(!)Semi-hiatus. |
Sunday, August 31, 2008
5:15 AM
Teacher's Day celebration + Primary school visit was great :DWent with Wendy and Veena to Kalllllang Leisure Park, they met their friends and i met Learning, Kennard, Jocelyn, Valerie, Veda, Junwei (right?) LOL, i managed to get this 2 pics only : ![]() ![]() Are they very tired or smthhhhhhh, hahaa, cause i seeeeem to be very high in the picz uh! hmmmmmmm, i'll go hunt for the other picturesssss, :D ------- Cuzzzzzies came to stay over at our hse on Friday nightttt! On Sat, we baked in the morning! me and sis got a hard time waking up at 8:45, HAHAA, We had to start baking at that time cause TingYing has piano lessons! So Grace and Tingying started with the dough first, then a few mins later, we finallygot up, zzzzzz. but still, veryvery tired D: HAHAHAH,OHYESSSS, Grace went to take her specs, then she asked that guy to check my eyes,MUAHAHAHA,MY LEFT EYE 50, RIGHT EYE 25, (yes,very little) but,that guy said maybe next yr i have to wear specs alr :D HAHAHHA! Jiayouuuu manz :D Tuesday, August 26, 2008
4:39 AM
AWW MAN, I wanted to post a picture of my front deskmate, Halim Sia(Steven) with his pants, way up high high high, but blogger doesnt allow me too lahhhhhh. D:I knocked/bumped/banged into Tabitha on monday, during music, then i said:"Sorry Tabbbbby!, Merry Christmas!" Nigel came knocking/banging/bumping into me then say, "Oh sorry LeckQi! Happy New Year!" zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz. Geography and Chinese test both suckkkkkkkk man D: I didnt manage to finish both the papers lah, z, got.rly.sad.over.it, Deskmate and Steven toooo, D: Sian sian sian, Friday, August 22, 2008
9:16 PM
Two history periods/lessons? Mr Bercury took over Wang laoshi's Acc lesson D: No Acc = No sleep for two weeks alr D: HHAHAH,Malay was very funny, 10 mins to come up with show and tell thingy, veryvery dumb, :D Saya mahu- I want (isit?) 1. Saya mahu Feng TianWei (Rachel) 2. Saya mahu Usain Bolt! (Xinyi) 3. Saya mahu Edward Cullen (Valeire) 4. Saya mahu Michael Phelps, (me) HAHAHHAHA :D And Rachel got very high,which made four of us laughed, and we all went bonkersssssss :D Oh, Zheyuan and I wrote on Jianxing's leg! Then he wrote on my hand, Christel made me laugh alot during art, HAHAA, she very comical lah :D Miss Adri's :"Who likes Jellybeans?" made me malu during english okay, tsktsk, and i dunte like jellybeans okay -,- HAHA, Jianxing, you and your Peggy lah, tsk. HAHA. Training was fun, except for the jumping part D: HAHA, played with Coach, he won 17-15, HAHA, i think i kept laughing the whole thing, and training with Hannah was FUNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNY, yes, and i think this training, made me laugh the wholeeeee time :D Peggy,Meipeng and I had to do that jumping thing in 50 secs, we have to chiong like siao okay, and Peggy and I just finished jumping 1 set, then continously jump another set agian D: he trying to kill me and Peggy can :D Wednesday, August 20, 2008
6:25 AM
Quiz from Kahbing! :D#1 The first person who tag/pass you is? Kahbing bing bing :D #2 Your relationship with him/her? Classmate-y! :D #3 Your five impression of her? 1. Nice-person-to-talk-to! 2. Insane when she's high! :D 3. Outgoing, (eh, got any such word as in-going not uh!) 4. Lovable(: 5. G-R-E-A-T FWENNNN, HAHA, :D Ohoh, Tetris budddddy! #4 The most memorable thing he/she had done for you ? Styled my Monkey's hair :D #5 The most memorable thing he/she had said to you? APPLE -,- #6 If he/she become your lover, you will ? Maybe, maybe nottttttttttt, (but she alr got Samuel, why wld i go steal from him?!) #7 If he/she become your lover, thing he/she has to improve on will be ? uhmuhm, stop screaming the word 'apple' to my ear, :D #8 If he/she become your enemy, you will ? Nah :D #9 If he/she become your enemy, the reason will be ? Coz she kept shouting the word 'apple' into my ear, which caused my eardrums to ?!!?! then ltr my auditory nerves die how D: HAHHA, Crap lah! #10 The most desired thing you want to do for him/her now is ? Shout 'Samuelaaaaaa' into her ear, while poking and turning her round and round and round! :D HAH #11 Your overall impression of him/her is ? Nicenice Elmoooooo, undescribable friend :D #12 How do you think people around you will feel about you ? (i dunte get the question O.O ) #13 The characters you love of yourself are ? I get high easily? MUAHHA, I DONT KNOW LAH, :D #14 On the contrary, the characters you hate yourself are ? Veryveryveryveryveryveryveryveryvery Lazy :D (rly -,- ) #15 The most ideal person you want to be is ? Some kind of person? O.o #16 For people that care and like you, say something to them ? I love youuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu, :D #17 Pass this quiz to 10 persons that you wished to know how they feel about you.Pass to people with blogs only.( Not in ranking) 1. Chrystal Leandra Winataaaaa~ 2. Felicia 3. Learning saw Kennard 4. Jocelyn 5. Tieu (xinyi) 6. Veda 7. Valerie 8. YuanHui 9. Deborah 10. HuiQi (Aiyah, if other people wanna do just do lor, LOL, if you all dunte want also nehmind, zzzz.) #18 Who is no.6 having relationship with ? Veda, Uhm..... #19 Is no.9 a male or female ? Deborah, Feeeeeeeeeeemale, :D #20 If no.7 and 10 are together, will it be a good thing? Valerie and HuiQi, Do they even know each other O.O Errrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr, the wld do all those things couples do when they're going out lor, but this one 2 feeemales lor :D Special caseeee, #21 What is no.2 studying about? Felicia, About,,,,,, what other ways to eatttt sweeeets during class? LOL #22 When was the last time you had a chat with no.3? Learning, uhmuhm, Literature Lecture, #23 What kind of music band does no.8 like? YuanHui, (HAHA, I ASKED HER ON MSNNNNN) YUANHUI. says:uhhh i like almost all kinds of music. except heavy metal. why o.o YUANHUI. says:&those rapraprap one-.- dunte like lol. #24 Does no.1 have any siblings? Chrystal, Yep, a brotherrrrr #25 Will you woo no.3? Learning, Nah, she alr has Kennard, and i wont steal her from him, :D #26 How about no.7? Valerie, She got someone she likezzzzzzzzzzzz, :D #27 Is no.4 single? Jocelyn, Yep, #28 What is the surname of no.5? Xinyi, Tieu, :O #29 What's the hobby of no.10? HuiQi, Looking at Nigel? HAHAHHA, KIDDDDDDING, :D #30 Does no.5 and 9 get along well? Xinyi and Deborah, They, dunte, know, each, other, LOL. #31 Where is no.2 studying at? Felicia, ChungChengHighSchool (Main) :D #32 Talk something casually about no.1. Chrystal, I love her veryvery long name :D #33 Have you tried developing feelings for no.6 ? Veda, HHAHA, nope! #34 Where does no.9 live at? Deborah, I KNOWWWWWWW, same as Rhine's condo! :D #35 What colour does no.4 like ? Jocelyn, white/black/blue/green? :D #36 Are no.1 and 5 best friend? Chrystal and Xinyi, Dunte think so? Classmaates, friends :D #37 Does no.1 have any pets? Chrystal, dunte think so? #38 Is no.7 the sexiest person in the world? Valerie, HAHA, YESYES :D #39 What is no. 6 doing now? Veda, probably writing poems (srsly :D ) OHYAY, NO MORE QUESTIONS LIAO HAHAHAHAHHAHAHA. :D Monday: Tetris Day! :D MUAHAH, ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() Kahbing, HalimSia(Steven), Shaohong and me were really the ones playing tetris yo! MUAHAHA, --- Tuesdaydayday: Chinese lesson was the bestbestbest :D Deskmate and I got rly rly high :D Chen ls veryvery funnnnny can, i think everything she say, Felicia and me kept laughing, non stop -,- And it was one of the best tingxie we have ever toooooook lah, LOL LOL LOL. --- Todayyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy: Math lesson was nice okay! :D HAHA, Stupid conver. : Veda(asking Steven): 'Later Literature is lecture or tutorial?' Steven and me:"Lecture!" (i purposely say, coz can snaptwist :D ) *Snaptwist!* (i hit HalimSia lah, ofcourse, HAHA) [OHOH, HalimSia is Steven] HalimSia then turns behind and use his index finger to push my bottle -,- Veda:"huh? But they got give notes meh?!" Steven and me: " Just now give out -,- " (purposely agn) *Snaptwist!* (I hit HalimSia again!) Chrystal:" Do it again! (the pushing my waterbottle that one) *Steven did that again -,- * Chrystal:" NO! You did it with much more anger just now, you were like *doing the action*" HAHAHA, VERY FUNNY, And know what? Felicia was in her own world, HAHA, Kiddddding lah, she was writing some stuff! :D ---- OHYES, I WANTED TO JUST POST THIS 6 WORDS: NIGEL AND STEVEN SUCKS BIG TIME! (recess-,- tsktsk!) Oh, I wanted to post this picture, longlong time ago! (he allowed me to post it :D ) Saturday, August 16, 2008
12:15 AM
Superman,![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() Michael Phelps, Michael Phelps, Michael Phelps, Michael Phelps, Michael Phelps, :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D Seven Golds, the 100m butterfly finals was :D :D :D lah! :D MUAHAAH, He was power okay, last part chiong all the way, then caught up, the 50m turn he wasnt even 1,2 or 3 lahlahlah :D Superman, Superman, Superman, :D Labels: Phelps Friday, August 15, 2008
6:45 AM
Played Netball,Volleyball, Dog and bone, and talked, during our 2 freeeeee periods, :D LOL. It was kindof fun lah, muahahhaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa, :DWe had our malay test, 96 (mcq) questions, HAH, hahaha, Its chicken feeeet, IF YOU TIKAM-ED :D MUAAHA, I dont understand a single thing lah, Maybe ard 20 questions at most lo, MUAHAHA. Chemistry lesson was the bomb man :D MUAHHA, Did the experiments with Chrystal and Felicia cause i didnt really listen to what Mrs Law was saying today, i only listen when she teach ley! HAHHA, Kidding lah, i love Chem what, hmmmmmmmm, ohyesyes, We got our test papers back, and im super satisfied with my marks, but its half more mark to my goal,30 okay, MUAHAH, But still A1-ed for this test :D Yay, Chemistry rocksssssss :D Traning was nice okay! HAHHA, Why? coz we went basement and trained for like what, 10mins? :D And went to staff room to see the Olympics TableTennis Match, whole team, guys and girls, :D The hole process was comical okay! , the guys were joking like siao, which made us laugh, ANDAND, the guy's coach! :D HAHAHA, coz he went to refil his bottle, then placed it near the door, there were toilets beside him, and he wanted to go toilet, then he entered the toilet, with the sign 'female staff' on it, MUAHAHHAHAHA, FUNNNNNNNNY PERSON, muahaha, then all of us were laughing till siao alr kay, then like 10 secs later, he came out -,- then say he went wrong toilet, After that, he told us he purposely one, to make us laugh, blahblah, Joker lah the guy's coach, HAHAHAHAHHA! :D Wednesday, August 13, 2008
6:10 AM
Math test was shit, shit shit shit, D:--------- Credits for picz, Kukudile~ (Rachel Yeooooo) :D Another Netball match tmr! :D N to the E to the T to the B to the A to the L to the L! Netball!Jiayou (boom boom) {Valerieeeeeeee, MUAHAHA. Jocelyn, do your thing again (crack the fingers, muahaha) ![]() Ohyes yes, and classphoto on X country daydayday :D ![]() Eh, im thinking of the Macdonald's Ad! The olympicsssss one :D (The more we get together, the happier we'll beeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee)
Monday, August 11, 2008
2:50 AM
8August, X country :DLearning made me laugh like mad, coz she very funny lah, she got phobia of grass okay -,- HAHA Not bad lah, hah, went out with my nicenicenice friends, LOL. Quite alot of em,v lazy type, see jianxing's blog lah, he elaborate until ? Cycling wuz quite fun too :D Pics here, Nigel, Jianxing and Rhine wants us to post their pics up, why? see lo... HAHA. ![]() andand, HAPPY BIRTHDAY SENIORRRRRRRRRRRRR. YuanHui! :D 10August, Rhine's (dunno celebrate for what) Bbq was great! :D We gotttta see his brothers again! :D bbq-ing was fun esp. with Kahbing,Seraph and Brandon there, the lastpart, catching + hide-and-seek was Fun-er :D MUHAHAHA, Thanks Rhine and his Dad! :D LOL. Thursday, August 07, 2008
8:20 AM
Health checkup yesterday was (fill in the blank), HEH,1,2,3,4 played that clapclap game, HAHAHAA, Chrystal and me ownnnnnnn Felicia and Learning cancancan :D So Chrystal and I kept saying:" 2 and 4 have parallex errrrrrror!" MUAHAHA ^^ Volleyball aftert that, it was quite fun, coz i srsly went bonkerzzz with Jocelynnnnn, coz (aiyah long story) HAHAHA. Netball match yesterday, wuz scary/fun/lalala. LLLLOOOOLLLL, i think during the match, very funny, I made Steven, Taiquan, Weijiet laughed/shocked, HAHA, Coz of somehting darrrrrn funnny, mUAHAA. Shuling said we won, then we were shocked, :O HAHA, but yay! :D Felicia told me today, said that they counted wrongly, was a tie, if rematch HOWHOWHOW, very scary seh D: After netball match, took picccccz, only one, :D HAHAH. Ohoh, Steven ask me to give him 1buck, then i said ok lo, so when we were wlaking back to class, the stairs near the netball court, he kept asking me to be careful, dont trip, just one more step, you're reaching there,HAHA, Coz of just 1 buck, Deprived? nahhhh, HAHA., Oh, after that, he bought a drink with the 1 buck, when he came back, he gave the remainder to me, Aww, so kind uh! HAHHA, Shirlynnnnnnnnnnnnnn~ :D Whoooooooooosh-iessss, Ohyes, lesson learnt, bring shoes next time, tsk, stupid shoeeeeeeeeeeee-y, D: Todaydaydayday, we got our teeeeees, :D there's a spelling error in it, AWW. ' Mr Kennnnnneth realllllly can make us laugh till siao okayyyy, HAHA, :D Chinese lesson wuz funnnny too lah, :D Very dumb also, tingxieeeee, must get 100, :O HAHA, :D Chemistry test quz notnotnot bad :D Hope i'll get 30 and above ley :/ Tommorow's crosscountry, :D HAIRSPRAY! Facepaint, Red shoelaces, Class teeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee, Diligence, yay <3. Tuesday, August 05, 2008
7:24 AM
Went Tampines Mall with Jocelyn and Veda to shop for KAHBING'S presenttttttttt! :DWent around the mall after that,went Yamaha first to get Veda's guitar picks! I went to see the piano books they have, I love Richard Clayderman lalala! :D HAHAH. Went Artbox after that, Veda and Jojo got something from there, i didnt, D: Coz no cash alr, all on Kahbing's prezzzzzzzzzzie, HAHAH, I wanted to get that nicenicenice thingggggg okay :D Then Rhine called and said they were going to find us -,- So,, Rhine, Alvin and Junwei appeared infront of us, zzzzzzzzzz. HAHAHAA. Health check up tmr (inserts BIGBIGBIGBIGBIGBIGBIGBIG GIRN) Why? I DUNTE KNOW, HAHAHAHA! :D LOL lah! :D Friday, August 01, 2008
7:00 AM
Exchanging nametaaaaaaaaaaaaaags with the wholeee class is FUN FUN FUN.I think i took Jianxing's one, then ALOTALOTALOT of exchanging of nametags lah, SUPER DUPER FUN :D It wuz the last Life science lesson today ): :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :( I'm gonna miss Mr Akram and Miss Shirleeeeeen, :D And, the fun-activity (IceCream) wuzzzz GREAT, :D Yum-yum :D It was fun mixing it, eating it, and putting our dry-ices in guy;s mouth, (they wanted it -,- ) to make that smokey effect in the mouths, -,- HAHAHA. Ohyesyes, stayed back after school to decorate noticeboard (and Cca -,- ) played Vball with Kennard, Jocelyn, Val too! Went with Valerie to Icafe to buy some stuff, :D OH, I ORDERED NAMETAG! (I reminded myself!!!) HAHA, Ohohoh! Steven and I wuz discussing abt Tetris! So Steven can go till level 8 in the phone one and level 5 in the com, I can go till level 5 in the phone, and level 8 in the com one, (tetris game) HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHA. So funnnnnnnnny, but i played during training, ANDANDAND, I went till Level 9 for the phone tetrissssssssssssssssssssssssssss, :D LALALA, :D |
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