(!)Semi-hiatus. |
Sunday, November 30, 2008
5:39 AM
![]() Four Christmases! :D 21/11-Rhine's house. HAHA, i was walking home, then uh, i heard a loud thump?! (okay, heard someone's foot stomp on the ground damn loud) I thought it was some crazy old uncle stepping on an insect, TURNED OUT TO BE NIGEL, -,- HAHAA, SCARED ME LIKE SHIT LIKE SHIT LIKE SHIT LAH, followed by Steven and ThianHong! Then, they walked me to my house, AND WENT BACK, toooo much time alr lah, HAHAAA, Went to Rhine's house despite that i felt like fainting HAHAAA, but it was pretty cool lah. I love Don man! He told me dinosaur story! HAHA, and wants us to return to his house on the 31 to the 50 of November, NONE OF THE DATES EXSIT. HAHA (EH HOW TO SPELL EXSIT?!) Coz i didnt bring clothes i didnt went to swim. - Rhine:"Just come in lar, then be wet lah, then get sick only." Me:" Im alr sick -,-" OHOHOH VERY POWER, COZ RIGHT, WHEN I WENT TO RHINE'S HOUSE UH, NO FEVER, WHEN I CAME BACK THEN HAVE. UNTIL LIKE 1 WEEK PLUS? O.O HAHAHHAHAAHHAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA~ 22/11,23/11- Usual. SF-ed, go Aunt's house. Church. Tuition(sigh). I think? 24/11,25/11 I stayed at home ALL DAY, COZ I WAS SICK, STUPID NOT. 26/11- SINGOUT. HAHA, ST. GABRIEL'S/PRESBYTERIAN/HOLY INNOCENT'S LAST SINGOUT CONCERT ): SO SAD CAN ): Jaslyn! Cnt see that St. Gab. guy again, HAHAHAHAHAA, FUNNY FUNNY/. We Soup Spoon-ed, veryvery nice :D And got high and very full. :D 27/11- Bugis to Plaza Sing. Kennards Party. Went out with, Learning/Jocelyn/Kahbing/Valerie/Steven/Alvin! WATCHED FOUR CHRISTMASES. HAHAA.; Things wasn't going in Alvin's way man, sorry man, HAHAAAA, Ichiban sushi-ed! FOUR CHRISTMASES WAS V. NICE! :D :D Then mrt-ed and bus-ed to Kennard's house for his Birthday party, HAHA, NEWFRIEND- SUNSHINE. HAHAA,,A,,,,A,A,,A,A,A, 28/11-Trng/Bbq. HAHA, went to the Bbq at night. Was very fun. Water bombed, quite fun. HAHAAA, Aiya, the whole thing was fun lah :D (HAHA, SORRY NVR UPDATE ANY OF THE PICTURES, :D ) HAPPY (BELATED HAHA!) BIRTHDAY DEBORAHHHHHHHH (25NOV!) GREY WALLET UH! ANDAND, HAPPY BELATED BIRTHDAY KENNARD(27 NOV!) :D Thursday, November 20, 2008
6:26 AM
HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA, HELLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLO.YOU KNOW, WHAT~~~~~~~~ JUSTIN SURVIVED THE GREATEST JAPANESE GAME SHOW SUPER MAJIDE! :D :D :D HAHAHA, JUDGE BOB = MR SUNSHINE! HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA, FUNNY STUFF MANZZZZ. --- Okay, anyway! Today's the PSLE results day right! HAHAH, I got two cuzzies which took PSLE right, yah, then they got their results lor :D I shall not say it, hahahaaaaaaa. I remeber! My brother said i would fail PSLE, -,- in the end i got better than him, then he kept quiet, HAHAHAHAAA. ANDAND, after we got our results, my parents took me and Esther Teo to eat lunch, HAHAHA, SO FUNNY. OH YOU KNOW WHAT, MY BROTHER, MY BROTHER, MY BROTHER HORRRR, GOING TO DO THE, BUNGEE JUMP THINGY, THAT GMAX THING?! I DONT KNOW WHATS THAT CALLED LAH, WTHECK, HAHAHAA, OKAY. I FEEL EXCITED FOR HIM, BUT VERY SCARY SIAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA! HAHAHAHAAA. --- SIGHHHHHHHHH, tmr got training, sian or not, yes,yes,yes. But nevermind! After that going Rhine's house YAY, :D HAHAAHA, so can see Diligence again! HAHAHAAAAA. (SUPER CHRISTMAS-Y MOOOOOOD ALR, actually since January right?! HAHA,) Tuesday, November 18, 2008
4:58 AM
Okay, i shall update!(IR/J DESKMATE, I'M HERE TO POST THE PICS ALR, HAHAHAHAAA,) (13/11,CLASS BBQ) I met ThianHong and Alvin + supposedly Jocelyn(but she had to go Bedok find her mum and take cash, HAHA) so we 3 went to ecp together, ALVIN CLAIMED THAT I GOT THEM LOST LIKE SIAO OKAY, coz i, 1. Made us stop at the wrong stop, zzz. 2. Anyhow walk through Marine Cresent, And i had to call Rhine, Zann to ask them how to walk, (MY PHONE BIL ): ): ): ) ARGHHHHHH, STUPID ALVIN, ThianHong nvr complain okay! HAHAHHAHAHAHAA, yah lah, my fault lor,zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz. Stepped into Macs, finding Nigel, and he 'surprised' us, HAHA, EH, I, THINK, I, VERY, SMART, LEY, HAHAHA : Nigel:"Eh LeckQi, stand my left (or right?!)..." Me:"HUH, WHY! O.O" Nigel:"Aiyah just stand lah!" Me:"I don't want!" (runs around) Nigel:"Eh dont run lah! Stand faster~~" Me:"I dont wantttttttttt!" (Coz i was afriad that he would use his basketball and hit my head. haha, WHY NOT?! haha) *Nigel went to whisper smth to Alvin* Nigel:"Jusst stand lah, nothing one!" Me:"HUH I DONT WANT ><" Nigel:"AIYAH OKAY LAH, SEE MY SHIRT BEHIND." Me:"Okay" O.O SERIOUSLY O.O , coz his shirt had an arrow pointing to the left or right?! then got 'Im with her' HENG I TELL YOU, IF NOT THEY WILL SNAP A PICTURE, HAHAHA, but in the end during the bbq i kena, HAHAA, He wanted everyone okay, including guys, EXAMPLE,,, (okay cannot see the words, nvmind, ahhahaa) THEN, WE WENT CYCLINGGGGGGGGGGGGG.,,, Yes, cycling. Perhaps you should know, I can't cycle. So Jocelyn double biked me again! :D And i want to thank ShaoHong and Alvin for teaching me how to cycle all those! THANKYOU, HAHAAAAAAAAAAAA, Then there's the BBQ, which was fantasticccccccccccccccccccccccccc! :D Felicia's Bacon(s) were superduperly nice i tell you, HAHA, coz she's my IR/J deskmate! :D Hmmmmmmm, then we went cycling again, HAHAA, We talked about stuff which was so funny i tell you HAHAHHAA, (Okay,,,,,, we were laughing, HAHAAA) Back to BBQ, again! Yay, this time, the food was great and all those! :D Yay Two Diligence! Man, I love 2Diligence 08'! <3 Sigh, we're all gonna be seperateddddddddddddddddddddddd, next year, different classes, blahblah..... ------------------------- (Streaming Reeeeeeesults!) Okay, two sentences. I got into 3IT. Mixed feelings i guess. Wednesday, November 12, 2008
8:26 AM
I FORGOT! TO WISH, THEM,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,HAPPY BELATED BIRTHDAY ZHEYUAN AND ZANN! (8NOVEMBERRRRRRR!) :D :D :D ----------------------------------------++------------------------------------------ I wish today was last year's today, so I'll be in Venice..... again. Of all the places in Italy, yes, Venice. EuropeEuropeEurope, I miss Europe ): Italy and its history, Switzerland and its alps, Paris and its Eiffel Tower! I want to go back there damn it......... (OH YOU KNOW WHAT, I haven't post about the trip and the pics last year, Hahahaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa!) Well, I'll just wait :D ANYWAY- I haven't post for a long time (again) so,,,,,,, This weeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeek, 10/11 I stayed Grace's house the previous day, so came home at 1 plus. Couldn't go out coz i had Tuition,zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz. I love watching Surreal Gourmet & Take Home Chef! Discovery Travel and Living :D :D :D 11/11, Learning+Kahbing made my day(yay!). OKAY FULLSTOP :D HAHHAHAHA, KAY LAH KAY LAH, I SHALL ELABORATE. (EH HISTORY!) Met Kahbing at busstop, and i bought donuts. Treated Kahbing/Learning and her maid :D HAHAA, The joy of giving(CHRISTMAS! :D). Anyanyway, when we stepped into Learning's house, I laughed non-stop, till I teared, i dont know why?! Learning said i see mirror also laugh(her blog). LOL. Wii rocks lah comeon. HAHA, All the games we played rocks man. Learning played till very, VERY agreesive(EH HOW TO SPELL SIA). Yep, she was like smashing the tv, HAHAA. Audition and Maple-ed too, which was so funnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnny, (Aiyah, can see their blogs for more info?!.) HAHHAAAAA. Kahbing and Learning just made my day that day lah, HAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAAAAA, Coz they rock :D Hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm,today! Had piano + Training. Piano was okay. Training was.......... I dont know. Took same bus as Cheeliang, it was raining SUPERDUPERUBER FANTASTICALLY HEAVY ): ): ): Although i love the rain, but it rain on the wrong time lah. AHHAHAHAHAA. I think CheeLiang didn't want to get his shoes wet lar, and I didnt' want to walk in the rain :/ (Lightning+Thunder) So we took cab in school. HAHHA, 40CENTS ONLY LEY, ACTUALLY, MINUS THE 2.80 THING, HAHAHHAAAA. Training was okay lar, HAHA, THE WHOLE TEAM DID THE EXCERISE THINGY WITH YUANHUI, WOAH VERY FUNNY. VERYVERY FUNNY. (Eh YuanHui! I think okay what, quite fun you knowwwwwwwwwwwwwwww!) HAHAHHAA, Training was okay lah. And, yes, off-form. I hope it would not rain tomorrow! Class BBQ, and meeting quite a number of people to cycle in the afternoon! Please sky, dunte cry tomorrow okay! Dry your eyes by tomorrow, then make us happy okay! :D (TWO DILIGENCE :D) Tuesday, November 04, 2008
9:26 AM
HA.HA.HA.I haven't been posting for the, uhm, i don't know how many days :/ HAHA, im stuck with tv/outings/piano/tuition(YES TUITION)/trainings/... Its stupid having tuition during the hols damn it, but.... to kill time. Fine. zzzzzzzzzz. So from 24Oct till now was packed with (those mentioned aboved), very lazt to post the pics lah, so, Byebye! :D (Well, this is just to make it lively during the hols in my posts.) EH, WTHECK, I DUNTE KNOW WHAT IM SAYING LAR :D OHYAH, OHYAH,OHYAH! HAPPY (BELATED) BRITHDAY JERAMYN (28OCT) AND EGAN (29OCT)!!! Egan Channnnnn! We shall see each other next year uh! (Going back to KongHwa + Competitions (HAHA, FUNNY)) Aww man, i haven't post the pics all those for the last day of school yet! Another day kay! :D |
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