Wednesday, September 24, 2008
1:22 AM
你们好,我知道我很久没有blog了!我的deskmate说要blog in 华文、华语? Aiyah, Chinese! 我试试看la,因为我的华文cmi 的,真的 :D 我的deskmate 这几天很高,(HAHA, HIGH) 可是,今天有一点 sad, 因为她说,the chairman, and vicechairs, is like last day alr? Aiyah, she's sad over some things lah, but she was still high :D HAHAHAHA, nice deskmate :D
Forget it, i cant blog in chinese! :D HAHA, Mrs Ho gave our class cheeeeeseballs yesterday! She said:"I gave you all this simply because you're one good class" HAHA, JianXing wuz writing the lyrics for The man who can't be moved lahhhhh, and he said i was very dumb ): Thankyou :D HAHA,
Last lessons always sucks, always. HomeEconomics! Baked scones (?) uhhuh, some british stuff, lol. Took alooooooot of pictures, most of the pictures not in my phone, and Felicia and Chrystal have not sent me yet! So, i only got these few piccccz, :D

Yep, only like that, have tons of photos in Felicia/Chrystal's phone! :D I'll be waiting, HAHAHA, Mrs Tan didnt come, so we took a lot of class photos, at the staircase, and i only have 2! Felicia said she'll be posting them tonight, but i won't be using the com, hopefully, studying, so, go to Class blog! For the piczzzzzzzzzzz, 

Oh, during recess, Nigel, Rhine accompanied me to 2FG, HAHAHAA, to give Peggy the cookies Jianxing baked during homeecons, He wants to give it to Peggy lah, so asked his messengers (us) HAHAA, to give her, but she wasnt there, so we leave it on her table, and wrote a note! 
"From Jx, with love. Eh, dunte throw away okay,at least eat can, or give it to your ex, Deon, HAHA" "Nigel was here, LeckQi too!" Rhine said he should get to know Peggy more, HAHHAAAAA, Recess and front deskmate picturezzzzzzz, 
 Front deskmate, Steven Halimmmmmmmmmmmmmm, took my hairband and wore it! :D And he wanted me to take a pic, so he cld see how he cld look like. :D When Jianxing wore it, he looked like Shrek! :D
Not forgetting,HAPPY 14TH BIRTHDAY VEDA! :D Labels: diligenceeeee
Saturday, September 13, 2008
7:16 AM

I was laughing at something dumb i said, so stupiddddd! HAAHHAHA, and sorry lah, very lame :D ----------- Hahahaha, today's hsk was siannnnnn, sit in the school hall for 3 hours? Sighhhhhhhhhh,
Friday, September 12, 2008
6:36 AM
After lessons on Thursday! Stayed back to play a bit of volleyball cuz Front Deskmate, Steven wanted me to accompany him to walk the backgate another side (wth?!) Coz, Nigel's pangseh-ing him nowadays, awwww. And i had to say i can take a bus there, AHHA, thenthen, turned out, Kahbing, Felicia and Xinyi had to walk there also, aiyoooo, HAHA, but we still played! And took piczzz, :D         Uhm, what happened in class? O.O i forgot, hahhaa, aiyah whatever lah, :D
After school went Bowling at Kallang Leisure park! :D Saw YuanHui, Nut, Tracy and Regina in Subway when we were getting our lunches, suay,,,, HAHA, then, they went bowling to, the suay-iesteserest thing is that, their lane is just beside ours -,- HAHHA, DOUBLE SUAY, hahhaa! Kidding lahhhhh! Bowling was fun man, although i very lan! But it was a great time spent with Jocelyn, Veda, Nigel and Steven! :D
  Woahhhhhhhhhhhhhh, front deskmate spoil this pic lahhhh, HAHA, I wanted to take Nigel sitting on the floor, playing with the ball, it was damn kiddy, and Steven, had to walk pass there,,,, aiyoooooo/

  S - Steven, P - Nigel, (1st) J - Jocelyn, (2nd) J - Me, (3rd) J - Veda, Nigel goooooood lah, anyhow put name one >< Labels: anti-emo
Wednesday, September 10, 2008
3:22 AM
I think, this week's really awesome :D
Monday, first lesson was math. Mr Teo showed us our common test results, and i was so happy that i almost teared, MUAHAHA, Finally, an A, coz its like, my maths is those kind, cmi one, D: then, finally got quite good(for me lah) then, yah :D YAY,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, Played badminton during pe lseeon! :D Malay, malay, malay, zzzzzz.

:D Kukudile and Valerieeeeeeeeeeeeee,
oh, me and Xinyi were playing with pens -,- wl, deprived sia! HAHAH - Felicia and I, wrote a letter to Steven, cause he was reallyrealllyreally sad/emo since he came to school, D: Front Deskmate!!!
 emo really bad for health uh?! HAHHA, idk, Felicia say one! :D
Chinese was sucky for me and deskmate, coz i knew i was going to fail the previous test, :D but Felicia didnt want to fail mah! So, yeah, i cheeeeeered Felicia Chua Yu Ting IR/J Deskmate-y up! :D Oh, i failed, and i didnt rly mind? lol, HAHAAA, then during lunch, i was like getting high over my chinese results -,- HAHAHA, oh, then i said "Hi" to Yanzhan, then said "i failed my chinese test" then she like O.O hahahha! Interaction Period! :D Wang Ls let us watched Chi(4)Bi(4), well, Felicia, Kahbing, Learning and I wasn;t that interested, so we talked and did stupid things to Learning's hair! :D

Tuesday! I luv, my geog test results! :D :D :D I think its like damn tyco or smth -,- But wl, not counted in ca :( HAHA, LOL, awwman, the test we sat for today suck lah, i havent do last 8m question -,- After school went to study at Singpost! :D I made Jocelyn laughed like mad on the bus lah! HAHAH, I kept joking about, Learning, Kennard and their love boat? HAHAH,. We ate at kfc(?) yah, HAHA,

Jocelyn:" Its like, that thing eating the potato!"
Kahbing wasn't feeling well, so Learning and Kennard brought her home, (KAHBING TANNNNNNNN! REST WELL OKAYYYYY~ TAKE CARE, LOVE!)
Rhine, Brandon and Junwei came for like 15 mins, then left -,- HAHAHAAAAAAAAAAA, wwent to ntuc to get homeecon stuff, i thought i had a whole list to buy, end up only buy bread crumbs, and withdrawed 20 bucks for something which cost 1.91, ARGHHHH, then, SUBWAY COOKIESSSSS, :D i taught Jocelyn an enzyme question, AHAHA, woah, damn happy sia :D
Wednesday! I mean, todayyyyyyy! Gone through our common test during math, :D Home Econs was, shit, seriosuly, HAHA, i think the dish we made looked funny, but it tasted okay i guess, Rhine and Zheyuan said it was v nice! :D but, yeah, its one of the dumbbest thing we have whipped up :D oh and Thanks Alvin, for making me beg you to lend me your apron >< id="BLOGGER_PHOTO_ID_5244337897295129106" style="DISPLAY: block; MARGIN: 0px auto 10px; CURSOR: hand; TEXT-ALIGN: center" alt="" src="" border="0">

Partnerrrrrrrrrrrr! No.4! :D

See my deskmate, very busy uh! HAHHHA,

ONE, TWO, THREE, FOUR! 1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4.... :D Hahah.,

 Deskmate and I agree-ed that the shots look wierd/weird? WL, how to spell ): HAHAHA.
REEEEEEEEEEEEEEEECESS, :D was fun! alot of us were playing with the eggplant? or what, brinjal? WL, that purple vegetable lah D: Oh, thanks uh Nigel/Rhine throw half of it at me -,- HAAHHA, and JianXing, for deleting the video i took ): HAHAHA.

they were asking Rhine to jump from the ledge then step on it -,- HAHAHA. Then Rhine asked CheeLiang to do! But, in the end, Rhine still stepped on it! :D
WE PLAYED PICK UP STICKS, WITH PASTA! :D hahahhaaaaaaaa, Coz Felicia dropped alot of them, so instead of throwing it away, we played pickupsticks :D (the 4 deskmates) :D:D:D very fun! I lost ): Coz, Steven got 8and a half, Felicia got 7. Me and Chrystal got 6. So we scissors, paper,stone, and i lost ): so i had to starjump 3 times when the whole cclass was watching the movie ): HAHAHA, I think we were getting very high over it lah! :D
We got our results? back?LOL, they nvr update one leyyyy, only tests 1 and 2. but like that good lah, :D Parents will think that haha, some of mysubjects okay? HHAAH, so dumb!
English, c5. Chinese, A1 -,- Math,D7, HAHAH, they shld put the commontest man D: ahaha, uhm, Geog and history both A1 also -,- damn dumb srsly,HAHAH ---
And, THANKYOU Chrystal Leandra Winata, Dad! HAHAH, for sending me home :D and i love your cookie monster! :D HAAHAHAH, 
Sigh, off to study, and do the PROBABILITY wooooorksheet! I think probability rocks can! :D