(!)Semi-hiatus. |
Thursday, July 31, 2008
5:36 AM
HELLOHELLOHELLOHELLOHELLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLO, :D Its been (how many days?) since i upupupdated :D I and E is a source of entertainment okayokayokay :D Mr Kenneth is damndamndamn Ffunnnnnnnny, he can make our class go bonkerzzzzz. :D Math, coz we get to listen to radio, or own music, and do our worksheeeeeeeeets, and i completed my 10B! :D yay, im left withwithwith Mode, D: The worksheet like v hard uh :O OH OH OH OH OH OH, I made Felicia Chua Yu Ting, screammmmmmm and got her damndamn happppppppy, WHY? I found the class fund, which she have claimed to lost it 2 days ago HAHHAAHHAHHAHAHAHHAHA. Oh, i think history wuz a blastttttt tooo, coz, its the drama thing, grouped with Christel, Shirlyn AND Steven, Nigel and meeeee, :D So it wuz funfunfun, i had to take our my shoes and socks (drama thing) andthen then then, Nigel and Me kept making each others hands! Coz we got sweaty palms, then keeeeeep on making, coz wna see who's one wetter O.o HAHAHHA. Nafa/Napfa, (HOW TO SPELL) test wuz alrightttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttt, I can get my gold this year alralralr, coz last year because of inclined pullup, (D:) I got an E! D: So kena Bronze lor, I did 12 this year, tsktsk, so it wuz a C, so i can get my gold (right?) :O 26 points! :D Yay-eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee :D I wanna thank Chrystal, Deskmate, Misha, Xinyi for cheeeeeeeeering me up, coz after i did the inclined pullups, i cried, O.o, i didnt even do it right lo, tsktsk, arghhhhhhhhhh. Shuttle Run was :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D man! :D HAHAHA. Andand, not forgetting, (inside joke/song) HAHAH. MEAN, MEDIAN AND MODE ~ Friday, July 25, 2008
7:46 AM
I love Tetris,tetris, tetris, tetris HAHHA, game's rly addddddictive lah, (and deskmate didnt know tetris was a game :O ) Ohoh, yesterday's 2.4 wuz a blast manz,,, First class to start, :D uhm, Completed it in 14 mins, 53 secs, ARGHH, exceeded by 32 secs from A, shit man! D: We all were rly worried for Misha, (takecare, dont push yourself, please) worry for Jocelyn too, coz she kept blaming herself, D: Oh, and i think Peggy's rly fast, :D (Even Jianxing thinks that way too :D ) I banged into alot of things today,zzzzzzzzzzzz. After recess, it was CMP, so we were going out then, i banged into the front door -,- tsk. Nigel:" Did you just bang into the door yourself :O " WALAO, then walking there, Brandon and Alvin were talking to me, then i banged into the wall. then another time they purposely pushed me close to the wall, then i banged it again. Xinyi was laughing like mad when i told her that okay D: HAHA. Movie experience today wuz okay, played with Jianxing's phone games, for quite a long time, :D Didnt rly see the movie, oh Jocelyn, Brandon, Alvin are such nicenicenice friends :D (they shld be smiling if they read this :D ) hehe, uhm, yah, then went training, Training was shit lah, V scary! Coz i think me and Peggy just reached there, then trained for like 5 mins? Then Coach come ask me to play with the guys competitions, ZZZZZZZZ. And Peggy had to go play with them too a few mins later, HAHA. Scaryyyy man. (oh, and i banged into the corner of the table again -,- *ouch!* ) Walked past the ncc guys, then Peggy was finding her classmate, then i was finding Rhine, HAHA, then they were marching. Peggy's classmate, was shouting that thingy, then she laughed. Then i saw Rhine, then whhn we passed by, they gang hao turned towards us :O Scary, then i smiled at him, then he like wanna smile but cannot smile like that, HAHAHAHAHHA. -,- Ohoh, then, Sirui told me and Peggy smth :O and Walked out with them (sirui and peggy) :D (Reminder: Bring (howmuch?) for Cca photos. :O ) you've changed D: Tuesday, July 22, 2008
2:26 AM
Hello, :DSchool's really fun today, :D Had Cha Yi ke today, andand, that teacher who taught us sucks okay, Learning and I were very pissed by him leyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy. Stupid arse :/ He like, very mean lah D: Thenthen, Oh, i think english lesson rocks, Kind of ? impromptu?, :D Coz had to present uh, kind of impromptu i guess, LOLLOL. Uhmuhm, oh, Geog sucks :O HAH, the Moe?Ne? Survey thing was funny HAHA. Did with Shirlyn, Nigel, JunWei and Thianhong, was damndamnmdan funny, and i was the last D: LOL. Oh, know what, Valerie, Brandon, Rhine, Nigel and Alvin came my house, zzz. Wanted to complete the lit. presentation thingy, but we not sure, so tmr Me and Valerie asking Miss Cheong! :D Valerie went home ard 4, Brandon and Alvin 4:40 like that i think, I had to walk them to the mrt luh, zzz, Walked back, thenthen, saw Nigel and Rhine coming out of the gate, then i had to walk them to the mrt and busstop also, ZZZ. So i walked here and there and here and there and here and there and here and there andandnand,, ALALALA. lol. :D I will post picz when im using the acer laptop, HAAH, coz this laptop's rly lag and slow and lalala. zzzz/ If not, go Felicia's/Venessa's or Learning's blog to see for picssssssssssssssssssssssssssss. YAY. :D ![]() Friday, July 18, 2008
5:32 AM
Photobucket's not listening to me D:LOL, Anyway! Interclass Volllllleyball! 2 matches!With Bn and Hm! :D We lost to Hm 8 (or 9?) -15 and 12-15, Close eh, andand won Bn by 15: (eh, i forgot, shit, D:) :D So we got 2nd! Want to thank the team cozcoz, i didnt know how to play vball right at first -,- Thanks Felicia, Kahbing, Venessa, Tabitha, Shaohong, Nigel, Steven, Rhine, Brandon for teaching me right -,- Even though i kept screaming, blahblahblah, zzzzzzzz. And comforting, relaxing (?) making me laugh throughout the match -,- HAHAH, Thanks! :D (Oh, we took pictures! Felly sendsendsend to me!) ![]() Wednesday, July 16, 2008
6:05 AM
I'M FOURTEEEEN, lol!HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO ME! :D I reallllly wanna thank 2DL, team, and alotalot of people lahhhhhhhhhh. (I'll post pics and a longlist of people to thank (?) I promise, i guess, HAHA) Was walking to classroom block w Peggy, talking about the Math test, zzz.Then, Chrystal, Felicia and Learning came infront of me to give me their cards, they Damn NICE lahhhhhhhhhhhhh, :D It was one of Felicia's suprises today. Zzz, unexpected manz, :D Thanks again! So went into classs, w alot of 'Happy Birthday' here and there! Thanks, (whole class/people who greeted to me, LOL) Really thank you all of you all luhhhh. :D They gave me prezzies, then HuiQi and Peggy gave too, THANKS :D Realllly thanks lah, zzz. :D Lessons were okay! Math was first, groupwork YAY, :D Made hamburgers during Homeecons! :D Deskmate, Chrystal and Learning, VERY CHEEEEEEEEEEEKY UH! They actually tricked me to going recess w them, coz they needed to eat. Like seriously, coz after school no time, all of us straight away got some things to do, zzz. Yahlah, so, during RECESSSSSSSSSSSSSSS, they got this cake for me, damn sweeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeet lah. Really veryveryvery unexpected yo! I really love you all guys manz, :D Ily Ily Ily Ily Ily Ily Ily Ily, they sang birthday song real loudly, that my eardrums gonna burst(?) AHHAHAH, :D Wl, i really 2Diligence lahlahlah :D Went in late for Mrs Indra's lesson, SORRY. So she kindof 'scolded' us? zzzzzzzzzz. EngLit was fun, pokings, Brandon and Alvin's "jump" zzzzzzzzzzz, coz when they poke me, i will jump? according to them, zzz. I wont okay, LOL. and Rhine took out my hair tie(?) zzzzzzzz. so, thanks Kahbing, for lending me yours, HAHA. Kahbing's group's slides are v v v v v v v v v v v vNICE! REALLY,w all those pink buttons HAH, and her palm, damn sweaty seh HAHHA. :D English was discussing about the shoe thingy w group again, HAHA, (remind me what im supposed to do, AHA) Ohoh, Miss Adri was saying im artistic, zzz. Miss Adri im not! And why did she say that? Coz she came across my blog? HHA, HI MISS ADRI! :D After school, VOLLEYBALL INTERCLASS, w 2Fg yo! :D It was kinda fun this time, coz i think in total i get to serve ard 7 - 9 time bah, HAHA, andand, i hit some balls! Which went over/ to teammates! But two went out lah, which made me super malu, coz rly very dumb, ZZZZZZZZZ. Congratz Vball team in winning and getting into Top3, JIAYOU FOR THE REST, :D Trainingggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggg, was okay lor, LOLLOL. Was kinda at the playplay mode with Peggy earlier on, so not that serious -,- Then when coach came, then, zzzzzzzz, serious liao lo. Played match w Rachel and Regina, both lost 2-1, ZZZZZZ. But okay alr right! at least improved sia (?) HAHHAHA! Wanna thank the team again, for singing birthday song and giving me a preeeety card! :D Made by Sirui and Jyening, THANKS! :D I love Cchmstt yo! :D Ohoh, and Thanks Sinyee's father, fetching me to my house! :D Thanks! :D THANK YOU VERY MUCH, anyone, everyone, someone, lalala, you, me ? Wanna thank everyone lahlahlah, :D really, THANKS MAN! :D And to reader, THANKS! :D hahahhaaa Labels: tyvm Monday, July 14, 2008
5:36 AM
Helllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllo! :DDDWuz v fun in school today, except for the effing math test D: Its shit manz, Im gonna flunk it like, zzzzzzzzzzzzz. Thanks Chrystal,Learning, Deskmate for teching me on some ques. though! :D Didnt had flagraising today morn, so played that four-hand-song w Rhine! It went okay i guess, MUAHAH. Volleyball during recess, OH, today, our recess was the upper sec time, so its kinda good, coz no upper sec occupy the vball courts, HAHA. But, we played vball w some 3jt (?) guys, which made me laugh nonstop, really NON-STOP they damndamndamn jokeeee lah, v funny actions and jokes, AHAHHAHA. Chen Ls lesson was okay, told us 45 mins on stories, zzz. Quite okay lo, just that i wanna sleeeeeeeeeeeep, D: Lit. was okay too, :D During lunch, i went w Jocelyn to the councillor's bazzar stuff (?) Bought a subway coooookie from Kahbing's section and cupnoodles from Shirlyn/Brandon's section :D (Thanks Shirlyn for helping me make the thingy :D HAH) While Jocelyn bought a ccokie too! And Noodles from Valerie's section! HAHAAH. :D V nice though! After that, VOLLEYBALL again, :D HAHAA. During interaction period, Wang Laoshi let us play too! I love Wang laoshi manz, :D :D :D :D :D Friday, July 11, 2008
8:13 AM
This was a funnnnnnny lil conver. w Jianxing.the she* , is Peggy weeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee. :D JianXing says:grrrrrrrrrrrrr ('.') LECKQI Labels or love. says:WHAT. JianXing says:wth why u embarrass me on your blog JianXing says:!!!!!!!!!!!! JianXing says: 8o JianXing says: :'( ('.') LECKQI Labels or love. says:where? JianXing says:u verrry act blur leh JianXing says:haiz ('.') LECKQI Labels or love. says:what? JianXing says:your fault lah JianXing says:next time dun walk so fast k ('.') LECKQI Labels or love. says::P ('.') LECKQI Labels or love. says:WHY? JianXing says:make me leg pain ('.') LECKQI Labels or love. says:HAHAHA JianXing says:u walk fast, she walk fast then i also have to walk fast fast fast ('.') LECKQI Labels or love. says:HAHAHAHAH! ('.') LECKQI Labels or love. says:U DAMN CUTE LAH! ('.') LECKQI Labels or love. says:AHAHAHAHAHAH! ('.') LECKQI Labels or love. says: :D JianXing says:dun change topic JianXing says:i still angry with uuuuu ('.') LECKQI Labels or love. says:HUH? JianXing says:grrrr ('.') LECKQI Labels or love. says:i got change meh -,- zzzz. As in, COZ PEGGGGGGY then u so shy, whywhywhy? ('.') LECKQI Labels or love. says:and i thought u were emo lah, walk so far away from the others. HAHA. JianXing says:no lor JianXing says:i dun wan u to embarrass me JianXing says:u stuuuuppppiddddddddddddddddddddddd ttttttttttttaaaaaaaaaaaaxxxxxxxxxxi JianXing says:nnvm JianXing says:i will have my revenge ('.') LECKQI Labels or love. says:wth? JianXing says:heheheheheheh ('.') LECKQI Labels or love. says:Crazy woman lah you, zzzz. wl. like moodswing lahhhh! JianXing says: *-) JianXing says:now then u know..... i was a transgender moodswinger since i was in my mothers womb u bonkersss ('.') LECKQI Labels or love. says:HAHA, U CRAZY (SHY) BANANA LAH, JianXing says: :$ JianXing says:wah JianXing says: :'( JianXing says:u meanie ('.') LECKQI Labels or love. says:HAHAHA! ('.') LECKQI Labels or love. says: :D Yes i know v lame but, i think v funny ley. And i hv nothing to do, so. :D yay! =) Hey, school wuz superrrrrrrr (fill in the blanks) :D For me, its fun yo! Cozcoz, History, we did freezeframe(again)! V fun, w a new grp! :D Deskmate and me had a great time, talking, chatting, and Wang LS helped us(worksheet) during ACC! Recess was playing Vball with class again, :D OHYAH! I KEPT SAYING 'HELLO'! :D in another kind of tone?! LOL, v fun. AHAHAHA. (the whole day i think. HAH) Malaymalaymalay I think today's class was nice, teehee seriosuly, :D Ohoh, during art (free period, coz he aint here) Steven made me and Felicia laughed till crazy. All 3 of us were super-ieeeeeeee HIGH, w all the sweets = Sugar + Human High (link? no link? ) Felicia and i thought that Steven was exceptionally funnnnnny today lahlahlah. :D Chatting w em' rly rocks my day, andand, SWEETS! We did a debate during RD (Miss Adri) :D It was quite fun, and i think loads of pple agree that Jiangjun's the best speaker there yo :D AFTERSCHOOOOOOOOOOL, went to change, eat, :D andand, Vballllllllllllllllllll! Played w 2MD in th court, HAHA, damn joke, coz damn funny! Jiawei (?) kept dodging away from tthe ball, his dodging action made all Diligence-ssss LAUGHED LIKE CRAZY BANANAS I TELLS YOU. :D And when he does hit, it will be damndamn far, Steven's really ks-er today, keep Ks-ing me and Kahbing's balls. -,- Zz. And he will get high from it, HAHA. OHOH, i said led/let/that L word you say when you wanna get the ball lah,. AHAHHAHAHA. :D Twice! :D HAHA, okay. v lame. But i hardly say it what, Seesee, I beat Steven and Nigel in saying this :P But not in Vball. HAHAHAH -,- Shit, i think im high, HAHAHA. Traning was okay lah! Normal lor. HAHAHA. But we hv to run two rounds again, zzz. Was okay acttually. :D LALALALALALALALALALALALALALLALALALALALALAL. (5 more days, right? :/ I not sure also sia. HAHAHA) Wednesday, July 09, 2008
5:57 AM
Home Econz was great even though Learning and I didn't know what rly to do? Tikam one, zzz.But it wuz quite fun! W/o Mdm Tham's instructions, blah. Lessons were wuite cool, but 4 of us (Feliacia HAHA Felicia, Chrystal Leandra Winata/Hasan He Yuan Yuan andand, Halim! Steven) kept wanting to sleepp, D: V tired ley. zzz. Interclassssssss, was okay, We won GR, LOL. Shaohong serves are superb lahhh :D Hehe, I think i only hit the ball twice or thrice haha, and only one passed,zzz. I told you all, i will lian(2) lei(4) all of you guys, D: After that, played Vball w Nigel, Rhine, Steven, Tabitha, Kahbing, Fel, Venes has to go for their trng, DAMN SIAN for them okayz. zzz They taught me how to serve properly lor, coz, yah, v funny lah, zzz. (!) Next weeeeeeeeeeeeeeek, Tuesday, July 08, 2008
2:47 AM
I shouldn't be blogging, but ohwell :DSchool was okay :D Spent alot of time talking to Deskmate, Felicia; Front Deskmate, Steven; and Diagonally left deskmate, Chrystal. Yes, esp. during English? And we were suppose to be writing the starting paragraph of t Persuasive writing, zzz. Went bowling at Kallang Leisure park w Veda, Jocelyn, Nigel and Jianxing, Nigel told me he will treat me in class, but in the end dunte hv lah. zzzz. We walked there,zzz which took ard half an hour? Coz we walked v slow i guess. Both games sucks okay, i was v lan. HAHAHA. Took picturez, went back ard 3 plus, 4 plus. The bus ride sucks, coz Jocelyn and I were standing th whole ride, v sian, no seats. Zzz, 8 more days, ^^ Monday, July 07, 2008
5:55 AM
The outing today was great yo.Had tuition earlyy in the morning, then, Dad sent me to Simei mrt, got onto Chrystal's father's car, and he fetched us to East Caost park, w Kahbing too ofcourse! :D Thanks Uncleeeeeeee! :D Met Misha at Macs, and we walked towards BigSplash, They were over there playing, Rhine was wearing class tee toooo! Apparently, Rhine and me was the only two people wearing class tee, i wore it cuz, i dunte know what to wear? HAHAA. Uhm, they were playing vball/sand/? I dunte know, i only knew we ate some stuff and Rachel suddenly said that she can treat us to Starbucks, so Kahbing, Rhine, Shaohong, Junwei and me followed her, we wanted to go back and drink, but we sat there lah, AHHAA. Sat there till v long, then went back, there were playing w the 3 kids we saw lah, V cute! Got to know them, and played w them, they were quite nice and funny yo! :D They hugged us when they hv to go lahhhhhhhhhhhh, really very cute, hope we'll see them again! I like the eldest/youngest/middle one, shit, all of them lah, :D (Oh shit, my brother just told me a Funny/Stupid/Really v dumb thing ley! Which made him keep saying Fuck(ssssssssss), LALALA. We'll see whats gna happen on Sat :/ eh, but *she's rly crazy! :O ) Err, i forgot what happened lah,played vball and Frisbee(spelling?) I think me and Shaohong had a v fun time playing frisbee when they all were telling Misha how to get out of East Coast, she's going to Tp i guess! Then, wanted to rent bicycles at the Big Splash there, but they close alr, Steven had to go homeeeee, Mother scolding him alr., zzz. And weere quarelling, zzzzz. So walked to a bicycle shop that Junwei recommeded, not bad! seriously! :D 3hours and a drink, $4 each, cos left 6 of us, so they say 3 double bikes lor, then Rhine went w Shirlyn, Junwei went w Kahbing, and i went with Shaohong, zzzzzzzzzzzzz. Throughout the thing wuz scari-eeeeeeeeee, cozcoz, Shaohong gets distracted very easily! SUPER EASILY, then i had to keep telling him alot of things, he v competitive also, everytime wna overtake people, then peddle damn fast,zzz/ Halfway it rained, so it was v bad, Shaohong kept saying he cldnt see, then i scared coz he keep banging into things! he banged to the dustbin kay, i was super scared, then i kept asking him to relax, said alot of things lahhhhhhhhhh.And he will keeep telling me to trust him! zzz. But not bad lah he! :D Thanks yo! Changed, Junwei had to go alr, Shirlyn was waiting for her parents. THANKS SHIRLYN! :D for the celebration? today, itz rly fun yo! :D Walked to the busstop w them, and went home alr, :D :D Pictures in Shirlyn's cam! Sunday, July 06, 2008
7:59 AM
Thank God, :DOhhh, I wanna thank Peggy weeeeeeee, Kimberly and HuiQi for coming to church on Saturday. Finally get to see Kimberly again, after 1 year plus? Yay-eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee. :D I finally got to know who's Xi Chun too! :D muahha, same pri school eh. :D Tomorrow's Youth Day, going to East Coast park w ar 10 people to hv picnic/play/fun/wheee? HAHAHA. I'll try and hv fun, :D HAPPY BIRTHDAY UNCLE ALAIN! (5TH JULY!) HAPPY BIRTHDAY HUIQI! (6TH JULY!) HAPPY BIRTHDAY SHIRLYN! (7TH JULY!) I'll say it in advance, heeee~ :D Labels: a dash of orange Friday, July 04, 2008
5:42 AM
(Warning, longpost, I GUESS,)HELLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLO, im so going to post bout yesterday ley. :D Thursday was great man! We watched a M18 korean movie fr Charisma, Sex Education :D Mr Teo rocks, :D So halfway, Mr Teo asked if we were okay, guys were v noisy, hahah, when he asked the girls, we were damn quiet, no answer one ley, HAHA. :D Oh, deskmate wuz superquiet. D: History lesson was superurber niceeeeeeeeeeee, cozcoz, its drama, :D Was in group 4, which consists of Felicia chua yu ting! HAH, Ziyinnnn, Nigeeeeeel! Rhineeeeee! Enzooooooooooo, and me! Super funny, they keep making jokes and acting, which makes Felly welly and I laughed like crazy. :D So i ahd the role of the policewoman (zzz), my job is to pull Rhine (Maria) away from her/his husband, Nigel (A malay guy's name) :D MUAHAH, v funny. Felly and Ziyin were supposed to be enimies, HHAHA, and Enzo? JUSTICE BROWN, zzz. :D Freeze frame wuz so fuzzywuzzy. HAHAH, whats that, was okay lah, :D the oneminute scene thing wuz super funnyy. cozcoz, Nigel had to say 'NOoooooooooooooooooooo~' then he said alr, thn i must give the stern look and pull Rhine away, HAHA, then Mr Bercury say repeat that scene, then Mr B. said "Go" Nigel's face was blank, then said: "no?" Which made all of us laughed like crazy bananassssss. HAHAHHA. After which, went to Kfc @ singpost! :D Nigel and Steven last min pangseh-ed us, to think Nigel still ask me to hold Steven's badminton stuffz from canteen to backgate D: HAHAHA., I helped him lah, coz he pon his trng ley! Rhine and Jianxing used my phone to kaopeh them, zzz. in Kfc was super funny, coz, Jianxing was sitting beside me and Jocelyn, and he was joking like mad, which caused me and Jocelyn laugh like shit, stomach pain, eat v slow. HAHAHAHAHHA. :D Today, lifescience was okay, just that its our last lesson w Miss shirleeeeeeeen, LOL, We'll miss her yo! And Mr Akram's reallyreally nice today! :D played volleyball during reeeecessss, :D oh, we gonna have our interclass soon alr! :D Malay was sian, again -,- Chemistry was shit, forgot to do homework then had to stand, zz. Ard 9 stand i guess, or more lahz. so crap! haha, and i dont rly understand today's lesson D: HAHA. English was okay too, but i think we kept talking, which made Miss Adri fustrated :/ Phototaking! waited v long! zzz. but turned out okay i guess, scared i look damn funny in there, zz. Training was okay lah, the later part dunte really felt like playing, thn Sirui and Rachel say i emo, zzz. im emotionless then. zzzzzzzzzzzz. blahblahblah, After trng, walked back w Peggy, and it was super crappy lahhhhh! Coz got wushu pple walking behind us, Jianxing they all (inside :D Actually, this post not that long uh. :/ Tuesday, July 01, 2008
2:35 AM
HAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAA, V'BALL'S FUNNNNNN :]Oh, i forgot to bring thermometer to school today, :/ (reminder:bring it tmr,) So, i thought we had to stand yellow line, was kindof? excited cos its my first time, thn still got people accompany somemore, :D but turn out no neeeeed lah, LOL. 1. P.E was nicenicenice, :D had to run 2.4 D: Xinyi and me Vball w them in the court! :DDD 2. Played volleyball w HM people during recess, :D V fun, :D seriosuly, but they're really pro yo! Me and Nigel kept laughing at Pearl coz she kept kicking the ball over, and once, her shoe came off, :D 3. FeliciaChua 4. Chinese, went into the groups thingy again, LOL. I think we had fun yo, lol. Oh, Chrystal and Learning wasnt w us, zzz. D: 5. Everyone thought we had to write persuasive writing during english, HAHA, turned out, we went to the library to do some stuff?! Had fun w Misha and Xinyi choosing which books to borrow, but i bet i cant read finish the book i borrowed in 2 weeks -,- 6. I didnt knew i stayed back for what, crap. tsk, But played V.ball w guys lor, since they were playing and i was staying back for nothing But it was fun lah, :D 7. i think Rhine's really nice coz he ask me cab w him, coz shun(4) lu(4), then, he paid for the cab thingy lahhhhhhhhhhhhhhh, Thanksssss! :D (I dont know i say how many times alr! ) Tyvm ley :D There's math lesson tmr, OH, AND HOMEECONS! :D |
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