguht the art one! SO I RAN BACK TO CLASS, then saw the whole grp of pple walking, to D&T super late alr lahhs?! then they said they wait for me, so after i took, i walked with them lorrs, and they were superrr slow. yah. then go see kahbing's blog for this part, i forgot alr?! http://thatgirlnext-door.blogspot.com/ it hnk so? hha. ate lunch with, jocelyn,alvin,steven,rhine,learning&shaohong, HAHA. scrapped alot&steven kept taking my walllet okay! damn irritating. cos i thought it was alvin, then i kept aksing it from alvin at first, steven was grining alr, so shld be him lah. then hedropped it on the floor. TSK. i think he took it 3times alr! D: and i almost killed jocelyn ahh!? ahhaha/ as in cos she said smth, damn dodo. bwaaahaha. i love your super sweet smile and when you;re helping me and talking closely to mealr. had trng and met peggy late. ahahhaahaha. trng was okay i guesss. SHIT. chiong project work now. :/ Tuesday, February 26, 2008
1:46 AM
HELLO.no frc today, was raining. collected the survey forms with learning, hhahaha.s uper funny. cos we keep seeing we know any one from any classs not. LY best lah! put the survey forms in ziplop bag, then very neat. 1Ly mahhhhh. not hm.rp. HAHHA. learning :p i hate you alot, you caused ALOT of things to happpen alr :'( uhm, came back with the stacks of survey forms, steven was looking at it alr, -.- keep asking, then, no need chiong any homework. ahhahahaa. :D and browsed throught the survey forms. hhahas. OHYAH, Felicia sprained her toe. got briuse there lah. then like dislocated from the other 4toes :O damn scary, but i kept looking at it. D: omg, jiayou&ren(3) the pain! :D then our friendship now is so what alr, we hardly talk no tlike last time, we crapped alot P.e first. learnt to throw the dicus. paired with learning cos 3+4 mah., then throw. she throwed the bowling way, super power. alot of other discus kept hitting my legssssssss. D: damnnnn pain, heng no discus hit felly's leg, if not die alr. D: once, learning threw the dicsus. and it rolllllllroolllll till the icafe the below. DAMN DISGUSTING LAHHHH. D: practised throwing on the open field. with 1+2+3 this time. chrystal threw first, the first throw. she hit the umbrella, (you know the icafe, benches&the umbrealla) hahha. funny. then afterwards she was okay alr. quite good somemore. i threw second cos felly said she cannot. the first throw, i hit the table the leggggg. HAHAH. super funny, but afterwards also okay lah, chrystal better.Felicia power lah, she throw till damn far despite herrr sprained toe. the last throw, i threw, HIT THE UMBRELLA THEN THE TABLE THEN THE CHAIR(: superrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr funny, everybody was laughing&asking who was it alr. HAHAHHA. RGH, YOU COS BOTH OF US TO BE SOMEWHAT. *, CHEMISTRY. kinda suck cos she teach till ?!?!?! had our tests backkkkkkkkkkk! i got 17/20. I WANT 18 AND ABOVE LEHHS. jiakang&zheyuan, prawnny man pro ehs?! FULL MARKS. tskkkkkk. D: OHYAH, mrs law didnt call my name wrongly today, miracle ehs? steven&alvin was hoping she would call my name wrong the whole period. &you even said your friendship was just that kind. -.- RECESS, ate with xinyi,alvin&junwei. super funny cos junwei played the rubik cube while eating, total, he dropped it three times, twice on the table, third time, IN THE BOWL HE WAS EATING. LOL. super funnny. :D but its like not, cos you kept .... HISTORY. it was okay and hilarious. had to act, mr bercuryyyyyyyyy, acting very gooood lehhs. he used my crumpler :O and a few tables. he used, brandon's, zheyuan's, alvin's table,steven's table -.- someone stepped on my bag. so after the activity, i showed it to alvin&steven. steven said:"good." then he show me his table, then i said "best', cos got mr bercury's shoe the prints there, HAHAAH. CHINESE, chen ls is supeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeer nice today! she was abit high lah,. LOL. LITERATURE! i love today's lit lurhs. played activities, class was seperated to 2, the first 2 rows and next 2rows. our group, a person had to run 2times, so, miss cheong:"this group, get another person to run 2 times, the fitter ones." alvin:"stevennnn..." 5secs later, steven:"steven what?!" me:"you have to run twice lah?!" steven:"why me?!" me:"you fittest person in this group mah!" 3secs later. steven:"no fair!" then got another funny one, but i forgot alr. hahaha. first activity--first team, had to bounce the basketball then pass to next person, not our team, second team---suprisesurprise, we had to bounce, A PINGPONG BALL(: bounce then to next person, then they all looked at me, cos im related to it? hhah, so bounced bounced, obviously our team lost, but we encouraged each other so it was super funnn. they asked me to be the person who go bounce again, cos theys said i bounced the ball faster than steven. HHAHHA. so i said anything at first. but after that i sia dunte want, so they called steven to do again. BWAHAH. second activity-- pen&paper thingy. first team, they had 1 a4 sized paper, fine ball point pen, our teram, had a small piece of post-it paper, and a fat tip marker, we had to write the pledge on the piece of paper, she asked zheyuan to write, and alvin to write, of course we lost, AND, the activities is abt to show inequailities, between the socs&the greasers, our team was the greasers, theirs, the socs. :D it was super funny alr lahhhhhs. :D went home with alooot of them, went to -4, 7-11. HAH. before walking out, jianxing took jocelyn's tie, earphone and smth, so she chased after them, then i halped also. i catched brandon and he still wont give the thing. so while walking out, i asked jocelyn to catch brandon, i go catch jianxing, but they were very infront then started running, they started running. i got very clase with jiaxing, then jocelyn chased brandon, brandon passed then i caught him. BWAHHAH. &he said i couldnt. D: jocelny was behind, jianxing was right infront, so yah. she got her things back! :D eating at 7-11 was superrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr fun. i introduced that strawberry iceream to shaohong, and he introduced it to brandon, cos it was superrrrrrrrrrrrrr nice ehssss! :D they were super funnnnny lah :D <3 them mans. went parkway to but prezzies with jocelyn. spent, alot? Sunday, February 24, 2008
6:27 AM
HELLO, its a sundayyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee.yippy ya ya yippy yippy ya, YEEHA. lol uhm,. went church. ya. it was okayyyy :D chior, lol. super comical. cos one part uncle alan called 2person form each section. this srupidgame agn. so, kor&samuel went up for Tanner(however u spell it) becos of overwhelming votes -.- then, moses&jonathan went up forrrr Bass. alto,wanting&grace. soprano, omgomg. cos all of them youngyoung one. actl, they wanted to call aunty alice&ptll. but. tsk. then sop all aunties except five of us. :/ so they kept calling me and shenting! then i sat there, like pretend nth happening, stiiiick to my chair! i told shenting not to go also. BWAAAHH., then they called my sis, she also. stick to the chair. then they called valerie&shufen lorrrrrhs :D had tuition, :D &she requested smth, if it is a yes, then i'll earn money babeeeeeeeee. :D dinner! it was okay. dad kaopei kor agn. dodo lah he. kor was superrrrrrrrrr pisssed, then he was typing to someone msg i tihnk, then he asked me how to write the chi word thingy. han yu pin yin. then i glanced through, alooooooooooot of vulgarities ehhhh! jie was helping to be on the fan dui dang side too(: but today i nvr saay anyhtnig lhehh. usually i do, but not today, dunte noe why. :/ I FAILED MATHS CLASS TEST 2. :/ HAPPY BIRTHDAY STEVENNNNNNNNNNNN. (: yo crumpler buddddayee.ha, you've joined the 14 club alr. :D OLD. >< HAPPY BELATED BIRTHDAY BRANDONNNNNNNNNNNN (: pussycatbra kor :D BWAAAHH. you've been 14, 2days alr :D Friday, February 22, 2008
7:20 AM
HEYHEY :Dschool was okay today, im jealous cos of that, omg. :/ passed felly the money i owe her, and the peanutbutter&bread&glue, and guess waht, nigel bought 2bigbig tubs of peanut butter, POWER. so got 3 peanut butter for steven. ENJOY MAN. physics was okay. calligraphy was okay, cos i's gna pon the cacomponent, leavce at 1215 mahs. then nigel&steven kept asking me can go with me not, cos they dunte wanna do :/ siao lah. nigel:"then later the teacher askwahts ur reason, i will say cos she go support her seniors, then i go support her,supporting her seniors." me:"wthhhhh!" steven:"gave the lame face -.-" i was revising physics&drawing at the same time. :/ damn ugly lah my drawing! like one piece of blackkkkk paper. Kaiwen's drawing, SUPERNICE! went toilet to xinyi and we rolllllled back to classs, like turning round&round to class, VERY YUN(1). D: and when i came back after rolling, the whole thing was like blur alr, then got 3person poke me,Brandon,Steven,Alvin! i was like dyingggggggg. RECESS, find miss indra, took physics test, i tihnk im gna fail man! peggy came in ard 10 ?! and she said "woah! finally i can find u all sia!" damn loud,. then i laughed., EH, she take test that time stillc an listen phone one lahhh! powerrr! your smile will make me smile tooo lehs. frm sad to happy, but u made me sad D: BIOLOGY. it was okay, experimentssssssssssssssssssssss! super comical&dramatic the whole class. jocelyn&me very relaxed behind cos only 2of us were using the solutiions behind, the others went infront, and the sides :D HAHAH. LIT LECTURE. dunno where my notes were D: lit sucks, esp. lecture D: rhine sat beside me! and he wrote on the table lah! with pencil, alot of hearrtttt shapes&a girl's name, i know who lahh, shall not say, but he got put in his msn the nick before lehhhh! then i think he never erase lehhhh! me&xinyi laughed till mad with jianxing behind! super cute lah he! teacher:"blahblhablha,.....no chips..... what does that mean?" (smth like that) jianxing:"that means we are not going to have potato chips anymore" xinyi&me:"LAUGHED TILLL MAD." 1215,went alr. :D COMPETITION, it was okay :D seniors won :D and YUANHUI, seriousy stop thinking negative, i know u gna say all those things but u seriously a gooooood player!we nvr lie its not your fault cos seriously is not yours, relax cannnnnn, we're allllll behind for you! <3 jiayou lehhhh _ _ _! ME&PEGGY WERE HIGHHHHH~ like madddd, dunte feel like saying why, SUPSER FUNNY, we were laughing like mad for 30mins alr?! :D super high! :D took candid shots! uhm went to singpost and ate. candid shots too. :D PICTURES! ;steven thinking, how his gna eat finish the wholllle peanut butter thing. } nigel, "Eh i help u lah" } chrystal:"eh, eep all those ahh!" } ANYHOW SAY ONE, all 3. :D hurhurs. gms water cooler, the water shot super far lah. germaine&peggy. CANDID SHOTS on, peggy&germaine playing monkey barrrr! 'm such a good photographer ehhs? CANDID SHOTS ON, Hannah, Yuanhui,most of em. peggy&me only one shot only OTHERS XD |
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